Article – Raven Rock Author Tells Us How Our Government Plans For Its Own Annihilation

I never get tired of hearing these stories about massive underground bunkers. Go about 1/3 of the way through the article to a YouTube tour of the Greenbrier (aka Project Greek Island).

Over the course of the Cold War, the U.S. government built a massive crescent of continuity of government facilities or sorts. These included elaborate communication sites, personnel bunkers, and command and control posts, ranging from southern Pennsylvania all the way to North Carolina.

Make no mistake, there are dozens of these facilities still out there.Certainly some are kept at a state of operational readiness. Some might even be part of those TREETOP teams.  For those of you who read some of the atrocious ‘survivialist’ fiction of the 90’s, the concept of networks of secret .gov doomsday bunkers and caches was a staple of the ‘Guardians’ series as well as the ‘Deathlands’ series. (Both series, by the way, were entertaining up to a point..that point was usually about 10-15 sequels in before that lack of new ideas would give way to absolutely outlandish changes to previously established fundamentals of the series.)

What is really awesome is that sometimes these ‘decommissioned’ facilities come up for sale to the general public. There’s a big difference between buying an old missile silo and buying a palce that was built, from the ground up, as a place to survive Armageddon.

Realistically, though… unless you hit the Powerball or have an appointment with a bible on Jan 20 in DC, you’re probably never gonna have your own underground nuke-proof city. But…you can always build your own if you’ve the determination.

13 thoughts on “Article – Raven Rock Author Tells Us How Our Government Plans For Its Own Annihilation

  1. The older link article was fascinating especially the comments. Seems the arrogant leftists are good at spending OUR TAX dollars for “Protection” of themselves but not so good at Maintaining that Life Insurance Bunker. ADHD much eh?

    Most of us laugh at their foolishness. Still I am concerned with the wanton ability of such to destroy many millions of lives before eating each other.

    Prepare for Kristallnacht friends. The Cheka are coming.

    Cheka definition is – secret police (as in a Communist-dominated country) having virtually unrestrained power over life and death.

    Kristallnacht when the Mask and kid gloves comes off the Usurpers of the then German Republic, and soon Our Republic. Pelosi’s trying to make Jan 6th the Kristallnacht. Historians will record it soon enough.

    Yes I mixed the Nazi’s with the Communist’s but dies it matter if it’s a Left Boot or a Right Boot stomping your face?

    Any reports from North Carolina about the National Guard “Escorting” the “Jab” clipboard teams? I’d hope it was just BS but I want boots on the ground reporting please. “I was Following Orders” still gives me the chills.

  2. Here’s how I rationalize my negligible importance to the wider world:

    If we ever get to the point that we need to live in underground bunkers for 2 years, I’m not sure I’d want to come out & deal with the mess afterward.

  3. I would like to see one built on the sly. Op sec and all that. You go burying ahonking big steel box in the yard somebody will take notice.

  4. Underground seems the way to go, as demonstrated from the cromagnons, congress, corporate elite and the Viet Cong.

    Worked with a guy that was a ‘tunnel rat’ in the USMC. Badass and quite crazy even in his old age.

    Out here in the SW USA, extensive remote abandoned mining sites that will do quite nicely.

  5. Well, nothing is really ‘bomb proof’ since we have the tech to make a bomb that will screw up even Cheyenne Mountain. The Greenbriar, Raven Rock and such are basically fallout shelters on a massive scale.

    But for a ‘mere’ half-million or so, former ATT Longline communications bunkers such as this has all the structure needed for a very, very good start.

    Or, an Atlas-F site in Nebraska –

    Lots of potential there, if you can get past the first Real Estate Rule. If one becomes available on the west side of the continental divide, I might be interested….

    • They came with 3 acres of land each, some in the middle of national forests. I think that AT and T originally sold them for about $50,000 and some of the original folks who bought them and pulled out the old wiring and just about broke even on the deal.

  6. This was an interesting post. The article over at The War Zone was also a good read. There is one question that does come up for me. Considering the level of security placed upon these places, how much of Mr. graff’s book is factual, how much is regurgitated disinformation and how much is speculative fiction? I guess we will never know.

  7. Keep an eye on GSA Auctions website, Real Estate tab. Sometimes very interesting properties come up for sale. Lots of other unusual items for sale…a bunch of Blackhawk helicopters are on there now.

    • I’ve purchased de-certified S&G government safes with the old mechanical tumbler locks from them before.

      A great poor man’s gun safe.

  8. Ah, Deathlands…
    I’ll admit to reading them.
    Early ones are good.
    Past 15-ish they are hit or miss, depending on the author, since there were a few different ones.

  9. Glad I am in mid 60s now
    Feel for what younger folks will now thru in the future.

  10. Funny that you mentioned The Guardians”. I had the first three when I was a teenager in the mid 80’s, and loved them. On my last deployment to Iraq in ’07, I realized while I was training in a new vehicle I was to be assigned, that the M1117 (ASV) was the Cadillac Gage Commando they had in “The Guardians”. How awesome is it to ride around a battlefield in the “High Speed” vehicle that your heroes used in a post apocalyptic paperback as a kid.

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