Missoula gun show

Oh, it’s bloody hot.

This weekend is the Missoula Gun Show which is, as I understand it, the oldest and largest gun show int he state. And it happens darn near in my backyard. Or, at least, it used to. This year, for the first time since I’ve been attending it (30 years), they have changed the venue. Why? Mmmm. Not sure. I’ve heard two competing rumours and both probably have some merit. The first is that our illustrious alcoholic, obese, philandering, statist mayor’s (“The Biggest Boozer”) pet project – a “no private gun sales w/o background check” law – would make the gun show impossible and the University, who hosts the show, didn’t want to get caught up in that potentially legal morass. The other rumour I heard was something about the University charging exorbitant fees for air conditioning. The reality? Who knows? Maybe both. Eithe way, it’s going to be at the Hilton Garden Inn up on Reserve St.

I keep saying Im going to try not to spend money at these things and every bloody time I wind up ….spending money.

And, of course, the gun show is an opportunity to catch up and visit with people I almost never see except at these sorts of things…so thats pretty cool.

Speaking of cool, when the end of the world gets here I a going to have a heck of a time putting up with summer heat without an air conditioner.

3 thoughts on “Missoula gun show

  1. It’s true dude. I’m at the foothills of the Appalachian mountains right now in a cabin powered only by a generator just so I can run a small ac unit….. I did get to shooty ruger mpr a little more today though…. Great rifle ….. The whole area cooled off a bunch after a flash flood of rain.
    It’s August and my seasonal wet weather spring is still producing a little water so it’s worth all the mud slingin to get there ….. Ruger really needs to make a glock killer imho… Something to really last as long as the p95 was made. I love my sr9 ….. Stupid to change them up all the time I think …. Keep it all up dude ….. The end is near …. Thanks again

  2. Is Montana a dry heat or humid heat ? Because along the Gulf Coast, summer is like wearing a dirty wet towel wrapped around your body in 100 degree temperature. Hiking in the wild will kick your ass and if you don’t have hydration, you are in a world of hurt.

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