
If you ignore the election results (whenever they finally get around to finalizing them), there’s still plenty of other things to worry about. Don’t spend all day obsessively refreshing your browser to see what happened. There’s still a superflu, economic uncertainty, race-related disturbances, and the usual nonsense out there to prepare against.

As Frank Castle says…the battle may be over but the war goes on.

12 thoughts on “Equanimity

  1. It will never end. If Trump wins, he cheated again, if Biden wins, the zombies cheated and the media, if SCOTUS is involved we all know the howl that will go up.
    Fasten your seat belts for another bumpy ride of 4+ years

  2. Unfortunately the American people lost no matter which candidate wins! A media that is untrustworthy and political that has divided the electorate.

  3. You are spot on. I like to remember back to ancient history like the end of last year when we all argued about how we were definitely going to war in Syria against Russia. We are too often like Pavlov’s dogs and jump at whatever we are told our attention is supposed to be focused on that week.

  4. I got to say this is the worst apocalypse yet. I still have to go to work and pay my taxes. Can the Happening happen already?

  5. It is a dark day, but there is some light in the fact that the Democrats did not capture all three houses. In 2022, all Republicans up for re-election are in solid red states except Toomey in Pennsylvania, who plans to retire in 2022. So, the Democrats have little to no chance of taking the Senate before 2024. It is not much but we have a small firewall in the Senate and Supreme Court to block the President Harris/Biden agenda.

  6. Doesn’t matter who wins, the bankers control everything. The Russians got idiot Trump by the short hairs with a bunch of loans coming due he is desperate to conceal. Biden’s an idiot and Harris will take over when he goes comatose then it’s bye bye 2nd amendment hello UN blue helmets.

    We are so screwed the light from screwed won’t reach us for over a year.


  7. they basically have the senate with romney is still a dick, demtard want to be collins and that ugly ass hag from alaska…they can’t be counted on for shit…

  8. Back in the day I was a teacher and taught American History & Government/Civics to high school kids…. I even did it for a short time on an Indian Reservation – that was a challenge but I met it and the kids I had really understood how “government” worked and how American History was a major part of their situation. Anyway, at this point today I give up. The whole process has been co-opted and corrupted with the America I knew and grew up in fading away. I had a Government teacher as a high school kid who got to America from Czechoslovakia by crawling under the wire and working past the landmines – he taught me and my class what “freedom” really was.

    I retired last year and am now sitting it out. I only hope that my eventual death has some meaning to somebody someday. I am an old fart who hopes to take some of them with me when it finally comes to pass. God bless America and our founding fathers along with those who still remember and respect them.

  9. Still. Everyone needs to keep their powder dry. There is a lot of chicanery going on in the great Lakes states. I thought it was very odd that every network on both TV and radio bumped out of coverage at 2 AM. Especially with so many states not yet decided. That’s because the phony ballots started to be delivered to the vote counting centers. Here in Michigan we firmly believe they dumped 300 thousand fraudulent ballots and low and behold the law of mathematical probability suspended itself. All the ballots were for Creepy Fingers and other CPUSA/DNC members. Wisconsin has more ballots than registered voters. They are claiming 90% turnout. Ain’t no way. I’ve been political since I was in High school. Never ever do you see a state have that high of a percentage. Arizona was called right after the polls closed. The SOS was livid. He made a statement that they had 630 thousand ballots yet to count. This morning Arizona was removed from Bite me’s won column.
    It isn’t over. Not by a damn site. The usefull idiots in Detoilet were up to their usual illegalities. No surprise. A city built by thugs and run by the same

  10. When we plant a tree it is not for us. It is for our grandchildren to sit in the shade and enjoy the day. We must do our part. What ever we can do, to plant those trees. The Trees of Liberty. We sat in the shade of the trees planted by our Fathers, Mothers and Grandparents. This November 11 we should remember them and their sacrifice with an American Flag. God Bless America 🇺🇸 Do what ever you can.

  11. Either way, I’m still in lockdown and working from home. I’d still be on weather and safety leave but employer sent me a laptop and secure internet to actually do some work. How dare they? Have me lotsa Jimmy Dean breakfast stuph, Progresso Soups, sliced meat and cheese, and ezekiel bread. The secret to JD’s breakfast stuff is take it out of the freezer the night before and leave it in the fridge overnight. 40-45 secs in the ‘wave and it’s all good.

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