5 thoughts on “Wheat at WinCo II

  1. Found this today along with the article about the near total lack of water for California Imperial Valley a major ag-fruit area. HT to Western Rifle Shooters today.


    Really puts the proxy war with Ukraine into perspective for as Michael Yon likes to say (for the past two years) PanFamWar.

    A real disaster is heading our way and cash in the bank is going to get nearly irrelevant as an infinite amount of EBT money chasing that loaf of bread = Hyperinflation, hunger and chaos.

    Although I have some fertilizer on hand (mostly dribs and drabs I never toss) plus some expensive bags, I think more in the shed beats cash in the banks.

    Food got two years worth and trusted friends?

  2. “The economic collapse blog” is listing fires at 16 different food facilities since 2022 began. Four a month for four months. Too many to be a coincident? Maybe, maybe not. For fertilizer I mostly use Alaska Fish fertilizer and Epsom salt along with composted straw from the goat barn and chicken coop cleanings.

    • It also possible that there are normally that many incidents of fire or damage to facilities within that timeframe and the difference is that we normally don’t hear about them.

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