Big and Small EOTWAWKI

Another day in the happy little melting pot that is America. I recall reading Chittum’s “Civil War II The Coming Breakup of America” years and years ago where he predicted that a Balkanization would take place in the US along racial lines. I’m not sure I see that, although you could argue it has already happened de facto. I could see more of a political Balkanization but, in retrospect, we kind of already have that now don’t we? Look at those colored election maps that come out every four years and the same predictable areas are the same predictable colors. *

By accident or design, I managed to land in a place that pretty much aligns with my own ideals (or, perhaps, I landed here and it re-aligned my ideals to suit it). I don’t necessarily fit in with 100% of the prevailing beliefs here (I’m more of a Goldwater conservative rather than the classic conservative) but, thus far, one of the prevailing beliefs here is that as long as youre not screwing around with your neighbor’s stuff you can pretty much believe whatever the heck you want. That works for me.

So although the social issues seem to be getting to the fore these days, I’m still focused on the economic. And, really, these social issues are going to impact the economic numbers just as hard as the superflu. Whether a business is shut down for Covid or BLM it’s still a business making no money and not paying it’s bills. The bottom line is still the same: economic loss.

Since my apocalypse du jour is economic, I tend to lean towards the stockpile “food and cash-like instruments” end of the spectrum. Sure, there’s ammo in there as well but I’m planning for Great Depression II: The Next Generation, not Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo. Although, honestly, the only difference between preparing for one instead of the other is quantity.

And, not to beat a deceased equine, my experience has been that there’s going to be a lot of small, personal, intimate EOTWAWKI’s in your life (job loss, car problems, health scares, housing issues, loved ones in trouble, etc.) before the Big One and nine times out of ten money turns out to be the duct tape that puts your life back together. So…no debt, wad of cash. For whatever that doesnt fix we have our other preps.

I suppose if you live in a major urban population center, or a state that is home to several of them, your concerns are probably (and justifiably) more centered around the …social disturbances…going on at the moment. By all means, keep a wary eye on the crowds and don’t stray far from your favorite thundertoy….but don’t forget that race riots and firebombers occur far, far, far less frequently than pink slips, busted transmissions, sick dogs, and broken water heaters.

Statistically, this is going to happen more times in your life than a zombie apocalypse.

Prepare for the day the Antifa crowd in their black sweatshirts are marching down the street swinging pieces of pipe. It’ll happen at some point, I’m sure. But don’t get so caught up in the possibility of it happening that you ignore the higher probability of those small EOTWWAWKI’s.


* = Chittum is viewed, by many, as a racist. But whether he is or not, doesn’t change the validity (or invalidity) of his predictions. If a racist tells you to get off the tracks because a train is coming, the fact he is a racist (or a communist, or a Muslim, or a homosexual, or a Democrat) does not change the objective fact that, indeed, a train is coming and you need to get your butt off the tracks.


21 thoughts on “Big and Small EOTWAWKI

  1. I read part of that book online years back. It made decent points for sure. However, if memory serves me right, he written some anti gun cap in there about guns being dangerous, etc. Also not having guns in the home as well.

  2. OTOH, nowadays anything philosophically to the right of Pol Pot is racist.

    So, personally, unless the speaker is advocating trains &camps, or killing millions of black babies, I tend to take “the boy who cried racist” view of those accusations.

    Besides, when I read it, didn’t seem racist to me. Simply cold eyed realistic.

    So, I suppose, nowadays THAT is “wayciss!”

  3. as always a great post commander. I have been a lurker for some time now. but I just wanted to drop a post saying how much I like your articles . this is the best site on the web, thank you!!

  4. That wad of cash is going to have to be bigger and they’re going to have to come out with higher denominated ones again because the USD is tottering and IMO won’t last out the decade (or even close) as a store of value (let alone the global reserve currency). Might want to diversify some USD assets (not just “gold, silver. brass, and lead” as so often quoted) into a basket of foreign currencies – Swiss Franc, Cable, Yen, even Loonies – a solid 10K wouldn’t be a bad idea (physically held of course). Notice I left the Euro off my list. It’s going before the USD.


    • Or other goods which can be shipped overseas which retain its value, regardless of what occurs with money. I’ve noticed knives are sold nearly everywhere and are collected by many.

      Ask the persons with wads of Confederate script how that worked for them.

    • I believe you are correct: By most metrics, the FRB’s rapid inflation of their balance sheet through the purchase of everything under the sun, has already debased the currency by 25 – 30%. However, I caution against using other foreign currencies as a prospective hedge. Everyone and their brother has been deficit spending to the extent that the sovereign debt crisis is truly global. Many economists believe the only path out is through inflation . If that is the case, things will tend to hold their value more than fiat currencies. But, be wary of things that can be readily assessed and taxed by Uncle Sugar. My 2 cents…

      • Your point on accumulating useful “things” is something I’ve always pushed, get everything now that you will need and can’t get in the future. Stockpile it, most won’t be hurt with long term storage. I do my best to convert most of my paper every month into real assets of all types.

        However, having said that, paper still has a place and a lot of problems can be solved with having a good stash of it. Foreign currency reserves can be held in anticipation of the Weimarization of the USD and, like PMs, can serve as another store of value.

        Just because the U.S. is committing national and cultural suicide doesn’t mean all countries will. Their paper will keep some value vs the USD and can then be converted into whatever is serving as our (new) currency at a favorable rate. It would be the first thing I would use vs PMs. Those should be last resort assets IMO.


    • The problem with a basket of currencies is getting it right when you pick. All and I mean all world currencies are pegged to the U.S. dollar. All foreign currencies are only as strong as the amount of U.S. dollars they hold in their central banks. No, you want a diversity of cash revenue sources that can survive inflation. Wealth comes from assets that generate revenue, not simply having cash on hand. Cash on hand will eventually run out if there is no replacement source.

      • Good points but the problem is going to be holding on to those cash generating assets when there is no longer the will to enforce laws or to even try to deter certain segments of society from seizing them without restitution. As you know, this is already occurring and will only get worse. The answer of course, would be your own armed group (platoon sized) but without it, it would be tough to defend such things by yourself or with just 1 or 2 others.

        I think the most stable foreign currencies in a crisis will be those of fairly homogenous countries or with reasonably well run governments – Norway, Switzerland (they DO have some problems too), The Deutschmark when it is reintroduced after the demise of the Euro, notwithstanding their Islamic problem, Japan etc. Chinese Offshore Yuan is trash – totally pegged to the Dollar.



        • Resources and the means to protect it. The age old challenge between those who have and those who don’t! It will come down to brute force and who is will to be more brutal I guess. Norway and Switzerland depends on foreign trade for food and other important resources. Loss of that and their money will become just as worthless.

          • Perhaps, but Norway and Helvitia have major tangible assets – natural resources and a very homogeneous population on the part of Norway and major financial institutions with fingers reaching across the globe and the “Gnomes of Zurich” control a very large chunk of the world’s gold – going for them. As well as a long history of impoverishment and making do with very little. I think they’ll survive


    • While familiar with many of the aspects in the video, his presentation was really very nicely done for the general public. Thx for the link – hadn’t seen that one yet.

  5. About the water heater: BTDT, more than once, and can do it again if I have to. Reinforcing once again, that prepping isn’t so much about “stuff” as it is about what’s between your ears. Cody Lundin teaches that the more skills you have, the less stuff you need.
    So yeah, food and “cash-like instruments”; precious metals like lead, copper, and brass. While a stash of fiat currency is more helpful than not, there could come a time when it’s only good for starting a fire. So I want to convert more of my fiat currency into those cash-like instruments.
    Thanks CZ for the always thoughtful posts.

  6. Civil War 2 The Coming Breakup of America (Thomas Chittum) is available on Kindle.

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