Link – camo

Originally published at Notes From The Bunker. You can comment here or there.

I love some of the new camo patterns that are coming out these days. I was quite taken with Multicam but as of late I’m starting to take a real shine to A-tacs patterns as well. Obviously, the best camo, for whatever reason you think you need something camouflaged, is the pattern that blends into as much of your anticipated AO as possible, right? So, obviously some patterns are going to be more conducive to some environments than others.

A buddy of mine emailed me a link to a very interesting camouflage used in Norway. The pattern seems ideal for places with lotsa rocks and moss. Not exactly a great choice here in my dry mountains but elsewhere it might be just the ticket.

In a related note, from the same source, comes a link to the new snow camo now being available.

As the US military starts moving away from the failed digital patterns, expect to see a lot of manufacturers dumping their now-outdated products on the clearance racks.

A post like this kinda-sorta opens the door to the question of why the need for camouflage at all? Am I planning on creeping around undetected after the apocalypse, sniping at invading UN troops and hordes of cannibal bikers? Well, certainly, thats not ‘Plan A’..

No, simple truth is that sometimes you don’t want folks finding your stuff. If, for whatever reason, I have to ditch my pack and hide it under a log or some such it would be nice if that gear blended in enough so that when I came back to retrieve it it was still there.