Its beginning to look a lot like Festivus

I got, I kid you not, a Festivus card in the mail the other day. A thoughtful reader sent me a Festivus card and a thoughtful (and greatly appreciated) gift. Darn nice of him, if you ask me.

What does Zero want for Christmas?

Well, ammo anyway.

Actually, precious metals (of which ammo would count) make awesome gifts. I genuinely don’t have much I could ask for for Christmas. I did splurge and get myself another lovely Filson garment as an early Festivus gift to myself. I like their products, their style, and quality….hate the price. once, cry once.

However, were Santa to ask me if there were any preparedness related items he could have his non-union labor force whip up for me…..well…I wouldnt mind a nice ICOM transceiver with power supply and antennae, some more NATO gas cans, another EU2000, and that sort of thing. While I’m something of a sentimental fool, I have trouble with the notion of Santa encouraging children to believe that they can get toys simply because ‘they deserve them’. It seems like it would foster an attitude of entitlement. Still, not as bad as Halloween…where children are encouraged to put on disguises, head to wealthier neighborhoods, and demand treats under penalty of tricks. All thats missing from that picture is a ‘no justice no peace’ sign.

But…not everyone sees it that way.

20 thoughts on “Its beginning to look a lot like Festivus

  1. I always have a problem responding to “what do you want for Christmas”. My wants are very specific such as an AAC 90T or some part for the jeep. Also I want quality, the items tend not to be cheap. When I ask for ammo my wife will just get me a gift card to the local cop shop because the variety and nomenclature escapes her. That I want more 5.56 SS109 or at least more 62 grain even if it does not have a steel core. I hate getting the wrong part or not the ammo I have doped my rifle for.

    • This is why, in my opinion, gift cards and cash are perfectly acceptable gifts. Gyno-Americans, however, often dislike that because it somehow gives the impression that we dont understand or pay attention to their likes when, in actuality, they’re just picky.

  2. In actuality, the GOOD children earned them by being good for the entire year. Imagine the uproar if government entitlements were limited to people that hadn’t broken any rules during the entire preceding year.

  3. That isa seriously nice coat. I’m assuming the two buttons on the lower middle rearmake that a pass through pocket of sorts like a game pouch, not that I’d put pheasants in this jacket šŸ˜‰

  4. I always tell folks that ammo and potable liquids are both good. The liquids must be of good quality however. Life’s too short to drink bad whiskey.

  5. The Filson garment is with the exception of a full Buffalo hide the warmest things to put on your upper body in the world and it is heavy but not near a buffalo hide.

    I wear one in the UP and I am sure it is just as cold as your end of the country I stay warm in a Mac Cruiser.

    • Roadie,

      At the risk of compromising OPSEC, key words cropped up regarding your outfitter. Care to correspond about the Mac Cruiser eh? Holy Wah!

  6. If you want to keep the kids in line around Christmas and you have a wood fireplace. Giftwrap a few empty boxes and when the kids act up, take a wrapped box and throw it in the fireplace. šŸ˜ˆ

  7. My Icom 7300 is hands down my favorite radio. The fact that you can buy one for around $1,000 blows my mind, 10 years ago this would have been a $6,000+ radio. If you haven’t checked it out before look at Buddipole for your antenna. It is very portable and goes together like legos (with easy directions in their guide) to make a good setup for any band you want to use. Do yourself a favor, buy the Deluxe kit ( and add 2 more 22″ accessory arms and the long telescopic whips. You will be able to make a ton more full-size antennas but you can do 40m and below with the kit as is. I’d also buy the Triple Ratio Switch Balun and some extra wire assemblies if you plan to make vertical builds in addition to horizontal dipoles. This kit allows you to do a killer NVIS setup on 40 meters!

  8. I understand wanting the newer radios, but I have a soft spot in my heart for the old Kenwood hybrid radios. A couple of sets of vacuum tubes for the radio and you’re set for a lifetime ( provided you don’t abuse the tubes). For my shtf comms I lean toward my Kenwood TS-520 that can run on 12volts DC or 120 volts AC.

      • Back when I was on a team, I tuned a Barb wire fence that had the right orientation with a PRC-70. We made coms.

  9. Well, Iā€™d never received a Paratus card til recently, either :-). Thanks for your cogent thoughts and inspiration.

  10. DH hates shopping and, yes, I am picky. Forget that “it’s the thought that counts” BS. If you are going to spend money, REAL money, then make sure the item bought is worth it and will last a very long time. (Except Scotch and other special consumables, of course. Quality definitely counts.)

    Solved the problem 35 years ago. I buy my own gifts and thank DH profusely for his insight, generosity, and thoughtfulness. I know what I want, I know why I want it, I know what is a decent price, I know where to get it, and I make sure to order it in plenty of time for arrival for the event.

    And, perhaps most important, I know how to wait and save until we can afford it.

    I am The Prepper and Procurer. He is The Financer. Seems to work for both of us. And, if he says he “doesnt want/need anything,” I order something else we DO need. After all, two is one….

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