This should be interesting

Apparently Trump will be in town next week. I cannot imagine what its going to be like. I expect all sortsa ‘civil disobedience’ that inconveniences everyone else. Entertainment value should be off the charts.

9 thoughts on “This should be interesting

  1. You should go. I took my daughter to see him last week in West Virginia. He knows how to work a crowd.

    • Id just wind up cracking the head of some protester who tries to block my entry, or tries to stop traffic.

      • That would be giving them what they want I believe. They want to cast themselves as the victim so they can justify preemptive self defense later.

        • Jake98– I think you’re correct. Even if the person has it coming, you know how it will be portrayed in the media.

      • There were a few protesters but mostly deadbeat retards who the police kept away. Believe me, POTUS is very entertaining……..

  2. I’m old enough to recall a fat, drunk politician who said the most dangerous thing to our democracy would be if a losing political party refuses to accept the legitimate outcome of an election. “Will of the people” and all that.

    Violence. Threats. Mobs. Doxxing. Mahem.

    She was right.

  3. “Believe me, POTUS is very entertaining……..”
    Yeah, but he’s supposed to be doing Presidential stuff, not be an entertainer.
    In other exciting news, the day after I thought “Man, my 401k should be about recovered from that time it dumped a bunch of value” the market tanked. My bad.

  4. I’d go but I need to work and not stand in line for 24 hours. This is the first time in my life a president will visit my home town almost.

  5. yeah, wife and I talked about this. not that i wanted to see Trump but just mess with the protesters.i want to see the faces on the other side or the masked commie avengers. the wife and I will stay home. we will do something positive for the uncertain future. You know the north east side of town is going to be a hoot. all the commies will be out.

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