Last call on mags

The MegaMagMania deal on 10/22 mags ends tomorrow at round 9am Mountain time. If you email me for mags after the countdown timer reaches zero, I’ll probably just ignore your email. So….you’ve got a little under 24 hours. After that , the page comes down, previous references get scrubbed, and the leftover inventory goes into my personal stash. Also, if you received an invoice for mags and haven’t paid it yet….those invoices will be cancelled after three days, so don’t forget.

Overall, the response was quite good…meaning either I underpriced these things tremendously, or readership has increased since the last one of these sales. Either way, its been an enormous amount of mags going out the door. I cannot tell you how many trips to the post office it’s been.

For those of you who took advantage of the deal (and several of you came back for seconds and thirds) I congratulate you on your long-range thinking.

Twenty-two hours and then it’s done.

3 thoughts on “Last call on mags

  1. It was a great deal. Thank you for putting it all together. I was one of those coming back for seconds…and I’m considering thirds. Thanks again!

  2. It was a good deal, again! Thanks for doing this, just about at target level on 10/22 mags.

  3. Of course you realize this means I need to get another 10/22 to support the extra mags I bought. 🙂
    Unbreakable AZ

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