It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world

It’s finally reached the point where the evenings are cool enough that I can sleep without a fan going to bring in some night air. Good thing too since the current night air quality can be best described as ‘extra chunky’. There’s a good bit of smoke out there….nothing like the fires back in ’00 (or was it ’01?) but still rather annoying.

Speaking of annoying, I am amazed at what some people are charging for stuff these days. I was cruising the local ArmsList and theres a guy selling rifle primers at $75 a brick. And there’s .223 out there for seventy five cents per round. And I literally saw someone pay ninety cents a round for 7.62×39 steel cased ammo. I cannot imagine what It’ll be like Nov 5 if the Democrats pull off their grand plan.

Me, I’ve got plenty of ammo for my anticipated needs. But….when the natives are restless like this it seems like ‘enough’ really isn’t.

Then, on top of that weirdness, you’ve got the ahole Wuhan Flu nonsense going on…second waves, flattened curves, super spreaders, and all that fun stuff.

But wait, there’s more….’certain groups’ are engaging in ‘civil disobedience’ that most rational people would call ‘rioting’.

And we’re still not done….California and chunks of he west coast are going up in smoke…partially from the usual natural reasons ad, most likely, because of the activites of the denizens of that last paragraph.

I suppose when put all that together maybe $30 to load an AK magazine looks like a reasonable investment.

Like it or not, 2020 is going to be one of those watershed years like 1941, 2001, 2005, and all the other years that had a Big Event that colored things for years and years to come. Pay attention to what’s going on because thirty years from now people will be asking you ‘what was it like’ the way we do that to Pearl Harbor and concentration camp survivors.

18 thoughts on “It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad world

  1. One more, and you would have equaled the movie.

    Two more and you have have surpassed it.

    Just sayin’…

    The Real Kurt

  2. Seems like we are preparing to live vicariously thru the Rawle’s novel Patriots. Here in Seattle we seem to be in first or second chapter….

  3. 1901 – Teddy
    1913 – 16th
    1913 – 17th
    1932 – NFA
    1933 – FDR
    1968 – GCA
    1971 – Gold convertibility
    1976 – AWB

    The list goes on – a sad list indeed.

    The Real Kurt

  4. What was ’05?

    Why can’t anyone recognize the same playbook – the 1960’s civil rights movement and a particular leader were known for ‘non-violent protests’. You know, like Chicago, Watts and Newark. You know: the rioting, looting and burning.

    How is that any different than the ‘peaceful protests’ and the, you know: rioting looting and burning?

    I suspect the Marxists know that this time is their last chance, and they are going to pull out all of the stops.

    Best get all of your shopping done before November. I believe that you are correct. By then people will think $1/round will be a true bargain.

  5. The conversation will be something like this. Hay Grand Pa, what was it like during The Great, what ever they will call it? You will say, There were hard times. Riots, Fires, Stormes, Floods, The Virus, Shortages if all kinds, and the Presidential Election. I had always saved for a rainy day. All sf a sudden it was raining. I did not want for much of anything. So many people ran around looking for paper products, guns and most of all ammunition. But the cubbard was bare. I went out very little for fresh stuff. Milk, Orange Juce, eggs and things like that. But I wanted for almost nothing. So many ran around yelling, The Sky is Falling. Wars and rumors of wars. The News was no help. All they talked about was disaster heaped upon disaster. All we wanted was to hear, This Too Shall Pass. Someone to say it will be all right. But there was no voice crying in the wilderness. Well Grand Pa, what was the worst? It was the Loneliness!

  6. 2020 has had a lot of twists and turns, a real roller coaster of a year. The end months will very interesting. Hopefully the U.S. will come out of it intact.

  7. There are still people living in Rome…. and it’s been a long time since it “fell”.

    Same goes for the US, someone will still be living here, doing whatever they do.

    And if things get bad enough, it’ll most likely be the same peasants that lived on mud and sticks in the countries they came from…


  8. When Rome fell, Europe lapsed into nothing less than a thousand-year dark age. Rome fell (officially) in 476, but the empire in the West had been in ruins long before that. Some chart the Renaissance as beginning as early as 1300, when crusaders began bringing back ancient Greek and Roman artworks from the Middle East. But that’s too early a date to credit any real re-birth in Europe. We hadn’t even experienced the bubonic plague at that point, and that eradicated a third of the European population. The plague ran from 1347-1351.
    Hardly a Renaissance.

    The real Renaissance began in the mid to late 1400’s. Gutenberg invented the printing press around 1440, and that date marks the real start of widespread availability of books and the exchange of intellectual ideas. The Spanish finally drove the muslim invaders out of the last parts of their newly unified country in 1492, and that freed Europe from foreign occupation (at least in the West). And the age of exploration began concurrently with Columbus’ multiple voyages to the New World.

    When Rome fell, the West entered a thousand-year dark age. We even lost the recipe for concrete (a Roman invention) until a Brit reinvented it in the 1750’s. As one person remarked above, within a single generation there wasn’t even anyone around to lament what used to be. Our modernity doesn’t shield us from the same risk. But you have a lot of people on the left who take what we have for granted nonetheless. Few appreciate that what we have, we have because better and stronger men and women than we gave it to us. It’s a gift, not a right, and the left is toying at burning it all down.

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