8 thoughts on “Thought for the day

  1. I remember sitting in the parking lot of where I worked and looking east at the smoke that day. And to this day I believe the sheriff should have walked into the compound anytime up to that day and dealt with the issues without loss of life.

  2. I remember then Attorney General Janet Reno saying the Waco stand off was becoming too expensive, which was good enough reason for government troops to burn innocent babies to death.

    Apparently that made Timothy McVeigh very angry.

    And for an added bonus, the agents killed (some say by friendly fire) were former members of Clinton’s security team that may have knew too much.

    • There is video of the probable deaths of those agents. You can see them climb to the roof and enter the window, and a few seconds later another single agent scoots up to the base of the window and does a sweeping mag dump into that room.

      One of the reasons they had to burn the building was to hide the forensic evidence. Such as the helicopter making a gun run over the roof using a side gunner. Woman lying down with an infant on the second story got hosed.

      Met some of the survivors (six or so) at a gun show in Vegas in ’94. They were at a booth. (BTW, fair number of the church members were from England, IIRC).
      Saw lots of bumper stickers in the Vegas area reading: “is YOUR church approved by the BATF?”

  3. And it all happened, Waco, Ruby Ridge, as well as the Bundy Ranch, and the Malhuer Wildlife Refuge fiasco, and how many others, because you wouldn’t do what they said. You wouldn’t “obey”, submit, pay your fair share (meaning you pay, they don’t), you promote hate speech and you’re wassist.

  4. Just a note to all you schmucks fleeing to Florida because, More Free, remember when Janet Reno was going to run for governor there? I know that made up my mind to finally leave the state ( whereupon I moved to Nevada, just a few years before Vegas was captured by California immigrants and the state went Full Commie. Not my most brilliant move, but I do love this place. Nevada, not Las Vegas. They can burn in Hell, if you can get Hades hotter than Vegas already is )

  5. This was one of the first warning klaxons. It along with General Reno’s BBQ in Waco was ignored by the idiots in this country who still vote Marxocrat. It’s been many years and things have only gotten worse. Clinton was a Marxist as is his wife. Then along comes a guy who wants even born here. But he was a Marxist and just so wonderful. It would give the party of slavery, Jim Crow, segregation and the KKK cover for their earlier transgressions in the arena of civil rights if they could elect a black man President. Except his view of Constitutional Rights were more radical then even Red Hilda. Most of what has happened in 2020 is because of Obama. But started by the Clintons. Earlier LBJ had instituted policies called “the Great Society” but was anything but. It destroyed the black families and set the course for what you see in the inner cities run by Marxocrat Mayors.
    Many things need to be done. To begin with. We need to remove the Idiot in the White House. Then begin dismantling the internal structure that has been built to bring about the current Autocratic government. Every single government department, agencies and offices that has been weaponized against the people by the Marxocrats needs to be eliminated. If not we will see more of this kind of behaviour by this government.
    Remember. They see anyone outside the government as the enemy.

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