Roof Korea 2022

I missed it, but yesterday was the anniversary of the 1992 LA Loot-n-Scoot Championships… aka The LA Riots. This was the event that gave us the legendary Roof Koreans.

This was before the 1994 Assault Weapons ban, so there was a decent amount of non-neutered hardware around but there wasn’t the emphasis on tactical gear and accoutrements that we see nowadays. What would ‘Roof Korea 2022’ look like?

Well, first off, there’d be, IMHO, a metric crap-ton more AR-15s than were seen back in ’92. I also think youd see a lot more tactical vests, plate carriers, communications, and that sort of thing. I suspect there’d also have been a lot more small-unit activity than just a buncha guys lined up like Alamo defenders.

Although the Roof Koreans did a fabulous job, I maintain that the championship award for Defending His Business Against All Comers should go to gun dealer Harry Beckwith who used an M16, S&W76, shotgun, and revolver in a 105-round bullet party that turned a crash-n-grab gun store burglary into a statistical outlier.

But, thirty years ago the Roof Koreans created a name for themselves and,. I suspect, might have created enough of a legned to temper would-be rioters even today.



18 thoughts on “Roof Korea 2022

  1. Happily, back then self-defense wasn’t a crime and they we not all shipped off for re-education.

    Antifa season is back given the Democrats fears about a little election in November. How they figure paying for those street thugs is going to be good for their votes beats me. Maybe a big enough emergency and No Elections until things calm down, eh?

    You can bet in Antifa country the police and DA’s will protect them from unlawful self-defense.

    Plan work arounds folks. Takes time to prepare well.

    • One can’t help but wonder if the Backburn is 2022.
      It is obvious the FBI/DHS/OGUS has No Interest at all of ending these True Domestic Terrorists Attacks

  2. The LA Koreans demonstrated beautifully why private citizens need to be armed. History has shown over and over that unless a group, tribe, or ones being attacked aren’t strong enough to repel invaders, the opposing force will pretty much do whatever they want to the resident population. This would include, as JW Rawles recently posted, muslims nailing young Christian girls to crosses (1915, the Armenian Genocide). Just as we are currently witnessing in the Ruskies vs. Ukraine, fight them off or run away.

  3. While a lot of the story from that time has been ignored or suppressed, we have had enough leak out around the edges to get a fair idea of what it was really like (thanks Kurt Schlichter!). It did demonstrate that it doesn’t take a terribly high kill ratio to cool a riot. Must not fedpoast any further comments.
    The biggest takeaway though is on Arthur’s post today: DON’T BE THERE!

  4. Little-known side story.
    LAPD heard about the Rooftop Korean Posse, came out after, and disarmed them all, “because we can’t have a bunch of armed vigilantes out there”. Then left. Like the neutered spineless turds they were.

    Rooftop Koreans returned home, got their second guns, and continued to stand off all comers until elements of the First Mar Div showed up, fresh from freeing Kuwait, cocked, locked, and ready to rock.

    One unfortunate Urban Yute thought to spank the Marines by spraying a few shots at them from a nearby upper floor window. He was terminally whacked, folded, spindled, and mutilated by the hail of return fire from a ring-mounted Ma Deuce. Word got out in the hood that the Marines would return fire, and the Free Shoes and TVs Party was over in about an hour after that, when the entire Los Angeles division of the Free Sh*t Army returned home.

  5. Yeah, I was working in Hollywood during the riots. We had just gone to 6-12s in the shop to get a boat load of scenery finished and on a literal boat for Germany. It was surreal. We were sent home early as the riots started moving up LaBrea toward us. By the time I got home and turned on the TV, the strip mall I’d passed on Western with a large crowd milling around, was looted and burning.

    Heading in to work the next day, and passing smoking holes in the ground where buildings used to be was … very strange. We all felt a little sheepish when we shared that we were all armed (despite Cali law.) But then it started back up, and we went home and stayed away until “order was restored.” When we went back, rubble was still smoking and there were guys with slung M-16s on the corners. It was like a post-apocalyptic movie.

    The lines outside gun stores were hi-larious as the same people who voted for waiting periods suddenly figured out that there might in fact be a reason why you needed a gun RIGHT THE F NOW.


    our shop survived with only some scorching from a dumpster lit on fire, and we got the scenery on the boat on time. Good times.

    As a side note, LAPD waited a year? maybe longer, identified everyone they could in every video of looting, and then went out and rounded them up all at once. IDK what they were charged with or if they all plead out, but LAPD made the effort.

    • Yeah, looooooong after the fact. When TSHTF, they were forted up in the downtown central bus yard, told not to venture out, because “it’s not safe on the streets for the police”. Because F**K Average Joe’s chances with that, right?

      On production throughout L.A., the movie patrol LAPD cops went to the Teamster drivers and point-blank told them,
      “We know you guys all have guns squirreled away in your rigs. Go get ’em out, and strap ’em on, in plain sight. Keep them on from here on out. Don’t take ’em off until you’re home tonight. Driving back to the studio today could get interesting.”

      We were wrapped early, and that was that.

  6. Don’t know if I’m the only one that’s seen this. Old Shitty Britches has brought up the subject of outlawing body armour by civilians. Several of the Communist occupied states have also chimed in. Commiefornia, Moscow on the Hudson. Illinois. They intend to issue state prohibitions if Uncle Joe Rusky Stalin III refuses to act. When body armour is outlawed then only the Terrorist wing of Nasty Ass Pelosi’s flying monkey Army will be allowed to have it. Bullet resistant vests are part of the daily uniform for ANTIFA, BLM and Boogaloo Boyz. The forth branch is the Mexican cartels but they remain in Mexico till needed for smuggling operations. So. If you can to avoid dissapointment and future regret. By now while you still can.

    • Even in Califrutopia, any such law would be overturned at the ballot box in about one election cycle.

      Sacramento politicians have clearly lost their minds, but the entire state has not.

  7. “Storefront Sikhs” where only last year and as far as I can see used the same equipment.

  8. ref “average gunfight is xxx rounds…”

    Since the average gunowner is NOT going to get into a gunfight, the fact that I’m exchanging rounds with Whoever, in this hypothetical, means that The Good Fortune Fairy has abandoned me. Indeed, the Statistical Events fairy, as well. Therefore, I take my guidance from Sgt Timothy Grammins ( who relates that he carries 145 rounds with him, every day, on his person, on patrol.

    Betcha, nobody, anywhere, at any time in history, ever said, “Gosh, I sure wish I did not have so much ammunition with me, in that gunfight!”

    Of course, YMMV. I just an old ex street medic from Da City, bent by my personal observations and experiences.

    • Next door neighbor was a motor cop who’d exchanged lead enough times to know better.
      Carried 4 spare 15s, and had another 3 33-rounders on his bike.

      He punched out before AR-15s become normal patrol gear, but he likely would’ve had a couple of bandoleers for that.

      • I remember seeing a modified AR at a SWAT roundup in Orlando I went to for work several years ago. It had a shortened BCG so you could sidefold the stock and fit it in a hardbag in the side of a bike. Designed for motor cops, i was told.
        Designed before there were many more options for ARs in shortened versions.

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