Bennjamin Franklin is one of my favorite Founding Fathers, but…Benny, Benny, Benny. SMH. Daylight Saving Time? Really?

How do those savages in Arizona deal with the chaos of not having … wait..what? They’re doing just fine? So why the hell am I running around the house screwing with my clocks?

14 thoughts on “DST FML

  1. You are running around screwing with your clocks because some gummint asshat told you you had to. You know, to be civil and socially acceptable and all that hogwash. Setting clocks ahead and back is simply stupid, on any given day you are only going to get a certain amount of daylight, the rest of the time it will be, well, night. What the clock says is irrelevant. Only reason to keep up on it is cause the babbling idiots start their idiot warbling on the TV…. And that boys & girls, is the worst invention ever……..
    I get up when it’s light and go to sleep when I can’t keep mum eye sockets open any longer. Don’t matter what the clock says…. but thats just me..

  2. For the second time in two legislative sessions the Michigan House is considering a bill that would end this here. W never did this when I was a kid. Although from what I have read it was actually used during both world wars. To save energy. Yeah, whatever. Then it was resurrected during the Arab Oil Embargo in the early seventies. Nobody likes it. Some have been trying to get rid of it. Hopefully Michigan will lead the way by getting rid of this much maligned practice.

  3. Us Arizonans have all the daylight we can ever want, no need to play with clocks to ‘get’ more. 🙂

  4. The way I heard it was a Cherokee elder said white men were stupid. They cut off one end of their blanket and then just sewn it back on the other end.

    While I don’t outright hate DST I do wish they’d just pick a time and stick with it. Although I’d like that time to be set to the hours DST lives in. I like it still being light out until 8PM or so.

    Only had two clocks to deal with. The one in my vehicle and the one on my dresser. Everything else is computerized and knows when to change.

  5. I’m a wrist watch collector. Time changes are relatively painless even with many time pieces. It is the DATE changes from 31 to 30 that are a real pain. Not to mention February.
    Loved the video

  6. So just what did the ancients do about this problem. Exactly what is the procedure for Springing ahead or falling back with your wrist-sundial?

  7. TN also has current legislation up for consideration to either do away with it or make it permanent. I really don’t care which, just FN pick one and stay with it.

  8. DST was made when people actually used daylight as a main lighting source. Now businesses and homes use ceiling lights at all times as long as people are present and most buildings are designed without windows. Daylight savings time is usless to the culture we have developed.

  9. How do the people in Arizona know when to change the batteries in their smoke detectors?

    The NH State House just passed a bill to change to the Atlantic Time Zone effectively ending the Daylight Saving change.

    • SNowbirds. When the old people arrive in the fall, and when they depart in the spring.

  10. Commander:
    Britain is also suffering from this stupid idea.
    It might have been useful for agriculture during the war, but has no advantages now.
    It seems our Parliament is too lazy to put it right!

  11. Fuckin’ brilliant.

    DST is a ridiculous anachronism that continues to exist for no rational reason. I worked “outdoor” / “rural” jobs in non-DST Arizona for years and not once was there any linkage between the time shown on a clock and my ability to do my job. Criminal broke into your garage? Just the same at 2100 as at 2200. Rolled your car on a curve at 2137? You’d’ve done the same at 2037 or 2237.

    A pointless waste of time that even farmers don’t support. Another stupid social-engineering legacy of the Democrat Party that should have been dragged out back of the barn and beaten to death with a shovel. With or without artificial illumination. King Canute should have made this clear in the 11th century but “progressives” are too smart to pay any attention to history…

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