May as well just grab a Magic 8 Ball

Times like these always cause a little war between the two halves of my brain. One side says “This isn’t the big deal it appears to be. Stop overreacting.” The other half says “A year from now youre going to look back and say how did I not see this coming..all the signs were there.”

Such is the dichotomy and curse of being a survivalist.

13 thoughts on “May as well just grab a Magic 8 Ball

  1. True, but I never regretted a purchase, especially if it was bought in regards to bettering the odds of my Family’s survival. Also, except for a few items, most will get used, even if it’s not for the specific event that the purchase was made because of

    • This is good advice, I think where I see people have regrets is when for example they pull their money out of the market because this time the world is really ending only to miss out on huge gains when it didn’t. Same goes for people that buy survival stuff using debit because “when the SHTF I’m not going to have to pay it back any way”.

      • I was just watching a video of Warren Buffet on youtube and one thing he mentioned was during periods of high inflation the worst place for your money is in cash.

  2. In the past what we perceived as a threat / problem was resolved and we went on with our lives. Today the alarms are sounding again, and the storm clouds are gathering. It is hard to scry the future

  3. My interest in survivalism is about having options. Electricity goes out, stores are closed, etc., and I have options. I have stopped believing I have special powers to predict what comes next except the death and taxes stuff. So what options do I want that I don’t have available? That is what I try to focus on. Options that help for many possible futures.

  4. The people leaving a burning Ukraine about now, not knowing where to go or what to do, are thinking the same thing as they try to boil water from puddles in the street.

  5. On my scorecard we’ve seen three of the four horsemen in the last 5 years.
    The last one is ‘famine’, and it appears he’s saddling-up.

  6. Approaching survivalist ways and prepping is a lot like horsepower. If ya need it and don’t have it, ya can’t use it if ya don’t got it.
    It’s only money anyway, none of it leaves this planet when you depart that sorry carcass you’re living in.
    Money is only an object used to meet an end. I’ve never had everything I’ve wanted, but I’ve always had everything I’ve needed.

  7. I have been going through this as well. On one hand I don’t want to act like the world did when Hitler annexed part of Czechoslovakia and later all of Austria missing what was coming but I also don’t want to dance in panic like a trained monkey because the media is telling me this is the latest shiny thing.

    Don’t believe me that most of us do this? When was the last time you thought about Syria or the Hong Kong protestors? Right before COVID hit this was daily news with people demanding we go into Syria (without explaining the end game of course) and we all “stood with the protestors of Hong Kong”. What happened? Did the people of Hong Kong get all their freedom back or did the media just stop telling you this was important and to go argue with people online about it?

    The same will be with Ukraine, no one will give a shit about all the dead children there as soon as we’re told its almost election time and the latest George Floyd event has occurred and the rioters are once more needed in the streets. Or maybe Iran and North Korea are a threat again (I’m pretty sure we’re all done with Islamic Terrorism because it already played its part).

    Either way ask “Why am I being told this now?”
    Always ask, “Who benefits” and
    “In what way would this really impact my life?”

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