Drudge is reporting that theres a videotape from Al Qaeda saying that ‘the big one’ is planned for some time in the next couple weeks.

Ive heard this tune before.

On the other hand, I still think Something is going to happen in time for the election. Im not terribly worried about danger from the act itself, my neck of the woods isnt anything close to a target…my concern would be from the fallout, so to speak, in terms of actions the government takes in the name of security.

Nonetheless, its always good to be prepared so, of course, I’ll be making strides in that direction. Some extra cash on hand incase the electronic banking system gets fubared. (Which is easy enough if you knock out the right satellite relay station, etc.) Everything else Im pretty well covered on.
Watched ‘Dawn of The Dead (2004)’ last night. Tactics, tactics, tactics! These people….no fallback positions, no bugout bags, no Plan B, and the only halfway decent idea they had was fortifying a couple of shuttle buses like they were the A-Team.
From a pure survivalist standpoint I genuinely think that either candidate is just as likely to be unable to reduce the threats we face as the other guy. If we get Bush, we get more terrorist attacks because we’re aggressively stomping on bad guys, if we get Kerry we get more terrorist attacks because we appear weak and indecisive. So, from a terrorist standpoint I see no difference. There are, of course, differences on other issues but from the backpack-nuke-in-NYC standpoint I think it wont make a difference.
Weather here has definitely gotten colder, so its time to break out the cold-weather gear. Sportsmans Guide has my absolute favorite German flectar parka and liner on sale for $20 again. I plan on getting at least two mroe this time.

5 thoughts on “

  1. I think it would have made more sense to take Ashole’s boat and at the same time, unmoor two or three others and use Assholes boat to tow them all away from the dock a half mile or so. Then they could, in security and at leisure, strip the towed boats for food, fuel and gear.

  2. I think the mall was a reasonable choice. Easily defendable, surrounded by parking area (fields of fire), large roof surface for signalling, clothes, food, etc. inside. If they could have found a Radio Shack in there, they could have had some good commo.

    I would have preffered to hole up in a Guard armory, but thats what they were closest to.

    Of course, the original DOTD had a gun shop in the mall 🙂

  3. of course, i live right across the alley from the P.D. in my city, so i may be a bit predjudiced (sorry for the spelling errors, if any) about good places to hole up from hordes of rampaging zombies

  4. zombies

    all been elected, appointed, or just work for your government. welcome to world war four. Wildflower

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