When it rains it pours

I have said it over and over, and I know you guys are tired of hearing it….but it’s Truth: You will need $50 bills far more often than you will need .50 BMG.

I finally(!!) got the water heater issue resolved and it was not cheap. But, thats what a grossly overfunded emergency fund is for. I just jumped on the computer, moved money to my personal account, gave the guy my debit card, and it was a done deal. Finito. Time for a hot shower!

And…just in time for a dental emergency that also is not going to be cheap. Fortunately, I have an overstuffed HSA that I keep for just this sort of thing.

And…my homeowners and auto insurance come due this next month.

Thats a buncha cash outlays to be facing all at once.

Am I stressed? Am I concerned? Am I worried?


I’m not even giving it a second thought. Know why? Because every single paycheck I put a percentage into my emergency fund (water heater fix), into my HSA (dental fix), and once a month I put a chunk into my insurance account (homeowners and auto), And I do this faithfully, religiously, without fail. Every month, every paycheck.

As a result I wind up with some increased resiliency. Yeah, I’ve got a basement full of guns, food, ammo, and a safe full of silver. But those stashes of cash, for specific types of emergencies/expenses, has streamlined my life a lot more than the cases of 5.56mm have. But…play it safe, have both.

6 thoughts on “When it rains it pours

  1. Wisdom. A reasonable cash cushion goes a LONG way in the peace-of-mind category. My mother always said “Keep five grand in the bank if you can” and demonstrated why her whole life. Me, I think at least two months total expenses but six months is much better.

  2. Murphy visits MUCH more often than recognized (though the prepared know what he/she looks like). So much so, that Dave Ramsey recommends the very FIRST thing in getting out of debt is setting up a $1000 emergency fund – eating out isn’t an emergency, insurance isn’t an emergency (though the increase may be).

  3. Things like the water heater and dental emergencies are a easy fix it as you did plan for it with a robust emergency fund . Insurance you know when it’s coming so you prepare for it by putting money away for it. All of that is just good financial planning . We have a budget setup to put money away in different areas , Food for now and to stockpile , Auto repairs and replacement , The list goes on all so we avoid a catastrophe when something craps out . 50.00 dollar bills are more useful then 50 cal’s for the vast majority of your life emergency’s . We have started to put a little more spending on food in the long term stocking since pricing don’t seem to be going down , So we put a little more away when we see the occasional good price . Fun times

  4. I love Dave Ramsey fans, because they tend to be calm, level-headed and prepared. I only get a few hours a week of his radio show, so I’ve been supplementing that with his YouTube videos. What this nation needs is a Fed chairman and other financial leaders who follow Dave’s principles.

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