
Think about all the very newsworthy crap going on in the world right now…Russians invading, pandemic, inflation, supply chain issues…..and people suddenly shift their focus on an actor slapping another actor. If I were of the conspiratorial mind, I’d wonder how much the Biden administration paid Smith to distract people from the real issues going on.

18 thoughts on “Squirrel!

  1. I think it’s more like, how much did the Academy pay Smith to re-position the show in the public mind. If there had been no major news hullaboo about the incident would you even had known the Oscars show was on?

    • I agree, looked staged to boost declining ratings. If you notice Chris Rock didn’t even move his feet at the time of the hit. I’m a feeble old man and I can hit harder than that.

  2. This was one of those “Who the hell cares?” moments that was slathered over the airwaves and internet all.day.long. Yeah; you gotta ask yourself why…

  3. Didn’t watch and haven’t watched in decades. Are they still making movies?

    • Nice Ordnance rifle. I was with a group that had a twenty pounder Parrott, an original Model 1841 6 pdr bronze smooth bore. And we built a replica of a Confederate Hughes gun.

  4. Meh.
    The grimmer Reality gets, watching two other people have a slap fight is a pleasant moment’s diversion. No more, no less. Substitute “pie” for “slap”, and see how it looks.
    The bigger the Depression got, the funnier the Three Stooges and Marx Brothers became.
    I think that’s all that’s at work here.

  5. The staged event was in keeping with the Oscar’s new quota policy – next year it’ll be an Asian slapping an Asian, and the next year a Transgender slapping a Transgender, and so on – everyone has to get their chance . . .

    • either staged or Chris Rock can take a slap better than a trailer park house wife.

  6. Agree with Bigus Macus, who gives a crap? I have more than enough drama in my own life and family that I don’t need to go looking for more.

    Extreme diversification has backfired in so many industries. I can’t wait until the mobs start just walking into the big movie theaters, raiding the concession stand, then just strolling past the ticket takers and taking over. When the 22-year-old theater manager calls the cops, they’re just gonna laugh.

  7. More of an annoyance then anything else. As someone who isn’t much of a joiner, I don’t do Socialist media. Don’t have cable. Don’t have much of an internet presence.
    I’m politically informed by other means. But up to date on what the real issues I need to concentrate on.
    I know the Marxist Media all lie especially for the brain dead moron in the White House. And his historic number 2. And yes number 2 is exactly what that birthing person who hasn’t birthed and hopefully won’t is rightfully compared to.
    I don’t listen to the Beta boys and butch bitches in media. They have to lie in order to keep they’re preferred party in power.
    I realize the world the way it is. Not what they want me to believe. No matter how much they polish the turd that is the Biden Regime, it’s still a turd.
    The entire elements that shape the current world situation we find ourselves in are manufactured. From the Chink Flu to the real people who are to blame for rising prices and inflation. If you can learn to become a critical thinker and understand cause and effect you begin to get a clearer picture of the reality of our current time.
    Critical thinking and cause and effect used to be taught in the college’s and Universities in this country. They are no longer teaching instead to produce mental eunuchs that don’t ask questions but willfully submit to every gallon of bullshit they are required to swallow to stay in good standing with the rest of the mental defective members of the woke movement. Movement. Another word Association that works. As in bowl movement for what the left peddles.
    Many people are surprised to learn that Constitutional law is not taught in the nation’s law schools. Rather case law is preferred. This way there are fewer Originalist to have to work around. About 40 years ago I read that about half the laws passed by the slip and fall lawyers turned legislators did not conform to the Constitution. Today it’s about 90%. The amount of waste fraud and abuse takes 90 cents out of every dollar taken by the government by way of taxes. There are so many assine things the government, meaning Congress wastes money on. And to be truthful the great percentage is not allowed under the Constitution.
    There are many reasons for the bucket of steaming shit we find ourselves in. It didn’t happen overnight. It started with Wooden Head Wilson and has continued every since.
    In summation. No I don’t need over payed former frat boys at Poison Ivy League schools of journalism to tell me what to think. Or how to think. I make my own mind up. And I know when the lemmings are headed for a cliff as the panicked Marxist party is going to be doing in November. They can’t help themselves. They do the same thing over and over again always expecting a different result. That is the definition of insanity. Look at old Shitty Britches Biden, Nasty Ass Pelosi, the goofy idiots in the Squad. Are these people sane? Nope. Not by my knowledge of the word.
    Maybe that abnormal psychology class I had to take in my Criminal Justice studies has been worth much more then I thought at the time. It’s helped me wade through the Bullshiska being fired at us daily.

  8. I don’t care what africans do to other africans. I don’t watch them ,don’t listen to them .

  9. It looked like Chris Rock flowed with the slap!! He never even put his hand on his face where he was slapped!! If someone is hit in the face, one of the first things they do subconsciously is put their hand on where they were hit! This was stage to give the Oscars a rating uplift!!

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