18 thoughts on “Flame on

  1. “The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, ‘You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.” -George Carlin

    Now I wanna get some brats…

    • “So he went to his friend who was ‘good with tools’ and told him about his idea. His friend came back a month later and said “Hey! What a concept, FFFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFF!”

  2. Does an interested buyer need to go through an FFL do procure one, or can it be bought online and delivered to my door?

    Asking for a friend.

  3. Damn it, man. Now I’ll need to keep eating red beans & rice til I’m stone cold in the grave.

    It’ll be worth it, though.

  4. IT’S NOT A FIREARM !!! It is just a driveway De-Icer?!?
    i dont need a permit for a driveway de-icer? right?

  5. I want one, or three…. can I have it pretty please huh, huh, huh, can I can I can I…. ohhhh … now thats what I cal a BBQ lighter, for uh, the nice folks over in the next county…. FFL’s need not apply……
    I could even set my brush piles afire, from the couch, no need to go out inna cold assed snow…..

    • On what do you base this? What I read says that they are banned only if their range exceeds 10 ft.

      • Maybe I missed the fact that flame was less than 10 feet in the video!!! Nope, I didn’t, the XL18 has a range of 110 feet according to there website.

        “The California Health and Welfare Codes 12750-12761, Flamethrowing Devices clearly makes it a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in jail or a up to a $10,000 fine for toting one around that shoots flames more than 10 feet without a permit. Those can be had from the State Fire Marshal.”

        • The website specifies that they sell a nozzle for the flamethrower to reduce it’s range to make it California legal.

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