This time next week

I am utterly fascinated and anxious all at the same time to see what the world (and markets) look like at this time next week. Its like a cross between watching them draw the Powerball numbers and waiting for a grenade to explode.

15 thoughts on “This time next week

  1. Yeah, Wednesday morning may be a good time to call in sick. No telling what shenanigans will be done on that day. I’m guessing official final vote tally will not be computed until Thursday.

      • Plan for their side, dragged out until December 14th, (date for electoral college to meet), then disrupt that event as well. Look at their play book, it’s out there in printable for. Keep yer head down.

    • I would not be surprised if the counting is dragged out for months by court challenges.

      Nor would I be too surprised at this point if the Democrats are actually planning on dragging it out past Inauguration Day. That would give them Pelosi as Acting President for however long it takes to settle the ballot count, and if the Electoral College can’t make a decision then the election of the President goes to the House of Representatives.

      • Yes, it goes to the House… But that’s a Republican stronghold. Each *state* gets 1 vote.

        So the total is 26 states with more R’s than D’s.
        22 more D’s than R’s.

        2 divided equally.

        • The Dems control the House. That’s why Pelosi is the Speaker. Reps control the Senate by a thin margin.

          • Jackalope,

            It based on state controlled by the party not the seats they actually hold in the House. Unix-Jedi has it right, not many people understand this would be how the votes would be allocated for the selection of a President via the House. The Senate would select the Vice-President.

  2. Prediction: Trump will lose the popular vote but again win the electoral vote handily.
    Surprisingly, this will look a lot like 2016.
    More gnashing of teeth about repealing the electoral college ahead.

    • I hope youre right, but I’m pretty confident it’s not gonna work out that way.

    • I’m with Tim on this one. msm lies same as last time- this is not a close race, witness the INSANE early voting (which is always overwhelmingly conservative). This, of course, assumes its an honest election and i seriously doubt anyone here thinks that will be the case.

      I think whatever happens it goes to the courts. Then it is fast tracked to the Supremes where we win handily, 6-3. Remember where you heard it! 🙂

    • I think this high turnout will favor Trump. Not since 1860 and 1876 have we seen a turnout, that I project will exceed 80%. So, what happened following the last times we exceeded 80% turnouts. 1860, the Civil War and 1876, the end of reconstruction in 1877.

  3. Last chance to short insurance companies that are going to pay for more billions in looting and arson. Protests/violence assured even with biden fraud win

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