Thought for the day

Every so often you read about people who let their dogs run loose and those dogs start terrorizing neighborhoods and chasing down deer. These are, for the most part, “good dogs” who, once they start hanging out in groups, tend to let the pack mentality make them do things they otherwise would not. I suspect rioters are the same way. Put twenty college kids, who would normally shrink from violence, into a group and watch them egg each other on to things that they never woulda had the cajones to do on their own.

Thats why any group of people is more dangerous than a single person. Not because of the numbers, but because with others encouraging or ‘backing him up’ someone is more likely to behave in a manner that they would not have before. A rioting mob is an example of the ‘herd’ mentality at its worst.  A person is smart, people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals…and you know it.

I’d be curious to see if the election, regardless of how it turns out, convinces a lot of otherwise peaceful people to be less-than-peaceful because ‘everyone is with me on this’.

I expect plywood sales to explode in early November.

16 thoughts on “Thought for the day

  1. This is one of your better posts. Seeing what’s going on north and south of the border makes me glad I got the hell out of the big city and took up a rural lifestyle.

    As for “I expect plywood sales to explode in early November” you may be more right than you know. Right now, because of COVID-19, there are shortages of lumber. Around here (South Ontario) that’s meant the average new home price is up between $10,000 and $20,000 so if you think you will need it, get it now.

  2. And yet the violence is pretty one-sided. They’re at war with paper-dragons, conjured from the “dark-side” fantasies of Star Wars & the like. Apocryphal ‘white supremacists’ lurking in the shadows everywhere.

    Like all good bolsheviks, where they can’t find an enemy, they just make one up out of whole cloth. Fortunately, these extremist Jacobin philosophies tend to turn inward and eat themselves, as we’re seeing now.

    We should adhere to Sun Tsu’s maxim: never interrupt your adversary when he’s fucking-up royally.

  3. I’ve been in the Oval Office and lobbied on Capitol Hill with long time players that knew the game. Their take on things: They’re all crooks, now do you want your crooks in there or the other side’s crooks in there?

  4. I always loved that quote from MIB1.

    The other one i really like was “1500 years ago, everybody KNEW that the earth was the center of the universe. 500 years ago, everybody KNEW” that the earth was flat. And 15 minutes ago, you KNEW that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you’ll KNOW tomorrow.” I was born WAY too early.

  5. Commander:
    I fear you are right about the election.
    Because Biden WILL be elected come November.
    Not because people love him.
    Not not because they love his policies.
    Because they are scared of the Egomaniac loose-cannon you have in the White House.
    DJT promised everything to everyone, knowing that he couldn’t deliver any of it.
    He now tells group A that horrible group B are stopping him, and tells group B that horrible group A are stopping him.
    Can Politics be put right without lamp posts and rope?
    I doubt it…

    • If Biden wins the Marxist s will go for broke, because he has advanced dementia but they can’t 25th him for a while, and so like a ship without a rudder, the ink the Bismark, that will be the time to strike

    • Wow, typical radical leftist rhetoric!! Blame the guy, who has only been President for less than four years, for all that has been wrong in DC for the last 50 plus years. However, Biden who has 40 plus years in the DC swamp, that you just ignore and give a pass on because he’s your guy. Your Hate for Trump and the rest of us deplorables is showing. I remember when the Nazis blame the Jews for all the ill of Germany too!!!

      • Hi 3rdMan
        I like to think I am a Right-minded God-fearing man, but I have NEVER been a leftist!
        DJT is a prime example of what happens when the evil quote scripture.
        He has done more harm to the American Right than Jane Fonda ever could…
        Look at the actions –
        Not the words.

        God Bless

        • The Lord calls us to forgive not 7 times but 77 times. I can forgive DJT for his past transgressions, can you, because he once supported abortion, now he’s pro-life? Really more harm than Jane Fonda!! You can think yourself as a Right-minded God-fearing man, but you actions and support of people that promote the killing of babies in the womb and the destruction of the family speaks loudly!!! You support evil deeds while point your finger at DJT!!

          • Guys, I’m usually an ‘anything goes’ type when it comes to comments but, as I’ve stated several times in the past, we keep the profanity and the religion to a minimum around here.

  6. There is, indeed, the “herd mentality” in which mass emotion rules everything. I do not doubt that, when such effect becomes applicable to Our Side, we’ll see similar actions to what we’re seeing now from the opposition.

    Then, there’s the quiet, unassuming Lone Wolf, the stereotypical “Larry from Accounting” person, who has encyclopaedic knowledge of subsonic ballistics, and 300 meter zeroes to the tenth of an inch. “Larry” will be at work every day, wearing his regular short sleeve white shirt and skinny black necktie, but he’ll probably yawn a bit more then usual and drink more coffee because he was up late the night before, and The Other Side was occupying his time and attention.

  7. Good article, except for “dogs. . .chasing down deer.” You’ve evidently never seen a dog attempt to chase a deer. Deer can keep up a 40 MPH speed for MILES. Any dog with two functioning brain cells gets tired of that game in about a hundred feet when they can’t even SEE the deer any more.

    • Wolfs who are canines by the way don’t seem to have any problems running down deer. A pack a feral dogs wouldn’t either. Dogs used in hunting don’t just rely on their visual sense, they also use their sense of smell in tracking pray. So, your overall statement is flawed!!

  8. Tractor guy,
    That is so wrong.
    Talk to deer hunters who use dogs.
    They will tell you why they use tracking collars to find dogs because they chase so far!

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