I’m not driving in that

So it’s about -2 outside, which is bad enough but the wind is insane. And the roads are slicker than Mikhail Baryshnikov at a Wesson oil party. No real reason to risk limb and lira out there on the roads. BUT….I’m trying to clean my kitchen and while I have plenty of fuel for the flamethrower I am out of dish soap. So…do I risk losing momentum and halting my kitchen cleaning? Or do I go driving on the frigid skating rink and risk everything for a $6 bottle of Dawn? Well, neither…

One simply trots down to the basement, peruses the shelves, and finds a half dozen jugs of the stuff sitting patiently on the shelf.

In this particular case, about eight years ago I tucked this guy away in case I needed it. And that foresight is keeping me from skidding through intersections and into traffic this very evening.

The point? Well, we stockpile things against that uncertain future when the zombies rise or the economy crashes. But those same preps have a happy way of coming in handy at opportune moments. In this case, I can completely eliminate the risk of heading to CostCo on a freezing, icy, winter day.

Because this stuff is one of the things I stocked up on (mostly for economic reasons), I can wait until the weather is nicer before I have to go up there and replace it. Sure, stocking the usual guns & freeze-drieds is important, but stockpiling the incredibly mundane day-to-day stuff pays off too.

I have literally not left the house all weekend and I can be perfectly content, fed, warm, clothed, entertained, and secure without exposing myself to ‘The Vortex’. Prior planning pays off, people.

ETA: Since I’m cleaning my kitchen, and scrubbing the floors for the first time in…well…ever. I decided to resort to some…force multipliers. Check out this BAMF:

Man is a tool-using animal, baby. And this tool was AWESOME. My bathtub is so smooth and clean now that I might actually slip in the tub now. And this sucker did some major work on my kitchen floor. Recommend.

8 thoughts on “I’m not driving in that

  1. I’ve also run into several “I ain’t going out there” situations this winter, so I don’t blame you for staying home and I’m glad you had a plan b. Of all the things to risk oneself over, smashing up a vehicle in an attempt to get dish soap really is silly.

  2. We keep stocks of just about anything we use too. I don’t want to drive 32 miles to town and back for a package of TP.

  3. Where did you get that drill mounted nylon brush? I need the same for my bathroom deep cleaning.

  4. RE: the Drillbrush: that looks kinda cheesy or stupid, but if it works, sure!

    Personally, I’d slap it in an extension (I have a 12″ impact rated bit extension) to keep the cleaning schmoo away from the driver.

  5. Ohhhh. I’ve also probably forgotten about 100 items – or more -… Probably more…


  6. That drill scrubber is awesome! For us, even when the weather is nice it’s a 75 minutes round trip to a big box store, so having a healthy supply on hand just makes good economical sense period. Much less icky stuff hitting the fan sense. Thanks always for sharing!

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