Roof Korea Birthday – ROK on, boys

‘Tis the anniversary of that unique subset of Americans – the Roof Korean.

For those who don’t recall, or, like me, never get tired of hearing the story, the Roof Korean was the name given to the Korean shopkeepers who grabbed their thundertoys, climbed up on the roof of their business, and persuaded would-be trouble makers to go elsewhere.

It’s a fascinating and inspiring story. The moral of that story is that sometimes things go sideways to the point that an AR, plate carrier, and a half dozen of your best friends with AR’s and plate carriers is exactly what the doctor ordered.

16 thoughts on “Roof Korea Birthday – ROK on, boys

  1. There aren’t very many guarantees in life but one of them is sooner or later when you call 911 no one will answer.

  2. Once again, a reminder that your government can’t be depended on to protect its citizens.

  3. Could store/shop keepers get away with that these days?
    Would the swat teams show up to arrest them for defending their business?

  4. Yes. I’ve known i.r.l. first gen immigrant Koreans and they are based bros to have around. Coming from their fairly recently blood soaked peninsula, with a historical warrior culture because of the old country’s neighborhood is good formative material. These chaps actions during that incident is very instructive. If only a Cadre of Mericans can get off the couch and go against political correctness timidness towards real neighborhood civil defense and disaster recovery activities then there might actually be real “communities” again in America. I supposed it would take real hunger, looted out, arsonist and near death realities to reprogram most folks. But at least us readership types are prepped and on stand by anyway. Staying Frosty.

  5. I knew some guys who worked with the South Korean spec ops. Primarily the Black Tigers. One guy told me these guys would go put into the bush by helicopter. Then would establish a hard stand with barbed wire and Claymores. Then using loud speakers they would invite the VC and NVA to attack them. He said that the ROK troops were some of the toughest allies we had in Vietnam. The Australian SAS units were equally thought of.

  6. The full story is better.

    LAPD, having straightforwardly cut and run like the cowardly bitches they were during the riots, responded in force to the rooftop Koreans, and disarmed them all amidst the worst of the Rodney King Free Shoes and TVs Riots.
    Yes, really. They actually disarmed them.
    Can’t be having armed vigilantes, kids.

    Whereupon all the RKs went home, retrieved their second weapons, and returned to the rooftops, successfully persuading multiple groups of armed looters to f**k with someone else.
    LAPD did not molest them further after the first disarming. (Not least of which because they were afraid if they returned, the RKs would shoot them too.)
    Neither did the mobs after a few volleys just short of their feet.

    Just another pointed historical reminder that “Two is one, and one is none.

  7. Like the more recent “Mostly Peaceful Protests”, the po-Lice were Ordered by the politicians to “Stand Down” and allow the Nogs to Riot. The Roof Koreans were able to Defend themselves because there were no thugpigs Defending the Rioters. The same thing is happening Now, with the (((communist))) Antifa groups, who are even allowed to parade about with Weapons. Yet if an Honest Citizen defends themselves, the thugpigs come right after them. Ask Kyle Rittenhouse about it.

    The ‘government’ and its ‘law enforcement agencies are the Real Enemies of the People, by Defending the Criminals, political or common pavement apes. Plan Accordingly.

  8. A couple of useful elements from the photos:

    Note some are wearing medical masks. Obscuring your face is not a bad idea when it comes to avoiding possible future legal problems or retribution from the self-administered reparations crew. Eye protection glasses/goggles would be a good idea as well, both for functional reasons and to further obscure one’s face. A surplus helmet with a riot facepiece might be useful. A chunk of brick in the skull or face is not going to do you any good.

    Also note the headbands being worn. Some sort of recognition marking — headband, matching ball caps, duct tape arm band as seen in Ukraine — can reduce the chances of friendly-fire mistakes, and also can serve to intimidate the opposition: “Those guys are all working together, against us!” Pick a method of identification that can be quickly discarded if you need to retreat.

    And have an escape plan in place if the mob tries to burn you out or overwhelm you. Carry a sidearm, have a change of outer clothes, have escape vehicles staged behind cover that can be used to ram through or run over the mob.

    Have commo — preferably secure — that can be used to call for assistance. In particular, commo that can not be shut off by the authorities. Given the extensive use of cellphones by the Burn Loot Murder folks and their Antifa fellow travellers, it is far from impossible that cellular systems will be shut down in future festivities. Set up a very basic Signal Operating Instruction packet to include regular changes of operating frequency (with alternates if that frequency is being jammed or obviously monitored), callsigns that keep actal names and locations off the air and a very basic means of encrypting info before putting it over the air.

  9. One of the side stories that came out of the Rodney King times was the admonition to not shoot ALL YOUR AMMO! when you go to a range of any sort. Seems a couple people had to drive all the way across the L.A. area with a car full of guns and not a single round of ammo left after spending the day at a rural range the day L.A. blew up.
    Had a friend, former deputy, point out a few years prior to the festivities that I should always have ammo any time I’m transporting a gun for any reason. He said I’d feel really stupid if things went pear-shaped in that situation, and that regret can be a lifelong, corrosive issue.

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