
Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Every morning is the same for the Zero – get up, turn on the TV, check all stations for ’special reports’, turn off TV, get dressed. Fairly routine.

Leading a dual life isnt as easy as I thought it would be. That isnt to say that being Commander Zero and being Joe SomewhatAverage are exclusive, its just that some parts of it are easier to manage. Basically, I dont mind *you* knowing that I’m Commander Zero, its my neighbors and certain friends I have a problem knowing about it. Why? Well, how would you feel if you looked out your window and saw your neighbor shuttling cases of ammo and MRE’s into his house from a pickup truck full of the things? Sets off a few bells, don’t it? When the power goes out or the looting starts guys like us are ‘wow, Im glad youre here’ but during normal times we’re ‘he’s one of those surivival freaks’.

On the other hand, there isnt much in my normal life Im low-key about anyway. But, for some reason, theres such a perjorative association with the term ’survivalism’ (which is why I prefer the term ‘preparedness’) that its always a reluctant thing to let others know about it.

So, out of curiousity, how many people know about how heavily Commander Zero is prepared for..whatever? Uhm…locally, maybe 4. And three of those are LMI’s.

I dont mind sharing all this with the relatively anonymous audience that the internet provides…thats why I can have LJ, the website, etc, and not feel that Im giving away secrets. Of course, I should probably remove some of the evidence from my living room so that the casual visitor doesnt suspect anything..right now my shelves read like a library of survivalist books and theres all sorts of related materials laying around…..