
Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

I’ve been slacking off in my duties as Cmdr. 0 lately. Sometimes its tough to be motivated… when the power is on and theres food in the fridge and the sheeple are quietly doing their own thing it is difficult to stay focussed on preparing for Der Tag. I mean, I can spend $7 and pick up a couple DVD’s and a frozen pizza or I can spend three hours cleaning and refueling stoves, lanterns and heaters…mmmm…tough choice.

But, this sort of thing *isnt* supposed to be easy..or cheap. If it were, there wouldnt be sheeple and there wouldnt be LMI’s.

Maybe thats what I need…spend some time with the LMI’s chatting about gear and scenarios. Thats usually a good motivator. (So is watching ‘Red Dawn’ or re-reading ‘Patriots: Survivng The Collapse’ or even ‘Atlas Shrugged’. Maybe watch some LA Riots footage or something…)

Its early enough in the year that I should make some resolutions. So be it. Resolved: Everyday I will do at least one thing towards adding to the security, safety, well-being and liberty of me, mine and the LMI’s. Be it reading a TM or FM, buying food, organizing stockpiles, loading ammo, learning a new skill, or making plans.

All those in favor? The ‘ayes’ have it.

New “HQ/Sportsman’s Guide” catalog arrived today. Some goodies in there. Perusing the catalog won’t count as my Zero Deed For The Day, but I’m sure theres no shortage of things to do. As an aside, theres some seriously nice gear in the catalog. I love Swiss milsurp…quality, quality, quality.

In other news, I received a really, really slick apple corer/peeler in the mail today. This thing cores, peels and then spirally slices an apple all in about thirty seconds. A real jewel. A quick slice with a knife and I have perfectly uniform thickness apple rings that are gonna go great in the food dehydrator. (Because part of being Cmdr. 0 means having frou-frou kitchen gadgets and knowing how to use them.)