The Pandemic meme post


(S x R)/(A x B x C)  = Theoretical days worth of TP

S = sheets per roll
R = Rolls available

A = Average number of bathroom trips, per day, requiring TP
B = # of sheets needed per use (how many sheets each time you wipe)
C= # of uses per bathroom trip (how many times you wipe per bathroom trip)

Excel says I have 1912.5 days worth of TP. Thats about five years.
Thats per person. If you are calculating for a household, do the same math but divide final result by (# of Gyno-Americans in household x 3).

13 thoughts on “The Pandemic meme post

    • I figure I wont need more than five years worth since in that length of time I can either learn to install a bidet or a colostomy.

  1. The reason TP is in such demand, is because every time someone sneezes— 10 people sh&! their pants

    • he mentioned his wife a couple weeks ago and i knew she passed when this weeks post was the cloud angel…he’s one hell of a man…i wish him peace and and comfort…

  2. giant swiss chard, grows fast. if you in the wooded area, broad-leaf balsam root. if you hunkered down, get the phone book. unreal.

  3. I think Ol Remus’ wife died
    He said something about that the other day
    Sorry for your loss
    RIP ms Remus

  4. Yep .. thanks Dan and Tanto. Sad news for sure. Sorry for your loss Ol’Remus if you happen by here.

  5. Went to a gun show yesterday. One vendor offered a free roll of TP with every rifle purchased.

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