The dream is always the same

A masochist is what I am. I know that eating anything spicy before bed is going to give me weird dreams and, like an undisciplined idiot, I do it anyway.

First dream was me getting into some sort of car wreck, which, in the dream, I had a moment of lucidity and realized ‘hey, maybe this is just a dream’ and forced myself to wake up. Looked at the clock – 2:25am. Gonna be a long night.

Next up…I’m at the shop, its dusk, and I’m standing in the parking lot loading a vehicle. Suddenly everything dies. The person helping me looks around and says “EMP”. We hustle down to the basement and there’s a television that’s still working. All the channels are showing the same emergency message about a nuclear detonation. All I can think is that I need to get back to my house and that I’m glad I had stocked up heavily early this year…but is it enough? Unlike many dreams I have like this, this one actually induced a feeling of fear and realism that I don’t normally get in these dreams. All in all, not a pleasant dream.

You know how when you cut off the head of a chicken the body runs around for a while or flops all over the place? The reasoning is that by detaching the brain, all those reflexes, muscles, and responses are now uncontrolled and they can suddenly run loose. I think dreams are like that….when your conscious mind goes to sleep there’s nothing to regulate the rest of your brain and you wind up with dreams about whatever you’ve been processing lately. But, I also think that dreams are the result of numerous minute observations and inputs we receive but unconsciously ignore during the day. Thats where that ‘sixth sense’ comes from… that feeling that something is awry. You unconsciously notice little details about things and your brain puts them together without you even being aware of it. Some of that goes into your dreams.

Anyway, I’m open-minded enough to think that perhaps my brain picked up some details about the world around me and thinks they might point to something like that. So…make sure everything is in place, just in case.

This post brought to you by chicken and Spanish rice with salsa at 10:30pm.

24 thoughts on “The dream is always the same

  1. “But, I also think that dreams are the result of numerous minute observations and inputs we receive but unconsciously ignore during the day. Thats where that ‘sixth sense’ comes from… that feeling that something is awry. You unconsciously notice little details about things and your brain puts them together without you even being aware of it. Some of that goes into your dreams.“

    Very well put! Agree with this! We humans tend to think we are above “instincts”. Instinct, premonition, or gut feeling — call it what you will. It does no harm to heed a possible warning.

    That said, sometimes it’s just that this is where your brain lives so your subconscious interprets those little observations and informational tidbits in a way that “fits” your life.

    If only such “warnings” were clear and contained a date!

    Semper Paratus — Always Prepared — A good goal, but life is complicated.

    A suggestion: Consider updating vaccinations. An EMP hits and old diseases will recur. The US has had Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Diptheria, Leptospirosis —not sure available , and a number of other outbreaks. I am NOT a medical person, merely a student of history. This is not to be construed as medical advice. Consult your personal physician. All vaccinations carry risk.

  2. Lucid Dreaming. If youve done it, you understand.

    Next time you find your self realizing that your dreaming, transport yourself into the middle of a antifa riot and start loping off cocksuckers heads. Very stress relieving.

    • Okay, so if I suddenly realize I can do lucid dreaming I should go thump hippies when I could be having Jennifer Lawrence and her two identical sisters play Swedish tag team?

  3. Sigh, I too have awoken to EMP dreams lately. Thus I made it a point to do a weekend power OFF to see what weak points my preps had. Amazon got some business come Monday morning after that. Then did a 24 hour power off as my beloved wife wasn’t willing to do another weekend with out power. Man’s gotta know his limitations you know :-).

    I expect an EMP as part of the Democratic temper tantrum building up to the already contested Presidential Election. False Flag most likely as War against some “Small” Nation has always been good for America (until NOW).

    So what is the plan after the lights go out folks? Mine is to go dark until the smoke clears as being the only lights around attracts pests, Dangerous Pests.

    • Oh great! Two of you having same themed dreams? Not good! One thing I REALLY do not want is an EMP. The duration is a killer.

      So Michael, if you wouldn’t mind, please share what you learned from your experiment and what Amazon helped correct as specifically as you wish. At 100 degrees I’m not cutting power to test.

      One thing I doubt anyone can provide long-term is cooling/refrigeration.

      CZ, Hows the foot? Hope you are healing well with no unpleasant surprises. Thank you for sharing your misfortune. I am going through my FAK again.

      • “One thing I doubt anyone can provide long-term is cooling/refrigeration.”

        Check the u-tube channel ” the bus grease monkey”. The guy is a mobile vintage bus mechanic. Drives, and currently lives, in a 1947 Greyhound bus. This year, he installed 8 light panels on the roof, and sets another 4 panels on the ground while parked on his new property in TN. Has 8 or so Lithium type batteries, and they run a new style split AC system near 24/7, in addition to a full kitchen setup, plus charging a golf cart that they use around the property.

        Those panels are used, commercial ones that cost about $100 each, with warranties, IIRC. He has a sophisticated power/battery management system to handle things. Those batteries cost about $1k each. Car/golf cart batteries may be cheaper if you aren’t concerned about weight and space, but you can’t run them dead like the new types handle, so you would need more of them. For heat they use some little diesel/kerosene systems that are very efficient. Those panels are rated for 3 inch hail. This system generates a significant amount of energy.

        He has a couple videos detailing what he has and how it works.

        Question would be how to keep them from being damaged during an EMP. Are they susceptible?

  4. There is precedent: the shaman chews magic mushrooms to have visions; CZ eats spicy poultry. Crap, now I’m hungry.

  5. If you ate spicy food more frequently your brain would adjust to it and you would have more pleasant dreams LOL

  6. Funny…. I have bad teacher-day dreams, until I have the ‘I am totally unprepared for this’ dream. They may be the same dream, on different frameworks.

  7. An apocalypse (end of the world), kind of dream symbolizes an emotional and dramatic change taking place within yourself. This kind of dream indicates an inner conflict or struggle that you are experiencing. Your dream may also signify a personality change. You might be choosing to follow a different path in life.

  8. You brought up intuition/gut feelings. Shortly after I started working as a Paramedic in the ghetto (South Bronx) one of my partners told me that we are all born with the ‘6th sense’. He told me to listen to my gut, and to sense the hairs on the back of my neck. He told me that most people never learn how to listen to those intuitive feelings, and encouraged me to harness them. He told me to “listen to your body: it’s trying to tell you something”. At first it seemed somewhat silly, but I was new to going into burned out buildings or taking the stairs in the housing projects at night, so was willing to give it a try. I found after a while that I could sense danger. I don’t know if evil people put out vibes, but I have to tell you that there really is something to it. A few years later another partner always used to say ‘never go against your gut’. I’m probably alive today because of ‘that funny feeling’ (which is my way of describing it). A lot of people have laughed it off, but if you have ever seen a dog not like a particular person for no obvious reason, I suspect that that person really does give off negative energy of some kind. If you get that feeling that something isn’t right, it probably isn’t.

    • Excellent point on the dogs. I have observed the same thing with my dogs and people. Verifiable in a few cases where the individual was on drugs but doing nothing wrong to my eye but the dog knew and signaled his displeasure.

    • Absolutely. If you ever get a chance to read “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin de Becker, he addresses this in depth. It’s a great book and kinda chilling because of all the truth to it.

      (Of course, one of the difficult parts of living with PTSD is those weeks when your gut/neck hairs/sixth sense/what have you, are constantly pinging “RED ALERT RED ALERT”….over absolutely nothing. I wish I could learn how to somehow recalibrate them, because I fear I’ll either start to tune them out after awhile, or go nuts jumping at shadows.)

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