Article – Down the barrel of a gun: How Second Amendment activism can be a gateway to extremist ideologies

Gun shows like this have long been part of the connective tissue between mainstream conservatism and the American extremist movement. The vast majority of gun owners are law-abiding citizens, but experts and former members of the extremist far-right said a passion for gun rights often serves as a gateway to radicalization – one eagerly exploited by recruiters and leaders in the movement.

The culture war continues unabated. If they can’t stigmatize gun shows because of…well…guns, then they’ll stigmatize them as open-air recruiting centers of Timothy McVeigh-wannabes.

Its so much easier to swing the hammer of public opinion against someone if you’ve marginalized them and made them loathsome first.

Me, I like going to the range, shooting guns that look big and scary, and having a rather large variety of them. And, thus far, I am the least violent person you will ever meet. But…if you can portray me as some sort of violent extremist….well….thats a narrative that makes it much easier to oppress me and my lifestyle.

It’s not just a war on guns…its a war on people who own guns.

10 thoughts on “Article – Down the barrel of a gun: How Second Amendment activism can be a gateway to extremist ideologies

  1. It is amazing that so many of these assists can be totally clueless. Doesn’t say much for our education system. But when you indoctrinate instead if educate its not surprising.
    Fact. Gun shows are the safest places to be. I have been at shows for an entire weekend and have never has an attempt been made to ” recruit” me. Now I live in Michigan. I’ve done shows for years. Even in the 1970s when the Michigan Militia was at its height. We had a chapter in the Kalamazoo area. They used to use a state game area near my home for ” training” and ” maneuvers”. There biggest problem was they were to “in your face” way of operating.
    Now we are in a time when 50 years or more of Marxist doctrine has been shoved down people’s throats. And you end up with idiots so stupid they can only get jobs at the Constipated News Network or in government. That’s what’s wrong with the government.
    The day is coming and it’s not far away when these assholes are going to get a very strong repudiation of their stupidity and group think ideas that don’t work and are devoid of common sense.
    What was it old Mike Vanderbouge used to say? Never poke a wolverine with a sharp stick unless you want to get your balls ripped off.
    Works for me. We need to do a little cancellation of our own. Get back to the values that were once held by the majority of Americans. Tell these loser effeminate Beta boys and butch bitches to take a hike. It’s over for them.

  2. Since the Joe show has failed at all their actions, now they are weathervaning to this one. Which will fail also as many Dems also see the rise in crime and societal descent that surrounds us all. Thus need for.personal defense.

  3. It’s Yahoo news – what do you expect?

    They probably think anyone to the right of Chuck Schumer is a an extremist.

    • Oh. So it’s written by knuckle dragging Neanderthals and Luddites? Now we know the rest of the story.

  4. A safe man is not a good man.
    A good man is a violent man that has that
    part of himself under voluntary control.

  5. Kinda of like someone saying if you work at CNN, you are more likely to become a Pedophile. Wait, bad comparison since this is a fact!!!

    Ok, maybe it’s like saying if you are a Freind of Jeffery Epstein, you are probably having sex with minors. Nope, can’t use that one either, another truth!! Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Bill Gates!!! Probably Hillary too!!

    Remember, the Marxist must destroy the old (US Constitution and American values) first to usher in their new Golden age of Equity (Great Reset). Just FYI, we are part of that old they will have no problem using an abundance of lead and shallow graves to eradicate!!

    • Hillary likes them feminine,but is open to supplying. Like the time she was caught at the Haitian border kidnapping 50-75 children.

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