More of the same

Man, it’s just a fascinating world that we live in thee days, innit? I mean, we wind up living in/through a pandemic which pretty much no one (well, except the Chinese) saw coming. Then we get inflation that hasn’t been seen in a generation (thanks Brandon!), and now we’re shooting UFO’s out of the sky like it’s a Space Invaders tournament. I have no idea what sort of Black Swan could possibly be next…I mean, who would have thought any of these most recent crises were even plausible?

Remember: while we cannot control the things that are out of our control, we can control our responses to them. I can’t control the idiots in Washington driving the economy into a ditch, but I can control my response to that. And I do. My response is the same as my response to most thing out of my control – set things up so that I can at least exert a little bit of control over the consequences.

Right now my biggest concern is positioning myself to take advantage of the decline in the housing market as rates go up, qualified buyers go down, and the resultant decline in prices. Somewhere out there is a piece of property that is exactly what I’m looking for and it’s previous owner is slashing the price to make a sale. Of course, buying the property is only the beginning of the financial journey – once it’s done, then comes the building and improvements. A chunk of nowhere is nice. A chunk of nowhere with a comfy, cozy, hardened little house on it is better.

Although my biggest concern at the moment is, as I said, getting my ducks in a row to purchase some property, there’s still that little bugaboo of being ready for everything else that could go wrong. For 90% of the problems, the quick fix is cash. Water heaters, transmissions, broken teeth, family emergencies, layoffs, and a host of other personal EOTWAWKI’s are fixed with a generous application of greenbacks. And for what the greenbacks don’t fixe, there’s food, fuel, amo, guns, meds, clothes, and a zillion other things to help take the sting out of whatever crisis is coming down the pike.

Still, you can never know whats gonna happen…(pandemic? Who had that one on their scorecard?) So, I keep doing what I’ve always been doing … stock up, have extra, be ready to shift gears on a moments notice, etc, etc.

Not an inexpensive way to live, unfortunately, but dirt cheap compared to the costs of being unprepared.

13 thoughts on “More of the same

  1. “I have no idea what sort of Black Swan could possibly be next…”

    These federal fuckwits have nothing better to do all day than conjure “what is next”.

    Lord, I hope you’re not an ‘associate’ of the FIB, CDR.

  2. The real estate crash has begun and foreclosures are ramping up. The price of land should be coming down soon.

  3. its coming down in some areas, crashing in blue states, but holding fast in tn, fla, and other conservative areas. some people are way ahead of you. better get cracking.

  4. Of course, buying the property is only the beginning of the financial journey – once it’s done, then comes the building and improvements.

    — man you ain’t kidding. I’ve been documenting just that at my BOL. After years of saving, buying the stuff I figured we’d eventually need, and looking, we were able to jump on a country property. Of course, it was a cash deal, as is and where is, because the market was still hot last year. The only reason we could afford it (other than living our lifestyle) was that it needed a bunch of serious and expensive work.

    $45K to fix the foundation, and make sure the fix sticks this time
    $22K for new septic
    $4K to underground the electrical service and upgrade the parts that had previously caught on fire…
    $2K-3K for propane and gas line replacement

    Ongoing time and money to replace every piece of rotten plumbing, upgrade the electrical to grounded outlets and remove all the twisted together wire with failed crunchy electrical tape…. Paint, new ceilings, new floor.

    This year will be more soil stabilization, rebuilding hundreds of feet of retaining wall, grading and landscape, deck, paint, and all the normal maintenance things… Probably another $40-50K.

    Then comes things like solar, backup generators, outbuildings, ham shack, water treatment, garden….

    It’s a journey, not a destination. And a LONG one at that.


  5. First off. There isn’t a signal idiot in the Biden Regime that isn’t either dumb as a post or just plain lazy and stupid.
    We have currently enemies like the World Economic Forum who fancy themselves as the smartest folks in any room. Essentially they are assholes with diplomas. Notice the first three letters. Kinda like dipshit. These turds are to a degree funny to listen to. They have Hitlerian ideas but haven’t a clue how to make them work or attain their goals of world domination.
    The Chinese are on the move. I see a move on Taiwan soon. Right now they are in the midst of the Chinese Communist Party yearly gathering to talk about the best way to proceed. And don’t believe the horseshit being peddled that they need us. We’re their best customer. China was a poor country for three thousand years. They have no problem being one again. After they are done with us they know others will step up and volunteer to take our place. Because it pays to kiss the ass of the country that defeated the powerful USA.
    I’m not saying we won’t win or at least get some heavy hits in.
    What passes for leadership in this country on both sides is for shit. To many fossils In power wedded to outmoded and outdated ideas. They’re to busy naval gazing to see the big picture. Some is on purpose because they have been promised a large piece of the grift. The thought of being double crossed never occurrs to them. They have deluded themselves for so long they have tunnel vision.
    Keep an eye on the NWO morons but China is the real danger. They will be ready to move and I expect that will happen as soon as the spring is nearly over. Make sure any investments you have aren’t based in Taiwan. Remember their promises on Hong Kong. What happened there? Right. The Chinese moved and the silence of a yawning world was deafening.

  6. Commander:
    It is quite clear that there are NO “flying saucers”.
    Someone didn’t want to blame China again.
    Whether that is stupidity or corruption is above my pay grade…


  7. I had 20 or so acres of a piece of your state. Nice enough, but I didn’t live there because I was still working. I couldn’t keep eyes on the property, and even though I paid to have it surveyed and marked, I couldn’t ensure that the occasional tree didn’t get taken. So there was no way I was going to build on the place when I couldn’t at least watch it, so eventually that got sold.

    Assuming your property isn’t an easy drive from where you live, how will you ensure against tresspassers and thieves?

  8. With the bioweapon die-off in full swing and only accelerating, pieces of ‘nowhere’ will become very available and cheaper with the coming deflation it brings. Pray for the jabbed and be ready to take advantage of their poor decisions.

  9. Another reader asked: “Assuming your property isn’t an easy drive from where you live, how will you ensure against trespassers and thieves?”

    Without family or friends nearby to check on it–you cannot. Four years ago we had a family talk with Mom and the result was moving her off the family place and in with me and my wife. No one bothered the place for about a year while we periodically moved what we wanted out. However, as the mailbox got zip-tied and the driveway overgrown, the house has periodically been ransacked. Of course, there wasn’t anything left behind worth taking (except a dozen Mason jars, but the people who break in and steal aren’t going to take food prep supplies). I’m just surprised no one has ripped the wiring out of the walls.

    We (wife and I) recently purchased a 20 acre wooded plot a few miles outside of our hometown. Right now we live about two and a half hours away and won’t move there for a few years. I am considering some trail cameras, though they wouldn’t be useful until after the fact.

    There is a lot to do, even before we begin construction. The previous owners did harvest some timber, whether for lumber or wood burning I don’t know. There are a lot of tops to clean up and brush to be cleared. I’ve started a list and am looking forward to it.


    • Ozarkrunner,
      You are correct to be concerned about any property that is not under your daily eye. Here in the Ozarks there are always sneak thieves looking for easy pickings or a place to cook meth.
      It is worse the closer you get to Springfield and West Plains. I think that trail cams are a good after the fact solution,but they will have to be hidden well or they will steal them to.
      I would not leave anything of any value there even overnight.
      Good luck with your new property. It’s good to see a fellow Ozarkian here.


  10. It has already happened and the stink is really going to rise over the railroad disaster and hazmat catastrophe in Ohio. TPTB tried to cover up then burn what may turn out to be a railroad, insurance and EPA crushing disaster as hundreds of sqare miles will be superfund level cleanup. Lots of vacant land cheap over there.

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