It warms the cockles of my heart…and even the sub-cockle region

I don’t get around the internet as much as I used to, so I am way behind the curve and this video is a couple years old…but, dang if it doesn’t fill me full of warm fuzzies like watching a bin full of puppies:

Apparently, not satisfied with the world seeing him go from badass fed to crybaby whiner in mere minutes, Mr James Burk also has a history of shoplifting….which ATFE, naturally, chooses to overlook whereas in just about any other police agency he’d get shown the door.

Mr Burk, naturally, sued for ‘excessive force’…which is odd since he works for an agency that  incinerates buildings full of children. And, worst of all, shoots dogs.

But, for my money, you just can’t help but smile at watching an ATFE goon go from ‘Cool dude’ to crying little girl when someone treats him the way his agency treats everyone else.

11 thoughts on “It warms the cockles of my heart…and even the sub-cockle region

  1. I could never be a cop. If they issued me a tazer, I’d light that prick up like a christmas tree…

    …then I’d get raped in prison.

  2. “About that special feeling we get in the cockles of our hearts,
    Or maybe below the cockles,
    Maybe the the sub cockle area,
    Maybe in the liver,
    Maybe in the kidneys,
    Maybe even in the colon,
    We don’t know.”

    Not a day goes by I’m not remembering some lyric of this song…

  3. I am reminded of an old saying

    When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing you need to do is stop digging

    • Yeah, no kidding. ATFDude wasnt used to being on the receiving end and thought the rules didnt apply to him.

  4. Let’s see – stealing ALCOHOL – it’s the first one in Alcohol,Tobacco, & Firearms. He should have been jailed AND FIRED then.

  5. ATF agents are generally viewed by the other alphabet agencies as the lowest of the low, and find it difficult or impossible to transfer to them. I’ve read that the reason they still exist is that no other agency would accept them if ATF was shut down, and fed workers can’t be fired or laid off. Maybe they could be assigned to guard the Alaska/Russia border area?

    Maybe next time he will check in with the locals before causing problems, again?

  6. How is it fed workers cannot be fired?

    The mind boggles.

    That idiot got everything he deserved. Probably should have just shot his ass and been done with it.

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