
You know, it really doesnt take a huge amount of money give yourself an edge and stockpile the little niceties that will make riding out the next uber-disaster a bit easier.

Case in point:
Package of SIX pairs unlined vinyl mittens for $0.99 – Which means that while the wool mittens are keeping me warm, the cheap vinyl mitts go on over them and keep out wind and evil, cold water. And at that price I can leave a couple pair in the vehicle. Turns any pair of gloves or mitts into a waterproof pair. And, that less than seventeen cents per pair. Cowabunga!

Also from our friends at Cheaer Than Dirt
Used German HK91 dual-mag pouches for $0.99 ea. – And, yes, they will hold FAL mags(and M1A mags.). Theyre heavy guage rubber/vinyl, fit most belts, and are ridiculously cheap. And, kids, the W. German military did NOT make crap…their gear is good.

Seriously…how can you resist a half dozen pairs of mittens for less than the cost of a 20 oz. Coke?

3 thoughts on “Bargains

  1. On the subject of gear; I just received my Flectar parka and like very well. It makes a nice camouflage smock without the liner.

    The 100% wool Italian, new, mil-surp blanket is sweet. After washing the mothball smell out of it, it kept me very toasty last night. For $100, I can have eight of those, and that’s allot of un-powered warmth. One blanket covers a twin bed , so it’s perfect for one person.

  2. I do the same thing with the flectar parka – I use the outer shell as a camo smockand it works *great* for that.

    I’ve a couple of those Italian blankets and they are sweet. They used to have a German one that was a very tight weave of wool and was huge. Wish I’d bought more than one.

    Good surplus gear is just…..mmmmmmmm!

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