Article – Man Buys Abandoned Doomsday Shelter, Discovers ’20 Tons’ Of Supplies Stashed From The 1980s

Anderson says he found a “fixer-upper” he liked after taking a fishing trip from Atlanta to the Bozeman area five years ago. The bunker only had one hole leading to the surface.

But the man who sold him the house left Anderson something extra. A big extra.

The “nuclear bunker” 20 feet below the entrance was loaded with food and medical supplies. They apparently had been stored since the 1980s, in case the worst happened.

If you think thats cool, imagine what it must be like for the fella that bought the old CUT (Church Universal Triumphant) bunkers from the 80’s.

There’s alot of these kinds of places still out there.

Other article.


A show about it.

13 thoughts on “Article – Man Buys Abandoned Doomsday Shelter, Discovers ’20 Tons’ Of Supplies Stashed From The 1980s

  1. Guy must not be a prepper, if he was he broke the first rule of keeping your mouth shut. However, this would be an excellent test to see what has lasted and what hasn’t. Still, a lot of us would like something like that but I would try to get a secondary exit put in.

    • I have details about everything that lasts everything that doesn’t and I’m the guy that bought it

  2. That’s alot of trash to haul away. I would’ve deducted the expense of removal from my offer assuming little to none of it is still useable. Interesting story though.

    • I bought a hogs and fed them out and gave the neighbors a lot for the chickens sheeps and goat in a farmer was really happy to see my truck roll up but mostly we fed it to pigs and then we ate the pigs

  3. Why do people do this? Run there mouths.
    Between treasure hunters being robbed by the feds, and this fool bragging as many do.

    Damn fools that dont learn

    • The olive oil and wheat likely were just fine. They last for thousands of years if sealed.

      • Olive oil goes bad very quickly so does sesame. I have proof of that. Tuna fish doesn’t last in the can. Dried fruit doesn’t last. Spices do curry last forever the heart of the shell the longer the beans last Lima snow among yes

  4. So he hired homeless and ex cons to work on place? Now they know where he is and what he may have and I’m so sure they will keep the secret. So, He better plan on visitors of the worse kind if things go bad.

    Bet the place gets robbed before everything goes bad, though….

    But I really would like to know how that LTS food lasted. Now that would be a great you tube series.

  5. After seeing these in your posts I had to buy some for the Electronics Lab I run. We always joke about being a dumpster fire every time the customer decides to change their minds on what they want. Love it. I think one guy is going to have coins made to hand out.

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