Darwinism in action

There’s a common phrase on the internet: “Everyone wants to be a [fill in the blank], until it’s time to do [fill in the blank] things.” Example: everyone wants to be a high-speed operator until it’s time to do high-speed operator things. Everyone wants to be a cowboy until it’s time to do cowboy things. You get the idea.

I feel like there should be a meme of “Everyone wants to be a survivalist until its time to do survivalist things”. I am curious how many of the …sheltered….snowflakes out there are going to completely lose their crap when they realize that their lives of $5 Starbucks ‘coffees’, Whole Foods fair-trade organic free-range cage-free eggs, and interpretive dance degrees have not prepared them for whatever hard times are coming down the pike. They’ll be easy to recognize because they’ll be the ones clamoring loudest for .gov to “do something” where that ‘something’ will invariably involve your money and your resources.

Former military people? Cops, nurses, ambulance drivers, and people who have seen ugly stuff on a daily basis? People who climbed the ladder but remember quite vividly what it’s like to not have enough of…anything? People who are already living on the edge? They’re gonna merge smoothly into the new normal. They know how unstable and unfair life can be. But the others….the ones we cal snowflakes and karens…theyre going to have some major adjustment issues.

On the bright side, if WW3 really does come to pass (and I doubt it will), there’s going to be a lot of people who are either going to have to come over to my side of the fence politically and socially, or theyre going to suffer grievously. And..I’ve no sympathy. When someone says that the BLM-bumperstickered, woke,  tax-n-spend, Biden-voting, hating lefty down the street needs some food, a few gallons of gas, or someone to shoot the ‘houseless’ transient kicking in their door I am gonna say “nope”.



18 thoughts on “Darwinism in action

  1. Commander:
    Darwinism is untrue!
    Why else would there be Politicians…

    Unless Darwinism includes us putting things right.


  2. Very well-said.

    I’m in the process of having a bison hand pump installed on our rural property well-head. While we have a generator because we lose power regularly, I’ve had the generator ‘fail’ on me, too. “Needed a software update”, you see.

    I get a fair amount of eye-rolling when I mention a hand pump. Even from the locals who should know better.

    Truth is, I’ll *probably* never ‘need’ it. Never had to actually use one of my fire extinguishers, either. Pretty glad I have them, though.

    • Tim when you’re the village water man be careful of both the access as not to have the pump destroyed or the well contaminated and that some “Strongman” doesn’t try to take over your business.

      Safe water is life. That bison is an excellent pump. I’d build a strong wellhouse for it myself.

  3. Those whole-food interpretive dancers will be demanding that you ‘share’.

    IDK about you, I am not planning on sharing anything, including land for a grave with the looters and moochers.

    I’ve spent all of my life (literally: I was born on a SAC base in the midst of an ORI) preparing for WWIII. I have prepared as best I can for me and my family, I have taught my kids as best I can, and the rest of my extended family has been offered space should it be needed, but since we now live 1000 miles from them, I don’t expect them to show up. And they better bring groceries.

  4. This illustrates the dangers of living in a Democratic Party-controlled county, even if you live in a rural area.

    It will be the Democratic county commissioners or other ‘officials’ – especially if they also control the sheriff’s department – who will order food collection teams to go door to door to ensure everyone provides their ‘fair share.’

    • While I don’t minimize the danger from former LEO’s turning post-apocalypse warlord enforcers, food collection is going to be even more difficult than gun collection. With about one deputy per thousand residents, their luck will run out PDQ. Unless you are a known hoarder beforehand, it is a smaller risk than just the neighbors themselves

      • I don’t believe it would actually be LEO; instead, picture groups of inner city thugs wearing armbands and conducting searches at the direction of a county social worker or similar.

        A complicit, Democratic Party sheriff’s office would allow this…

  5. I can’t help but think about the 10 million (!) or so refugees (women, children, elderly) heading out of Ukraine as we speak.

    Wonder how many of them will run into the ‘let them die’ attitude? Better crank up the backhoes and D9 cats to start the mass burials, preferably away from any fresh water source because that’s going to be a lot of decomposition.

    Does Poland (or the US, Slovakia, Hungary, etc) have a screening process so only the right wingers, or other demographic of LMI’s as the case may be, get help with food, water, medical and shelter? Just wondering. Forewarned is forearmed.

    Oh, you voted for Biden? GTFO! No safety for you! One year! Or it could go the other way. Maybe someone who is wounded, starving or dying of thirst shows up and asks for help. You voted for Trump! FOAD GTFO!! Can go both ways I suppose. Surely there were a lot of people in WWII that turned their backs on the Jews escaping the Nazis.


  6. It won’t even take a collapse, even just a power outage or bad storm will show what people are made of…
    I have relatives in Texas who complain how tough it is when it gets cold… Their furnace broke several years ago and they never fixed it because they “didn’t need it”.
    They cite the cost to fix furnace and AC all the way as the problem…
    They have also gone liberal and won’t say who they voted for in 2020, but it wasn’t Trump. Fortunately for me, they live 2000 miles away and won’t travel here without getting paid to…

  7. Well I am not an operator operating operationally but I put 38 miles in this past weekend with my 40lbs ruck…got to be fit when the flag goes up

  8. You want to see it in action? Watch what happens if the EBT(foodstamps) system fails, the FSA(free shit army) proves it travels on it’s stomach. I’ve heard it referenced as the “golden hoard” but will be like a crap tide that only distance/real obstacle(impassible river/mountain) will grind to a halt in its desire for your anything.

    • ‘Horde’ is a large group of beings, ‘hoard’ is a large stash of objects.

  9. I’m not necessarilly for turning people away, but at the end of the day “we” get the government “we” deserve. Lack of education? American hating communists running the education system? We have ourselves to blame or at least those that don’t want to educate themselves. “Free stuff” sells to the ignorant masses for sure. We don’t even have a majority of the population that understands we aren’t a democracy. They want mob rule and unfortunately the Democrats pander in order to solidify their power. How many states now want MOB RULE.even at the expense of ignoring their own voters. Scary times my friends.

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