JAKL problemshooting

So, as you recall the JAKL was giving me some problems. I suspected that the problem might be that without a stock, the energy that would go into throwing the bolt back was being diminished by moving the gun backwards as well. Easy way to test this theory.

Fired from the shoulder with an Accessory That Shall Not Be Named, the gun ran 100%. Hmmm. Is that confirmation of my theory? Not necessarily. I tried firing the JAKL as a pistol, from the hip, with the Accessory folded, and..it ran 100%. Now thats a bit curious. Clearly one of two things has happened (or, really, a combination of the two):

a) the added weight of the Accessory made the gun heavy enough that the rearward motion was retarded enough to allow more energy for the gun to cycle


b) firing 150 rounds through the thing ‘broke it in’ enough to smooth everything up and get it where it needed to be.

I suspect mostly b with a degree of a.

A couple other things of note. Last shot hold open was non-existant with Pmags, but 100% with GI aluminum mags. I suspect that is a function of the follower design rather than the material that the magazine is made from.

At this point I had he gas setting at it’s most wide open. I’ll try dialing it down one setting and see if things still run well since I don’t want to beat the thing up by having the gas system open all the time.

A lot to be said for that HK gasless system. Just saying.

And, finally, a few rails of pic should be added to to the foregrip to keep the gas from coming out the bottom and sides of the handguard. Alternatively, I could wear gloves. Or, better yet, some sort of foreward foregrip.

1 thought on “JAKL problemshooting

  1. I have a Sig ‘AR Pistol’ and tossed the ‘accessory’ it came with right away. It’s a Gas-Piston Action, and even if I hold it very ‘lightly’ it doesn’t Short-Stroke. I have an Angled Foregrip and I’ll bet that causes the effect of More Mass/Resistance from the Left Arm. Another thing I tried (and it works) is a single-point, Loop Sling that allows the Pistol to be held at a distance where Open Sights can be used. By adjusting it so you can press forwards against the sling, it ‘Stiffens’ your Hold quite a bit.

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