Assorted brain droppings

A couple posts back, someone said I should write a book and a couple people jumped on that bandwagon. I don’t think it’s a great idea…there are a zillion books out there already telling you to ‘store what you eat, eat what you store’ and to ‘have two weeks of water on hand’. There is nothing new I could recommend to a person.


We all know the secret to lose wieght is…eat less, exercise more. That’s no mystery. Yet every year we get hundreds of books telling people how to do it. My point is, in a survival manual market I don’t think the groundbreaking idea is content but rather motivation. Those diet books don’t tell you anything new, the successful diet books are the ones that motivate you to actually do it. Any new survival guide thats going to be a success, in my opinion, should concern itself with focusing on making people want to prepare, rather than focusing on the nuts-n-bolts. Thats is, in my opinion, what the market in survival books is lacking. It’s like that Dave Ramsey money stuff….any idiot knows how to be financially sound – spend less than you make. Not rocket science. Ramsey’s success is from making people actually want to do it. Same thing.

This crossed my phone and I thought it was worth a share:

I miss that guy.

I was commenting to someone the other day that in all the previous ‘OMG its the end of the world’ panics, the panicky exclamations by the public were rather numerous. But now that we seem to be on the cusp of (or actually in) a genuine one people seem mostly quiet. Whistling past the graveyard?

For your internet buddy Commander Zero, its another weekend to head to Costco and Winco to buy some foodco. Most notably, Imma get more of that roast beef. That stuff was pretty darn good and Costco has a habit of bringing something in, selling the bejeezus out of it, and then we never see it again. Also, one of the LMI asked me to pick some up for him. If you can find it at your local CostCo (which I am receiving reports indicating it may only be a regional test market thing) I recommend it.

Speaking of food:

The Grocery Price Shock Is Coming to a Store Near You
Corn, wheat, soybeans, vegetable oils: A small handful of commodities form the backbone of much of the world’s diet and they’re dramatically more expensive, flashing alarm signals for global shopping budgets.

This week, the Bloomberg Agriculture Spot Index — which tracks key farm products — surged the most in almost nine years, driven by a rally in crop futures. With global food prices already at the highest since mid-2014, this latest jump is being closely watched because staple crops are a ubiquitous influence on grocery shelves — from bread and pizza dough to meat and even soda.

Hail of fire and plague of locusts should be along any day now….

And, finally, final finals are next week. If I pass them, I’m officially done with school. Fingers crossed, but bribe money is on standby just in case.

13 thoughts on “Assorted brain droppings

  1. Agreed that motivation and tips are more the benefit of every survival book vs all the others.

    Congrats on school! That’s a huge thing to do period an doubly so for an adult to do. It will pay huge dividends in your life.

  2. Congratulations o the impending end of ‘school days’. Hope the effort is worth it.

  3. No more school? Where will the fresh crop of nubile coeds be coming from? I know the crowds of milfs are thick at Costco on weekdays. Just restarted to hit the books myself(goal 50% increase in income 6 months)

  4. A few thoughts about the survival book:
    After 14 years of experience in and around the survival/prepper/firearm/patriot communities, it is my opinion that any book that dares to deviate from the traditional “just buy lots of stuff and you’ll be King of the Cul-de-Sac when SHTF happens” template will be significantly less than successful. Why? Because buying stuff feeds the delusion of being prepared without having to do the hard stuff like getting in shape or obtaining professional training. I blame a large part of that on the lean years for the survival industry (I believe someone dubbed it the “Trump Slump”), when it became an economic necessity to encourage the purely fantastical realm of survival in order to turn a profit. Never mind the fact your customer can’t run 50 yards with all that shiny new gear on without going into cardiac arrest. Just convince them that the “Lone Wolf Porch Sniper” fantasy is totally doable, even without physical fitness or training, and process that credit card.
    If you write a book that dispels with the typical myths and fantasies, no matter how hard the slap of reality, stresses a foundation of physical fitness, and chronicles useful real-world survival experiences, I’ll take ten copies. Might be the only ten, but I’ll take ‘em.

    • Larry:
      I suspect that MANY people would prefer a painful truth to comfortable sloth.
      The book you suggest would sell very well –
      All we have to do is get CZ to write it!

    • Larry,
      The last part of your comment about dispelling myths and fantasies is what I was talking about when I mentioned to Commader to write a book. Like you said about the “King of the cul de sac”, that comment points directly to what I said about authoring for revenue only. I really don’t think Commander would do that and the 18+ years of blogging points to that conclusion. The main reason I made the suggestion was to have a place to find all of, or at least what would be shared, without needing to go through those years of blogging to gleen everything. Another reason to do a book is the current situation we are in. Yes, we all should have something going for ourselves already but what about those that don’t? Look at it this way…all of those left leaning anti gunners that now own guns because of the riots and the violance and the administration have decided it is up to them to protect their own. Those are the kind of people that need solid guidance to help them become more self and less government reliant. Of course, they are just an example but you get my drift? Personalky, I think a book from Commander Zero would be more successful than you may think. Hell his moniker “Commander Zero” alone sparks curiosity.

  5. What are you studying? I went back to school and got a bachelor’s in Computer Science at 50.

  6. As a former amateur gynecologist, for years had a decent office and practice. With socialized medicineS crippling rules and regulations it was harder and harder to stay in business. Finally overbearing government burdens and assciated services got the best of me, I finally decided to close my practice. Now years later refecting on it, it’s one of my fondest memories , especially my busiest office nearest our capitol and state university.

    Now I have time for beans, bullets and bandaids.

  7. Love the Ron Paul meme. I’ve only written in a candidate for president once and it was Ron Paul; can’t remember if it was 2008 or 2012. I’m proud to have helped send his son, Rand, to the Senate from Kentucky. Rand seems to have inherited his father’s Libertarian spirit and beliefs, but is in no way Ron’s equal in intellect and financial expertise.

    I, too, would be interested in knowing the focus of study for the degree you are finishing and how you plan to monetize it.

  8. The reality is some people – totally unprepared will manage…somehow to get through a crisis. At the same time – dumb luck will take out even the most prepared. I am a firm believer in being prepared, but also a realist. I think a successful book would be realistic in the sense that nothing you do or buy is going to guarantee your survival, but what does that mean? I came up with a motto years ago “Arm yourself, arm a friend!” because no one does it alone – you will need friends, family, support. And yet…. Somehow… There will be that exception to the rule. I’d rather position myself with the better odds.

    Recently a coworker became debt free and off-grid. We still have a mortgage, and that is a risk I am becoming increasingly uneasy with these days. I think we are in the begging stages of a significant “change” in America… and not in a good way. If you are here and reading this, at least there is hope.

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