22 thoughts on “Humour – Home automation

  1. Damn man that was funny and cool. EMP would wipe that out quickly but for anything less yeah!

  2. I don’t trust ‘Alexa’ to look out for my best interests – I certainly would not want her to know where any guns I may or may not have are located. I’ve heard she can be convinced to rat people out for fresh batteries 🙂

  3. Cool.
    Until Jeff Bezos decides you don’t need access to those guns.
    Then what? I’m a firm believer in the KISS principle.

  4. Not sure id be asking alexa for my guns, hell I don’t even leave the one I have plugged in unless I’m using it to listen to the radio. Yes. I know. I’m “paranoid” my wife reminds me every single day

    • Your not paranoid! Once my daughter farted, it was nasty smelling, as my wife and I were commenting on it I saw movement out the corner of my eye. Looked for the movement and saw Alexa was on recording us. My daughters name does begin with a A. But we’re never said any of the key words to activate it. Went and looked up the recordings and our whole conversation was there. Unplugged it immediately!

    • I’m not, nor ever have been any kind of expert in cyber security so I don’t know how or if it can be done but if Alexia can be firewalled against snooping from the outside world this would be an awesome piece of furniture to have. 👍

    • I bought an Amazon Fire Stick for my TV, and used needle nose pliers to remove the listening device from the remote.

  5. If you realy needed a gun you would be dead by the time it opened. Alexa call the Coroner!!

  6. Peter, how can I remove the firestick’s microphone like you did? Or will a drop of superglue in the hole work too?

    • There are Firestick-compatible remotes for sale that do not have a microphone. Superglue might work — try it and then see if it responds to shouted orders? Would probably make it difficult to disassemble afterwards, if it did not work.

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