
Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Christmas rolls around, and what, may you ask, did the Zero get? Well, for starters I got a really cool 3-point tactical sling for my AR. I also got a very handy small Schrade folder that clips to my backpack strap. And a couple books, including “Where There Is No Dentist”. Lemme tell ya, fellow bunkerdwellers, some people just know the perfect gifts when they see ‘em.

I’ve been busy with my non-Zero life so I havent been doing much lately. Interestingly, there have been several things of note going on….lets review:

Saddam Hussein capture:
At least Hitler had enough class to take his own life. This guy had bunkers and palaces all over the place and all he can come up with was a hole in the ground? Where were the anti-personnel mines? The fanatical followers? The guy has the whole Iraqi treasury at his disposal maybe he coulda learned how to fly a plane and get his ass outta Iraq? (Sure, where would he go with a $30million price on him….)

The Flu:
It isnt Captain Trips, but its making news. I keep disinfectant soap (”Dial”) in the bunker and make it a point to wash my hands frequently during these times. Conspiracy theory fodder: its a govt made bug designed to scare people into getting ‘flu shots’ that are not really flu shots at all but something else.

Reports of terrorist threats:
This again? Department of Fatherland security should just come out with a form letter to save time – “We have (confirmed/unconfirmed/anonymous) reports that (suicide bombers/terrorists/Al-Qaeda operatives) will strike (NYC/Washington/US interests abroad) sometime during the next (week/month) to coincide with the (holiday/Christmas/election/Independence day) celebrations”. Yeah, yeah, yeah…Ive heard it before, Tom.

Sometimes its hard to know who to root for these days. Oh, wait, no its not..I root for me.