5 thoughts on “Gift giving ideas that never go out of style

  1. One thing I’ve found that’s still reasonably priced, is AR500 steel targets.
    Gotta build-out the backyard range!

  2. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like being a parent trying to find that one in-demand hottest toy of the season, which is the only thing your kid wants and Christmas morning is ruined without it… just try finding pistol caliber ammo right now, and that will give you a pretty good sense for it.

  3. Personally I was never one of the stylish kids. Never asked for the flavor of the month toys. I was happy with a Fort Apache and Blue and the Grey play sets. A Daisy Spittin’ image 94 lever action BB gun and we’ll things just to off from there. I did have a nice American Flyer model train. Give me the things a 19th century kid would have been given and I was pretty content. I grew up shooting guns and riding horses and hunting and fishing. So that is a pretty wide area of equipment to be asking for.
    I never asked for a video game. They didn’t have them. We were stuck with pin ball and pool. But growing up the way I did have me the confidence that I can get by pretty much in any situation. It also gave me a set of values that are out of style today. But then I never did set out to be stylish or be one of the cool kids. Always thought most of them were pretty odd anyway.

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