Baby its cold outside

So apparently there are some places in the midwest that are experiencing soul-numbing cold. I’ve been reading articles online about what to do if your car gets stuck, how to dress if you go outside, etc, etc. And, while these articles have some utility, here’s the short version of how to deal with life-threatening cold weather: Stay indoors.

That’s it.First rule of a disaster: Don’t be there. If it’s -25 outside with a windchill of -100, Don’t. Go. Outside.

There are no victims, just volunteers. You have plenty of food on hand, right? You have alternate heating solutions for your living space, right? And clearly you have the internet. So..why go outside? I suppose if you have to go to work there’s that. But, otherwise, why buy trouble?

Weather like this reminds me that it’s always a good time to repost these gems: Winter Vehicle Stuff I, II, III, IV, V

And as someone pointed out in those threads, a rubber mallet and a five-gallon-bucket from Home Depot, with lid, will do a perfect job protecting a sleeping bag in the back of your rig.

But, otherwise, if its life-threateningly cold in your AO….stay the heck at home. Thats what you bought a house for.

16 thoughts on “Baby its cold outside

  1. It’s currently -20 where I’m at and headed towards -32 by the end of the night. We’ve been mostly below -20 for the last 24 hours. Most everything that doesn’t have to be open is either closed or running on shortened daytime hours. Just got a text while I’m typing this saying not to come in tomorrow morning.

    Around here (West Central Wisconsin) schools and things tend to close down for a couple of days during the worst winter weather, so this is just a more extreme and extended version of SOP. People around here seem to be taking it pretty well.

  2. Well yeah it’s cold but not the historic cold the media monkeys are saying. 2014/2015 winter we had two weeks of night time low temps that were hitting -45’F and that was ambient air temperature not wind chill. The next winter was the same. We were hit with three waves of the Polar Vortex. But it’s winter after all.
    I have plenty of wood inside with more on the porch close to hand. I am near 65 and this is not my first rodeo. I was out yesterday. Had five layers over the core and insulated M65 Fishtail parka and matching combat field pants. So I was good. Went up town and never got cold. Common sense saves moire people than anything. And I have been here for my entire life. Lots of winters. So I know how to dress and not get myself in situations that can get sporty real fast. Stay warm all.

  3. I was at Costco today. The high was 15f. I saw 2 different guys wearing short pants. It’s crazy.

  4. It’s a built-in opportunity to get nekkid with the missus, if you ask me. Let’s see if there’s a mini baby-boom at the end of next September.

    • Just like the big power Blackout in 1968 I think it was. Saw an uptick in births nine months after.

  5. It’s in the low 20’s in S. AL but you’d think it was -20 with all the school closures and angst.

    Make sure at least one rifle is winter prepped for these conditions in case of zombie attack. You don’t want the freeze to extend to your weapon as well. In the old days, in very cold environments, we’d just leave the weapon outside the tent to avoid the freezing / defrost / freezing cycle.

    For those who may not have operated in extreme low temps, you need to prevent condensation from freezing your bolt and action shut. If it has to be brought in, strip it when warm and clean of any condensation. We just didn’t use any lube at all and reassembled dry. Some used extra thick lube but that can freeze too in such low temps. Pistols you keep warm in your parka.

    Best Regards

  6. It’s all relative I guess. 58 degrees here in Arizona right now and I’m freezing. Stupid polar vortex.

    • 58 is freezing? Jeez right now here we would be in heaven with plus 58. Last 2 nights in Milwaukee -23 and -24 below, not windchill, actual temps. Did my usual 2 mile 30 minutes walk no problems. Just bundled up and did it. Wasn’t even cold to my 63 year old body. Guess I’m used to this. You AZ dudes should be happy you don’t get this. Although I admit 110-115 in summer ain’t no picnic either.

      • After being in the desert heat for 50+ years, anything under 60 and I put a parka on. there are actually more deaths to heat than cold. In ’03 over 20,000 died in Europe due to a heat wave.

        We do get in the 30’s and 20’s sometimes at night. Throw an old cut up oak pallet into the wood stove and stay toasty warm.

  7. Please, for the safety of my fellow brother and sister First Responders, stay indoors. I’m not in those areas but it’s still breathtakingly cold out there and we would rather not be out in it rescuing those who have no business being outside.

    Personally if you were doing something very dumb and my truck had to come get you, I’d cut ALL your clothes off to make sure you have no secondary injuries, just to be sure and following SOPs.

    Stay indoors. Stay warm.

  8. On a tangent from Be Prepared’s comment, Mad Props to the Road Commission/DOT plow/salt/sand truck operators. These folks are out at the butt crack of pre-dawn, working late, when all the rest of us (with a minimum of sense) are snuggled warm and toasty in our little beds.

    As an old fire medic, gotta respect folks who know, and honor, DUTY.

    • Those guys also get paid pretty darn well. Not saying that they don’t earn it… just that it isn’t quite like they’re out shoveling their elderly neighbor’s driveway out of the goodness of their hearts or anything.

  9. I grew up in the burbs of Chicago, after spending the 1st 14 years on the IH Farm we moved into town so I could attend school, I remember many days well below zero, some reaching down around -28 or so. We went outside and played in the snow, and yes we walked to school, over a mile, but no it wasn’t uphill each way. OK so we were kids, you know the ones, those little adults, made of rubber with not a whole lot going on upstairs….. Learned how to drive stick shifts in the snow too, without all the melty crap spread over everything. But we made it through. Never did seem like a big deal. still doesn’t!

  10. Pfft. I work in the Arctic. These folks need to come with me…When it’s -50* outside with the windchill driving below -80* and you have to pour antifreeze down the shower drain to keep it flowing, then you can say it’s cold.

    • BTDT.

      Artic hacks:
      The extension cords coiled up like lariats on the sideview mirrors of ones vehicles.

      Arctic entryways.

      Pack boots and Air Force muks.

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