The passing of G Gordon Liddy

G. Gordon Liddy passed away.

Buffoon or patriot, man’s man or political joke, he was probably all that and more. His book ‘Will’ was probably not the best choice for inspirational reading by a 14-year-old boy, but thats about what happened. I found it to be an interesting book, somewhat inspiring, and it wasn’t until many years later I realized that all biographies have a healthy dose of…shall we say ‘fiction’…in them just by virtue of who their authors are. Nonetheless, it was certainly an entertaining book.

I wouldn’t call Liddy a role model in the classic sense, but as unhinged and showman-y as he was, there were a few things you could be 100% certain about when all his other qualities could be questioned as mere pretense and theatrics. I think he genuinely was a patriotic man, and he genuinely loved his country.

Yeah he was flawed, theatrical, blustery, self-aggrandizing, and a bunch of other things….but he did have a certain BFYTW attitude that he wasn’t scared to trot out at the powers that be. And thats always a trait worthy of respect, in my book.

So…roast up some rat over a candle, once youre done holding your hand over the flame, in remembrance.


18 thoughts on “The passing of G Gordon Liddy

  1. I will always remember his radio show back in the 90’s with fondness. Enjoyed the FBI stories (back when J.E. Hoover was in charge…back when they had balls). Nowadays what we have are a gaggle of slimy jack-booted thugs running the agency. Their reputation is shot for good…thanks to former director Comey.
    RIP Mr. Liddy.

  2. Just heard the news that he had passed. To some of those pretend tough guys in the Dysfunctional Cesspool he was a scary son of a bitch.
    Another patriot that paid the price for his President.

  3. I never will forget around 1995 when G. Gordon advised homeowners to “aim for the head” if intruders broke into their home. Liddy made the comment after several instances where federal agents, wearing body armor, broke into the wrong homes in several raids. I thought Liddy’s comment was pretty extreme, but I also couldn’t fault his logic. If someone busts down your door, that’s not the time to invite them to sit down to tea and identify themselves.

  4. I really liked G. Gordon Liddy. I started listening to his radio show when it first came out, even called into the show and made it on the air twice. I found his stories about his time in prison entertaining.
    I enjoyed his book and a couple years bought his Stacked and Packed calendars as well(had some hot women and supposedly guns in them).
    But his acting on Miami Vice…….. well I enjoyed his book.

    Rest In Peace George Gordon Liddy.

    • Watch his appearance on SCTV(Canadian comedy show early 80’s) the bit about how to properly assault a barricaded house is funny(in a sick way) but tactically correct.

  5. wasnt he famous for his quote I will kill any unpatriotic body, with anything, at anytime, anywhere

    • the Chi-coms are using that exact ideology to suppress dissent in Hong Kong right now.

      Liddy went to jail for contempt. When they tried to depose him he refused to take the oath ‘…do you swear to tell the truth…’ His response was a simple no.

      He was of the opinion that the people prosecuting him were known liars so why should he tell the truth or even talk to them.

      He lived down the street from my father in Upper Marlboro MD back in the day. Nixon said he was the only one of the bunch with balls.

      He took the advice of ‘never talk to the police’ to the extreme and paid the price for it. The Cubans he used in the Watergate burglary never talked or testified either, they were a tough bunch and jail in the US was way better than the jails in Cuba.

  6. Liddy was a Patriot is every sense of the word !
    His humor and wit is legendary and was on full
    display when his broadcast aired.
    Not only did I listened to his broadcasts, but when working
    the NOVA area, I called the station to see if it was possible
    to meet him after the broadcast. I had been thinking about
    doing so all week, but figured it wouldn’t be allowed.
    Finally early Friday afternoon, I figured it’s now or never,
    as I was leaving the area the next morning, and called.
    The receptionist said she would ask Mr. Liddy if he had
    time after the broadcast to see us…
    The station being located in downtown Fairfax, my
    friend and I drove over, over whelmed with our
    good fortune that Liddy agreed to meet us.
    I’ll always remember fondly that afternoon.
    He was larger than life even though he stood about 5′ 7″.
    He brandished large red bushy eyebrows along with
    his trade mark mustache. Liddy greeted my friend and I
    with curious respect as he didn’t know us from Adam.
    But I do believe when we parted, after that brief 20 minute
    encounter, we all parted as friends. During that short time
    Liddy asked my friend what he was thinking about choosing
    for a career…as he was still a young man at the time.
    He asked thoughtful questions concerning my profession.
    Liddy also agreed to stand for pictures with us so we could
    memorialize the event. This just proves that if you have an
    opportunity to do something that could be a life long memory
    one should attempt to do it. You never know if it could be done.
    And you’ll spend the rest of your life in regret and wondering
    if you don’t try. As for Mr. Liddy, he was a gentleman and a Patriot.

  7. One of very few G men worth respect.
    No quarter given, none expected…..
    This one,
    Was a warrior, patriot, man….

  8. I’m a bit undecided about the man simply because I don’t know that much about him, and really have not that much interest in discovering more, although his name has been around for more years than I want to remember.
    I have discovered through life that you are correct Commander on a lot of different levels. All of us are flawed, theatrical, blustery, self-aggrandizing to a certain degree, we can’t help it as we have our own best self interest in mind. Those who chose to be in the public eye in one form or another are even more so, with a hefty dose of narcissism on top.
    I’ve also discovered that is true with the written word as well, there is a certain amount of falsity in any written “factual” document as well as a certain amount of truth in anything fictional. God created us this way, we are all flawed. Perhaps he did this on purpose, so we would look to Him for salvation….

  9. Got to talk to GGL when I called in to his radio show back in about 2002. He was very courteous and kind and gave me advice about attending law school. Loved “Will”-R.I.P. G. Gordon!

  10. His ex SEAL novel from the 80s?, The Monkey Handlers, is unique. Read it as an impressionable youth, haven’t seen the need to reread, but I still remember it. FWIW.

  11. I actually had breakfast with G. Gordon Liddy in Scottsdale, AZ once and found him to be authentic, full of bumor and decidedly interesting! Yes, i had read his book, “WILL”. It was the beginning of a very strange day…I had lunch with Motley Crue! Talk about opposites…

  12. I seem to recall seeing a movie (way, way, back) based off his book, “Will”. IIRC the ending had him in prison riding on the front of a fork lift. Robert Conrad played Liddy. Got to listen to his radio show when I was working in DC.

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