Shutdowns and vaccines

I noticed that for a few days the buzz on various media outlets was speculation that the idiots that run California were going to declare a shutdown of pretty much everything that would include, as I read it, requiring people to stay home…much in the style of what has been seen in Europe.

Good luck with that. As I’ve said, quarantines won’t work in the US. At least, not in the parts of the US that aren’t full of nanny staters. And not in the way quarantines are meant to.

Anyway, I would imagine that the threat of a statewide ”stay at home” order is probably enough to send the locusts back out for yet another round oof the ceaseless panic buying. And thats another reason why you and I have our stockpiles already in place, right?

You know, one of the defining metrics of a survivalist, other than “how much TP do you have”, is the old “How long could you stay in your house without resupply”. Assuming the water and sanitation infrastructure remains in place, I could stay here probably for several months. But, not everyone (fortunately) is like me… there’s always that contingent of people who have nothing in the cabinets except some baking soda, a bag of rice, and a couple cans of peas. And they never, ever learn from experience. I expect these people to be clogging up the checkout lines at the supermarket for the next few days.

Vaccine? Call me a pessimist but being an early adopter for something that gets injected into your body sounds like a hard no to me. Why would I take a risk with a rushed-to-market vaccine for a virus that isn’t going to (statistically) kill me? I’ve talked to a bunch of people and only one has said they’d be willing to be among the first in line to get this thing.

Nope…my plan is the same as its always been – ride this thing out with minimal impact to my life. I already lead a fairly isolated (read: antisocial) existence, so I’m not getting a vaccine and I’m not standing in line for toilet paper.

What about you? Gonna get the vaccine?


74 thoughts on “Shutdowns and vaccines

  1. I’m a first responder and no I will not be getting the vaccine. I never buy or get anything that is the first model out. The first model always has too many bugs in them, so why would this rushed vaccine be any different. I’m afraid this vaccine could kill more people than the actual virus.

    • I, too, am a first responder and will NOT accept the vaccine. It is not only a fools game to be a test subject on something rushed through to the public, but until the pharmaceutical companies can once again be sued for liability of their product, they don’t have an incentive to make CERTAIN that it’s safe. If the corporate officers could be sued personally in the event of a wrongful death or permanent disability, I would be more willing to give it a try.

      • Ditto. I’m a First Responder and I will bet money there will be some unforeseen complication or screw-up.

        Probably something similar to the 1955 polio roll out when they accidentally gave live virus to several thousand.

        My worry is when .gov says “if you don’t take the vaccine, we’re suspending your licenses” or when the facility one works at mandates it as a condition of employment.

        • Live virus was given out on-purpose, not accidentally, but attenuated and weakened, not full-strength.

          The rationale was that although it would potentially infect 1 kid out of 100,000 with the actual disease, it would also confer actual herd immunity to 1000 other unvaccinated kids per dosing, which the killed form of the virus doesn’t do, to this day.

          (Now see if you can guess why polio is making a comeback.)

          And please remember that Wikipedia as a historical resource reference is worth every penny you pay for it, and that millennial kids with GEDs (if you’re lucky) who can’t even spell “millennial” without word search are paid to edit it.

        • Same here, and we just heard yesterday that the large metro FD is trying to make the vaccine mandatory for their crews. No thanks.
          My agency will not make it a requirement.

  2. Normally…vaccines take YEARS to develop and still have issues. Would you trust something developed in less than 6 months ? I bet the umbrella Corp would be proud.

  3. Unfortunately, may not have a choice if I want to hold a job. Most hospital systems will require their patient care providers get vaccinated. You sign on the dotted line when you are hired that you are willing to get all recommended vaccines. For the safety of the patients, of course.

    • Most hospitals at this point are not requiring their employees to get the vaccine. BUT that will change next year or in 2023 then it will be a requirement for employment. I main reason for that I believe is that a majority of their employees would decline in the most abrupt way possible…. by dropping their ID badges on the desk of the manager telling them they have to get the vaccine. And the hospitals CANNOT afford that with the numbers of patient they have right now.

  4. “What about you? Gonna get the vaccine?”

    No, not planning on it. My concern is that proof of vaccination will eventually be required for anyone who wants to do certain things like board a plane to the EU or attend certain large gathering events. It would not surprise me at all to see colleges mandate the vaccine for students, or hospitals and retirement homes to mandate it for employees.

  5. I did the Astrazenica / Oxford vaccine trial here in the States. 66% chance of getting the vaccine. 33% chance of a placebo. Two shots, 4 weeks apart. Based on the symptoms, I do NOT think I got the placebo. It was not particularly pleasant. But vaccines are like that (wait till you get the Shingles vaccine – you will know what I mean.)

    Rough few days after each shot. But I feel like it was worth it. I am almost certainly immune to COVID (or to being able to SPREAD COVID) for the next year or so. This matters a great deal to me, because both my parents are in their mid 90s and I don’t want to be the cause of their death.

    I am sure lots of the readers out there will shake their heads at me or worse for doing this. But vaccines are real technology. They WORK. My wife is an N.P. in immunology. She does this for a living and it is a hard science. (she got the vaccine trial too – not the placebo). Both of us fear a world without a working COVID vaccine more than we fear being part of a Tier 3 trial (and the AZ vaccine is not without its problems and controversy) But COVID is real too – it is almost entirely a mild disease. Except when it’s not. Then it kills or permanently maims certain genotypes without compunction. There is a genetic testing addition to this trial we are in, trying to figure out why some people get it bad and others just skate. It’s real science like you see in movies about ‘get the vaccine before the zombies take over aka “World War Z”.

    Anyway, don’t rule out the vaccine. Look at it carefully. Look at your demographics and of those around you. We are very glad we did it and got lucky enough to not get the placebo….

    • Man of the West,

      I think (hope) that most readers here will neither judge or ridicule you for your personal decision to participate in the trial. That’s the beauty, at least for a while, of our country. You and I each have the ability to make that decision rationally and independently….let’s hope it stays that way.

      • Loren,
        I can only say that your comment about AManoftheWest’s parents indicates that you are a feckless, insensitive a__hole and that you probably wrote it from your Unabomber cabin somewhere twenty miles off the nearest asphalt highway. I am surprised that it was printed here.

        You are obviously one of those people who don’t “play well with others.”

    • Keep in mind that I think most people here are not knocking the idea of vaccines, they’re just knocking the idea of being the first to get a hastily produced vaccine that got “emergency approval”.

      I’m sure if it was offered five years down the road after millions had gotten the shot and an opportunity to monitor the effects had taken place, people would be more likely to get it.

      In the meantime, I’m not going to be the first guy to walk across the minefield; I’ll let a bunch of people go first and then walk in their footsteps.

      • NurseDaddy,

        Roger that!!

        For the record I also believe vaccinations, I’m currently doing the Shingles series. However, like you and most we’re concerned by the rush of development concerning the Covid-19 vaccination. I’m willing to give up my place in line for anyone who wants the vaccine. Maybe in a few years I will get it also, who knows!!

    • @ AManOfTheWest

      According to my reading the AZ vaccine at least uses an old “proven” technology using the adenovirus. Is that correct information? Meaning is it adenovirus and is that a proven and previously used vaccine technology— and for what vaccines — if your wife knows?

      The other two are using messenger RNA (mRNA) which I’ve never heard of before, but sounds dangerous as hell.

      Like many here I’m not anti-vaccine, but nor do I trust this rushed situation.

      So far I know they have listed the following as being higher risk for severe complications:
      Type A blood
      Low Vitamin D
      Low Zinc
      Age — though a 104 year old man just survived it.

      I feel for all the medical and first responders out there. The talk of making this barely tested trio of vaccines mandatory globally is a dangerous experiment on humankind. The last thing we need is a large amount of Medical and First Responders with potential vaccine injury.

      Any info you are willing to provide is greatly appreciated as well as your willingness to be experimented on with this vaccine. You made an informed choice. We ALL merely intend to do the same.

      Best wishes to all your family.

  6. Well sir Mr. Commander Zero; I for one am bout sick of this asinine covid bs and all the tyrannical bs going with it. Pure and simple it’s a ploy by TPTB to garner more and more control of the populace, and the sheep this country has become filled with, swallow it 100%,”for their safety”….
    All this testing bs is nothing more than an all out attempt to to gather DNA from everyone for their “data files”, use to be determined later. And fah-geddah-bou-dit when it comes to the stupid assed vac-sin-aaa-shun. If it’s only 95% effective, and the survival rate for the oldest aged group is 94.6% why would anyone want to take a chance on being injected with anything that can “possibly” ( read probably) be used for tracking purposes at a future date. In case anyone has any doubts this is not a distinct possibility, reference this goobermints trustworthy index. It’s as close to our hosts moniker is – ZERO. Our gooberments record in ALL things is, shall we say, less than stellar. And that goes all the way back to around the 1890’s believe it or not.
    I have spent 3 long years running through S E Asia avoiding little brown people trying their best too fuck with my life expectancy, and you seriously think I’m gonna shake with fear over some silly assed virus, man made or not. I have no doubt the chinks invented it with financial aid from some of the richest and most prominent assclowns trying to control the country and turn it over to the globalist cabal.
    My temper is getting seriously short and an upcoming cutting out of some useless parts and having to succumb to all the assclowns silly assed dictates to get it done is forcing me to get seriously close to going postal.
    In all seriousness, they keep this shit up and they are gonna force upon themselves the commencement of 1776 round ll. With the 2nd Declaration delivered at 2700 FPS.

    • The DNA thing is mostly BS as the US Govt already has DNA records for EVERYONE who is or has been in the military. It’s a standard thing that happens at in-processing.

      The DNA sample is used in case they need to identify your body years down the road.

      I know for a fact that the US Army has a sample for me, both my brother and my father for that exact reason.


  7. Watch the first wave and see how it goes, then I’m in. I havent been able to visit my elderly parents since February. I’m willing to take that risk.

    Life is about odds. Skew them in your favor as much as possible, then live it to the fullest.

  8. No Vaccine for me!! I’ve never had a Flu Shot, Pneumonia Shot or anything that “THEY” say is good for me.

  9. I imagine Uncle Sam will mandate that I get the vaccine as I’m government property. Given a choice? In the words of Porgie Tirebiter: “Oh hell no Mudhead!”.

  10. Get the vaccine ? For sure not initially ( see Will Smith movie “ I am Legend “ for vaccine for good gone very bad ) and then see how it plays out when many of the population are inoculated. I have some reservations based on the fact it was first stated by all the “ experts” that this would be 2-4 years to test and develop, at minimum. Now in less than a year 5-6 companies have it? Ahh huh.

  11. Advanced EMT and I already had the virus, so, no vacine. With limited supplies in the early months there should be no pressure to get it. Later on? We’ll see if they try to force people like health care providers.

    • NYC Paramedic for 12 years. Did you have symptoms or just a positive test result? If so, how bad were they?

      I was sick from Thanksgiving to Christmas last year with the worst cough of my life – I could barely breathe for weeks. I could only sleep from exhaustion. Numerous trips to see my MD with all kinds of meds and inhalers. I’m absolutely convinced that I caught the ‘Rona before it was officially announced.

      • I had it and I even know exactly which patient I got it from.

        This was in the First Wave when we had folks dropping like flies.

        To show you how messed up the system is/was, I got tested and popped positive on 01JUN but did not get notified until 10JUN!

        In the meantime I kept working on patients and doing my thing.

        I was mostly asymptomatic. A day or two of taste/sense issues and a day of fever but otherwise not particularly noteworthy.

        Only lingering effect is that at certain times my sense of smell will go sideways and I’ll swear that I smell cigarette smoke. Trying to find a pattern to it. Seems more prevalent when I’m super tired. Other than that……

        Ultimately I think we are all going to get it, so just deal.

        I think if testing were done on the entire population we’d find that millions have been exposed, carry the antigens and never had an inkling they had it.

  12. Already got the covid back in June… Hopefully my bone marrow keeps the info to generate anti-bodies in the future as this bug will be with us forever.

  13. Well folks, I’m not taking anything the gubment says is for my own good. Like millions of Americans I am sick to death of the way this country has turned. It’s time to enforce the oath from the inside.

  14. If you have not prepared for the possibility of “harsh punishments” for refusing this “voluntary” vaccine, do so immediately. Time is up. This is the end game the elitists have wanted for decades, if not longer. Brace yourself. It’s about to get ugly.

    If you have not prepared for the possibility of “harsh punishments” for refusing this “voluntary” vaccine, do so immediately. Time is up. This is the end game the elitists have wanted for decades, if not longer. Brace yourself. It’s about to get ugly.

  15. 1) No choice on the vaccine. Unless I want to be homeless, it’s a go.
    The non-absolute-zero one (Moderna, IIRC), without the GMOs, looks like the better choice there.
    That said, I’d be getting it even without the likelihood of job loss, as
    a) I’ve been treating deathly sick COVID patients in both waves at bad breath distance, and do so full-time every week, and will until Easter, at least.
    b) I’m within the sweet spot of people it can and does kill, and we’ve already lost nurses – as in canned-tuna dead – to this virus, here at work. It ain’t pretty to die alone, face-down, drowning in your own mucus, kids.
    (For the jet-fuel genius “it’s a hoax” bros, number of times that has happened with any mere flu, ever, any place I’ve worked, is still zero.)

    If I could wait six months, I would, but mainly because I think the first batches should go to anyone and everyone over 65, which is the virus’ target-rich environment. If there’s any consequences to the vaccine, from a utilitarian standpoint, they’ve already lived a life, and you really don’t want to find out that you’ve hosed yourself out of all your first responders (fire/EMS/police/medical) after it’s too late to suck it out of their arms. They take about 40 years to replace.

    And if it works as advertised, which is overwhelmingly the likelihood, you’ve wiped out, overnight, the death rate for this thing, and Kung Flu suddenly becomes about as likely a cause of death as getting squished by a tipping vending machine (about 3-10 cases/yr, on avg.).

    Overnight, that would make Kung Flu essentially a nothingburger, and all the nationwide nonsense ceases. Huzzah.

    It’s a free country, and everyone is entitled to their choices, so those of you who wish to wait and see out of prudence, or even just to be total jackasses (and I’m not pointing at anyone), I completely respect your decisions. Especially once your decisions, wise or foolish, have no long-term effects on my health. Suture self.

    2) That said, had I the need, other than required monthly payments, I could stay in place for 3-6 months, easily, with minimal to no disruption whatsoever. (Even with the payments, I’m good for 2 months, minimum. It was a year, but I bought a new car for a steal.)

    The Northridge Quake meant no power for two weeks, and boil water orders for 180 days, and some memories leave a permanent mark, so I’ve made provision for such now, and for some years.

    Anything that lasts longer than six months, you have much bigger issues than TP, I assure you. And you could have bicycled from Maine to San Diego in that time.

    Food for thought: anti-vaxxers this time around stand an excellent chance of getting the public equivalent of yellow stars to wear in public, 24/7/365, stapled to both your forehead and your electronic persona, enforced by the full might of the state. If you like your lockdowns, you can keep your lockdowns.
    And bear well in mind that the public face and spokeshole for that position is former PMOY “Dr.” Jenny McCarthy.
    Not advocating for any bit of of that, but you should know what you’re buying before you slap your money down. It’s a Brave New World, and it ain’t 1920 any more.
    Just saying.

    • Aesop,

      I respect your opinion as one who has day to day experience on the ground floor. I take it you are an er nurse/trauma specialist or some such? Your stories of losing coworkers are heartwrenching. I get it.

      On the other hand a recent study by someone associated with Johns Hopkins indicated the death rates from this “disease” are not as they are being reported by the MSM (imagine that). The article has since been scrubbed from the source, or else I would link it.

      The mRNA vaccine appears to have serious long term consequences that cannot be treated according to some sources. Search Robert F. Kennedy and see what he says to start.

      The fact that Bill Gates and Tony Fauci are bosom buddies and co-investors in Moderna (one of the makers of the vaccine) might raise a little suspicion?

      Pfizer’s President (another manufacturer) selling 60% of his stock after the news broke the vaccine was ready might indicate he took profits in a bit of a rush, given that the vaccine might really make a lot of money for the company, or maybe not? Why he would not hold out for even potential bigger gains down the road could be asked, rather than raising money now to pay the kids orthodontist bills.

      Why the military has to get involved with the distribution of it might raise a flag as well perhaps? What else is the military going to be involved with when this “thing” gets legs?

      In other countries it will soon be illegal to criticize the so called experts from the Medical Industrial Complex on this issue. It will soon be illegal to buy or sell or travel without “the Passport.” Search the UK and Israel. Matter of fact, why all of a sudden do most of the world’s leaders trip all over themselves pushing this vaccine?

      What happened to HCQ, and immune system supplements, and the good old advice about washing your hands and not picking your nose?

      Where are the “studies” that research and document any contributing factors other than “age” that could indicate a proclivity, such as blood type, etc.? I am being naive I know, but……

      I would be looking for another job if I were you, before I took the jab.

      I read your blog and may well be with you in the future under an overpass, righting our current wrongs. But, this whole shitshow of a confluence of events that hasn’t smelled right from the beginning ought to tell you something about the pandemic or plandemic as some would call it.

      You may be interested to know, my wife is a “medical professional.” She says she is going to take it. As far as I am concerned, the overpass can’t come soon enough. Looks like, “Hell is coming to breakfast.”

      • FWIW,

        Fr. John Fields, the Communications and Religious Education Director for the Archeparchy of Philadelphia, which is part of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, died suddenly after volunteering to receive the COVID-19 Vaccine.

        Announcing his death, the Archeparchy stated that Fr. Fields “has passed away in his home. The cause of death is yet to be determined.” Fr. Fields turned 70 this year.”

        Just recently, Fields had participated in the trials of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, after receiving an email from the University of Pennsylvania at the end of August, asking if he wished to “participate in the third and final phase” of the vaccine trial.

        He agreed, got the vaccine, and is now dead.

        Source: Intentionally withheld to promote individual research to prove or disprove. Maybe a coincidence or bad luck or “shit happens.”

        Check it out for yourselves. Do your own research.

  16. I’m with CZ on this, no vaccine until I see how many Brit’s are tits up after taking it. They just OK’d it for their population.

  17. Theres no such thing as quarantining the healthy. These lockdowns should be recognized as house arrest, not quarantine. Language is important if we’re going to debate the merits of these arbitrary measures.

    • Nice try, but no.

      But we can try it under your rules:
      When you have two consecutive negative tests, then you’re “healthy”.
      Until you come out in public.
      At which point, you need two more consecutive negative tests.
      Potentially, every single day.
      And realistically, after every individual encounter.)
      So you’d need to be nasal-swabbed about 4000 times a week, for openers, which is more than my hospital’s entire monthly allocation of rapid tests.
      Best wishes doing it that way.

      Otherwise, you’re simply an undiagnosed asymptomatic carrier, just like the 100M Gilligans who’ve spread this thing worldwide, to date.

      The first cases in Seattle in that nursing home weren’t brought there by patients visiting China while quadriplegic. They were brought in by asymptomatic staff members and family visitors who thought they were “healthy”. Shame about Grandma, huh?.

      When you have a virus where frequently there are no visible symptoms for carriers, it’s a wee bit different than people with fulminant Ebola who’re shooting blood out of every bodily orifice.

      Given that this has been a thing since January, you should have grokked that by now.

      It’s also why temperature-checking is kabuki theatre, exactly like the TSA screenings at the airport.

      The amalgamation of smart and stupid with this virus cuts across all lines of age, party, and socio-economic status.
      But it’s putting average IQ and actual science savvy in pretty stark relief.
      Do this better.

      • Your clearly superior intellect suggests that everyone is guilty until proven innocent. Disgusting and unAmerican.

        100% of people who drink water die. This PROVES that water is a deadly substance which must be banned.

        • Reductio ad absurdum is the logic of fools.

          Try making a rational argument, instead of just wetting your pants and crying because you cannot.

          The “everyone is healthy until symptomatic” argument got us where we are today, worldwide.
          Such stupidity has been overtaken by events.

          • Your ad hominems against those who think differently than you are a clear indication of the strength of your argument. Calling people stupid crybabies really demonstrates your expertise. Your assertions are backed by feelings and theory not facts. I could just as easily assert that lockdowns and mask mandates got us where we are today. But I wont.
            I will ask if the estimated 1 million additional people that died of starvation this year as a direct result of government mandated economic destruction matter to you. Do they count? What about the untold thousands of preventable deaths from untreated cancer and heart disease? How about the projected 270 million people scheduled to enter starvation level poverty next year solely because of economic shutdowns in the name of covid? Maybe they don’t matter because they’re mostly poor and brown. How about all of the overdoses, suicides, and destroyed lives in the first world? Boring I know.
            Why aren’t “health professionals” promoting building immunity through diet and supplementation?
            Why should we destroy generations of wealth and capital over a disease with a 99.97% survivability rate? According to HHS, hospitalizations (including ICU beds) are currently much lower than pre-covid levels which is causing many hospitals to go bankrupt. These facts are more important to me than your feelings.
            I own a business in an industry that is deemed more hazardous than healthcare by the BLS. We were graciously deemed essential by god-emperor Dewine and have gone to work every day this year. We’re all alive. Covid tore through my team back in January before covid was covid, and we’re all fine. Maybe your hysteria stems from the fact that the TV tells you that you’re a hero every day for simply going to work at a job that you chose. Your condescension is ugly and telling.

  18. My Dr. says that I’m not taking this C-19 seriously because I am not in a panic or willing to completely shut myself (and DW) up. When she mentioned the vaccine, I said “call me in 2025”. Again she was much distressed at my choice. Then I let is slip that I was having a men’s bible study (3 other men) at my house. She had a complete “come-a-part”.

    I will not live in fear of C-19 or anything else. I prep so I don’t have to panic.

    I like the fact that I look around my “warehouse” and nothing I need to run out and get jumps out at me. I will be out tomorrow taking advantage of “10% off for seniors” day. I’ll be back way before noon.

    • Wow, makes me glad I found a good doctor. He said from the beginning that masks were useless and isn’t pushing the vaccine.

      • Please, define “good”. Define “doctor”.
        Bonus points if you include “witch” in his title.
        Clearly, someone slept through all his microbiology and epidemiology lectures in med school.

        Google Pasteur, Lister, and Semmelweis, and maybe hand your doc a copy of the thumbnail version. You may save a life or ten.

        BTW, what was it Satan asked Jesus to do from the top of the Temple? I forget…

        • A “Good Doctor” is one who practices preventive medicine and looks for alternatives, such as life style changes and not just pushing the latest and greatest next pill. I take “proven” vaccines, but I also haven’t take antibiotics in 30 plus years. I uses to always run to the doctor every time I was sick wanting antibiotic. Wow, it’s amazing how little if ever I get sick now in my 50s since I started letting my own immune system do its job. Now, if I am ever shot, I expect to receive antibiotics, no questions. Everything has its place and time, it’s just not the time and place for me to take the Covid-19 vaccine.

          Also it was from the mountain top not the Temple!!!

          • From The New American Bible not KJV:
            Luke 4:5 says “Then he took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a single instance.”

            Luke 4:9 says ” Then he led him to Jerusalem, made him stand on the parapet of the temple…”

            Luke 4:5 has nothing to do with the Temple being the highest place reference!

            Matthew 4:8
            “Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence.”

            So, yes it was a mountain and not the Temple.

            Biblical lesson now over, we return to our regularly scheduled discussion!!!

          • Matthew, Chapter 4, NASB translation:
            5 Then the devil *took Him along into the holy city and had Him stand on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and he *said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down; for it is written:
            ‘He will give His angels orders concerning You’;
            ‘On their hands they will lift You up,
            So that You do not strike Your foot against a stone.’”
            7 Jesus said to him, “[b]On the other hand, it is written: ‘You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.’”

            So no, it was the top of the temple, and not a mountain.


  19. I’m not in the first wave of people that would be scheduled for the vaccine. When my turn comes around I’ll look at the reports and data that’s out there and make the call then.

  20. Fortunately, if you’re a healthy, straight, white male under 65, you’re (we’re) at the absolute bottom of the totem pole for that vax.

  21. I agree with the Mk1/Mod0 comments – I remember the swine flu in 1976 – a couple dead and almost 100 paralyzed out of the 1st million or so public doses – I’ll spot this one a few million before going in.

    But like some others – have issues in this house that require trying anything to keep this and other nasties away from a life-long asthmatic and now cancer patient.

    I will get the seasonal flu shot and looking to the others meant for our age group and track the overall effects – no way I believe they’ll get a 90%+ effective in the general population as claimed when the seasonal is considered effective at around 35~45% every year….

  22. Not getting it. Maybe after a year or two to see how many die or grow a second head.
    I do believe that you will have to prove that you’ve been vaccinated to go to concerts, sporting events, air travel, etc. But there’s always the possibility that Joe Bidet (if he’s POTUS) will try to force us to take the spike.

    The one thing everyone should remember…. China is the rat bastards that gave the world this little gift known as the Wuhan Flu. NEVER FORGET!

    • Shouldn’t that be ‘bat bastards”?

      COVID nicknames?
      Wu Flu
      Chinese Flu
      Shanghai Shivers
      Kung Flu
      The ‘rona

  23. Will I get vaccine ? Doubtful, I’ve never even had a flu shot – ever. Like you said, a rushed product that could screw with your RNA – screw that.

  24. If I was in a high risk category I would take the vaccine in a heartbeat. I have a life goal of not ever needing to be intubated. Right now that balance would favor taking the vaccine.

    After a million or so have been vaccinated, then that’s a good time to assess the risk to reward balance for those of us at lower risk of severe disease.

    Slightly off topic, I really want to know what the disease modifiers are. I have seen unhealthy people in their 80’s skate by with minor symptoms and young healthy people get hit like it was a pile of bricks.

    • Jeff:
      Simply because they had no KNOWN illnesses doesn’t mean they were healthy.
      Want do bet some of those “Healthy” youngsters were drug users who didn’t admit it?
      I suspect the young and genuinely healthy have little to fear…

  25. I won’t get the vaccine soon… not sure about ever.
    Like others, I’m skeptical of a vaccine this quick. Don’t forget that all of the information out so far is from company press releases; I haven’t seen any third party data, or even interpretation of their data. I’ll let the lemmings and the unreasonably fearful be the guinea pigs.
    Keep in mind that even IF vaccinations become mandatory, it will take a LONG time to make and distribute enough doses for everybody – in just the US, 2 doses a person means over 660 million doses.
    Remember the SARS vaccine? Probably not… by the time it was available in large quantities, nobody was interested. This hype and the current restrictions have lasted FAR longer than I expected; I suspect that by the time I come to the top of the list for a mandatory vaccine, it will be at least well proven, and possibly no longer required…
    I too suspect I already had it – at Christmas, I was sick with a high fever for 3 days and had no appetite for a month, but I haven’t had an antibody test to confirm it.

    Additionally, I haven’t seen anything in a while about multiple strains; at one point there were said to be several strains going around – how many strains does the vaccine cover, and how long will the vaccine be good before there are enough mutations it loses effectiveness?

  26. Get a vaccine to prevent a disease that that you have a 99.9% chance of survival? PASS. Obviously if it comes a condition of employment I’ll have to think a lot harder about it, but even then I’ll put it off for as long as possible. I suppose the virus thing will become a non-issue once the civil war kicks off when they try to put in a fraudulently elected President.

  27. While watching the news this morning, I learned that the two vaccines that are in the lead both require two doses, one two weeks after the first dose, and the other requires the second dose 28 days after the first dose. The first thing that came into my mind was the movie “28 Days Later”.

    Am good for at least 3 months of lockdown, at least in terms of supplies. Mentally, well, probably nuts already.

  28. AManoftheWest,

    I commend you for your courage in taking part in that test. You have more cajones than most.

    Full Disclosure: I have no background in epidemiology, and my formal medical training involves nothing more than a CPR class and basic battlefield casualty treatment.

    When the WuFlu broke out, I was alarmed. Issues of just how contagious it was were undetermined then. I was concerned enough that I sent an email to dozens of others on January 26, telling them to buy masks then and not to wait because there was going to be a shortage.

    I read that people needed not only masks, but eye protection, too. As a result, I ordered gas masks because, I suppose, I expected the equivalent of a VX attack. (Even St. Anthony Fauci has said that people should be wearing goggles because the wet surface of the eye is a means of the virus entering the body, but I have ignored that advice.) The gas masks remain unused.

    My son scoffed when I told him in April that the death toll in the US could be one million. Even though the death toll is “only” a quarter of a million now, if Trump is right and if we have actually reduced the death rate by 85%, you do the math–and it ain’t over yet. Sure, the deaths attributable to COVID have been exaggerated, and there are some things that cause me to believe that “s__t ain’t right,” but I still take it seriously.

    As concerned as I was about this pandemic initially, I have to admit at this point that I have serious COVID fatigue. We simply can’t keep shutting things down. Those in their 20s, 30s, and 40s need to be able to life a normal life. Kids need to get back in school.

    My brother lives 2000 miles away. He lives in the outer suburbs of a medium-size city with a metropolitan area population of 1 million. When all hell was breaking loose in March. he said, “Well, it might be a problem for you guys in California, but I don’t think that it’ll be a problem in little ol’ S________ville.”

    The irony is that he came down with the WuFlu in November. It was so bad that while he was laid low, he gave himself a 50-50 chance of making it.
    His wife (my sister-in-law, of course) got it.
    His granddaughter tested positive.
    Our uncle got it.
    Our aunt got it.
    My sister-in-law’s sister got it.
    My sister-in-law’s brother got it. He passed away last night.

    I have come to the view that the country has to get back to normal, and that, in this battle with the WuFlu, we will just have to accept the fact that serious casualties will be incurred along the way.

  29. haven’t taken anything the govt has to offer since desert storm. never again. several of my buddies are still hosed with “gulf war syndrome”. i was a lucky one, so far, though at 58 i’m having some as yet unexplained issues. i’ll go down swinging. besides I’ve seen the movie before….i am legend.

  30. So what your saying is your a hermit. Nothing wrong with that. I’m a hybrid. Hermit Curmudgeon. A hermit with a bad attitude. I find that people just take to much energy. And most just aren’t worth the effort.
    Nothing wrong with being a grouch.

  31. Sure, I’ll take it. After a few hundred million human guinea pigs have taken it and failed to turn into zombies or something. Until them I’ll rely on that 99.7% chance of not dying should I get the Wuflu.

  32. Along with my RN nurse wife encouraging me to get the shot, I’m 72 with an artificial heart valve and get pnuemonia at the drop of a hat. I’m kind of hoping to get the vaccine before covid gets me.

  33. 51, got the king flu, continued lifting and running only missing 1 day, went elk hunting. Felt awful for 3 days but survived.

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