Goalkeeping II

Annnd..99.89% on my goal of silver for the year. I’m gonna call that 100%.

I was gonna hold off and buy the remaining silver over the next couple weeks but I’ve no idea where the prices are going and I’d rather err on the side of caution and buy it now. I asked a buddy of mine where he thought silver would be on December 31’st and he said “Thirty bucks”. Thing is, will silver have climbed to $30 or will it have dropped to $30. And, no doubt, there’s many an opinion that $30 is a way, way underestimate.


  • Emergency Fund goal for 2022 – complete
  • Silver goal for 2022 – complete
  • HSA goal for 2022 – complete


  • Roth goal for 2022 – 55.75% complete
  • Gold goal for 2022 – 75.89% complete
  • Land goal for 2022 – 43.18% complete

How are yours coming?

17 thoughts on “Goalkeeping II

  1. Commander Zero, how are you looking at your Roth? If/when the market takes a longer term tank, will you keep it there? Just wondering, thanks for the time..

    • It would have to be quite the hit to the market for me to be willing to take the penalties and increased taxes for pulling it out before 59.5 years old. I leave my money in the market. At the same time I dont leave so much money in the market that its total loss would ruin me. Lotsa egss, lotsa baskets.

  2. it’s over-achievers like CZ that makes us slackers look bad. Check that, I don’t need any help looking bad.

  3. “How are yours coming?”

    As always, “right behind you, CDR, every step of the way” 😉

  4. Commander, I hope you have a bolt hole rented and supplied. We’ve talked about buying but you’re waiting.

    The richer folks in Kiev didn’t think they’d be bugging out with a carload of their wealth a few days ago.

    A little humble dacha with a nice well and garden is sweet to flee to.

    Myself I am looking forward to the delivery of my milking sheep. Not in hand means you don’t have it now a days.

  5. Zero- I have only the house left as a debt. I could pay it off but that might use up a lot of one my 401K account. Interest rat is 2.25% so not a lot of interest per year. But on all others like you I’m good. Always topping off the food, meds, ammo, weapons blah blah. Do al lot more with skill set stuff and learning new now that I’m retired. It’s nice.

  6. The old saying “Never mind the mule going blind, keep loading the wagon” always applies. Being blessed with the opportunity to retire at 57 I took it and I’m not in the saver / accumulater group anymore. I’ve accumulated well over the years. And, I’ve taken a “2 Lamborghini” hit to my IRA since November. Fortunately I dont need that $ right now and market dips represent a buying opportunity. I do have some gold & silver but I’ve wondered about executive orders barring its sale or transfer. I never thought I’d see a western govt seize bank accounts of protestors or those who support them. An EO could imperil the ability to convert the PMs into something needed. I think it more wise to count on PM’s as a store of wealth vs a semi liquid vehicle for exchange in the future.
    Acquiring land and a living a more secluded life is appealing. When I shop for land I look at crime stats and demographics. Usually thats enough to keep me where I am.

  7. This whole Ukraine war will probably drive up the price of metals.

    Just heard a report, France has surrendered.

    • Pm’s aren’t the problem with Ukraine it’s wheat and corn 20%-25% each of world market respectedly. Look for large spikes in price and or shortages. With fascists trying to stop trade with Russian commodities a general decline in availability is to be expected(diesel over$4/gal already-you will pay more for shipping and like it (klaus schaub))

  8. Gathering of (more) Tangible financial assets, and finishing touches added to that lifetime prepper hobby is swell endeavors prior to coming storms or winter like circumstances. However, one must take those strategic assessment actions above those various lower level tactical actions. The Ukraine dust up as well as conus blue hive city and states devovling into venzuela like paradises means many should be muttering that realtor’s slogan, “location, location, location”. Things in one’s own A.O. may not become just cheeky like a corporate hostile takeover and a new management team politely introducing themselves in the cafeteria. Take the pay cuts, and any other pains necessary. Decamp from sketchy locales first, then build up or rebuild your emplacement positions at that better locale from there. Follow Remus’ advice: “Avoid Crowds”.

  9. To be honest I’m feeling a bit lost. The house debt is about all we have, so that’s good. I think getting a functional chicken coup operational this summer will help my outlook. I’m normally a pretty optomistic person, but that seems to be being tested these days.

    • So if you have a chicken coup does that mean the chickens are now in charge? Or did you mean chicken coop?


  10. One small two story w/ basement. Total sq.ft =2850, paid for. Outside, 20×30 garage all on about an acre lot in town. Out of town, 3 mi. north, 8 acres,wooded at the end of a snaking dead end twp. rd. with one four bedroom, 2.5 bath w/basement. Further back, gate enclosed lies a small one bedroom, one bath with dirt floor basement. Now, this property belongs to a friend since childhood who’s parents died recently and he inherited it. This is the fall back location if the town were to be overtaken. In all, we have a four man team for this fall back location. Plenty of wild game and gardening/canning/stocked larder there. All are wood heat capable and plentiful water. CCTV and motion detectors/alarms. We can operate/guard at night. We are also in the midst of Amish country. We really won’t need a lot of money as barter will be the way in the future if things go sideways but we do have a plan. I just wish we had two more guys we could trust with our lives. That woud be a nice “cusion”.

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