
My usual election-themed Heinlein quote:

“If you are part of a society that votes, then do so. There may be no candidates and no measures you want to vote for … but there are certain to be ones you want to vote against. In case of doubt, vote against. By this rule you will rarely go wrong.”

Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love

Yeah, yeah, yeah…”If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.” Whatever, man…. I’ll vote every chance I get.

News – Gianforte signs ‘constitutional carry’ gun bill

Id been so wrapped up in my own issues that I overlooked this gem, which was reminded to me by ,Rawles over at SurvivalBlog:

HELENA — Gov. Greg Gianforte signed a major ‘constitutional carry’ bill Thursday that will let Montanans carry concealed firearms in public settings including banks and bars without a permit, in addition to limiting university system officials’ ability to restrict firearm possession on college campuses. 

“Our Second Amendment is very clear: The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” Gianforte said at a bill signing ceremony Thursday afternoon. “Every law-abiding Montanan should be able to defend themselves and their loved ones.”
The university system provisions of the new law take effect June 1. Its other provisions are effective immediately.



Just so. I know someone close the the governor and I’m going to ask him to pass along my thanks to our reporter-thumping chief executive. Lets see if he can keep the momentum up.

Casus belli

Gotta say…no burning police stations, no flipped over police cars, no looted Starbucks….still a more peaceful protest than your average BLM march.

Doesn’t matter though… these are the sorts of optics that people need to further an agenda of nerfing your gun rights. They’ll say that, clearly, there is a ‘clear and present danger’ in America of ‘right wing extremists’ and that those ‘weapons of war have no place on our streets’ and that ‘reasonable, commonsense’ legislation is needed to……, etc, etc, etc.

Probably add in body armour just for good measure…’cause those ‘right wing extremists’ were armored up against the ‘legitimate government’.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue of electoral misconduct and impropriety, it’s hard to not think that all this news footage of outrage and outrageousness isn’t going to come back in the form of justification for some sort of Draconian legislation.

I’ve been banging this drum for years, that a new ban was coming…… maybe this is the year. Certainly, it seems more likely this year than at any point previously. Take your stimulus money and grab a couple stripped lowers and a twenty-pack of magazines, guys…might be glad you did in the not too distant future.

Vote early, vote often

No in-person voting here in my neck of he woods. I do not like that. I like ritual and routine, I like the standing in line, signing the forms, the little rickety privacy cubicle, etc. I cannot shake the feeling that vote-by-mail or absentee ballot is ripe for chicanery of the most vile kind. Yes, you could argue that the in-person voting methods are just as susceptible to fraud but it doesn’t feel like that to me nearly as much as this other method does.

Ok then

Literally the front page of todays local newspaper:

I have no problem with anyone being a Socialist…or a Communist. Or a Democrat, Muslim, Nationalist, Racist, Sexist, or any other affiliation or belief. After all, you are a sovereign individual and can believe whatever you want. I have no right to tell anyone what to believe in the privacy of their own skull. It’s when you try to impose those beliefs on those who don’t share them…..well, thats when the violence starts. You wanna be a Socialist, go be a Socialist. Get all your Socialist buddies, set up your Socialist commune, and live your Socialist lives. Just don’t force me to live by how you think I should live. And that goes for politics, religion, etc. Ron Paul summed it up nicely as such….

So, no…I don’t think you should shoot people for being Socialists. I think you should shoot people for trying to force Socialism onto people who don’t want it.

Link – Beto O’Rourke Goes Off on Gun Control at Debate: ‘Hell Yes, We’re Going to Take Your AR-15, Your AK-47!’

“Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47!” O’Rourke said. “We’re not going to allow it to be used against a fellow American anymore.”


When someone  loudly, unequivocally , clearly, and with no trace of doubt declare themselves as your enemy it is time to rejoice. Why? Because they have removed all specter of doubt that they are your enemy. You can now proceed with a clear conscience and moral clarity that this person is, indeed, your enemy. All doubt is removed, all ambiguity is gone. Would that all of our enemies be so clear and forthright.

So, freely donate to his opponents, disparage him far and wide, shun him and his supporters, ridicule his policies and beliefs….and do it without the least bit of remorse or compassion….the man has clearly said he’s your enemy.

Call it what it is: confiscation with compensation

I’ve gotten a couple emails from people asking me what I think about this push towards  mandatory ‘buybacks’ of ‘assault weapons’.

First, you can’t buy back what wasn’t yours to begin with, so right off the bat the name is flawed. Let’s call it what it really is: a “confiscation-with-compensation” program. Think of it as a form of eminent domain directed at your guns… like eminent domain against ‘real property’ the .gov gives you no choice in the ‘sale’, hands you a check for what they think is fair, and then say you ‘sold’ it to them.

You know, if I take your car out of your driveway without your permission but leave a check for what I think your car is worth on your doorstep…guess what?..I still go down for stealing a car. It doesn’t matter if someone pays you…if you don’t want to sell something, and they take it a give you a check, to me that isn’t a ‘sale’ … thats a crime. But, of course, the rules are different for .gov.

Laws like this never start on a national level. They are birthed on state levels (NY, CA, IL, etc.) and are then held as shining examples to be replicated on the national level. You’re not going to see a national mandatory buyback before you see a city/state level mandatory buyback. Sure, it’s already happened in some places… somewhere there’s an ancient copy of the letter I received from the NYPD many years ago telling me I needed to turn in my HK93 to the cops, take it out of city limits, or render it inoperable…with no compensation, mind you. But those sorts of things are fairly rare. Expect that to change.

Solution? Well, there’s only two solutions.. first is you politically quash this thing with such extreme prejudice and furious righteous outrage that, to paraphrase Tip O’Neil, gun control becomes the ‘third rail of politics – you touch it, you [politically] die.’

The second solution, which isn’t necessarily a solution as much as it is a personal choice, is to head over to GunBroker, Palmetto State, GrabAGun, and all the usual firearms venues and work your credit cards so hard they lay limp in your wallet like sheets of overcooked lasagna.

I’ve been saying that the sky is falling regarding rifle/mag bans for over fifteen years now and I do not see that belief changing for the better anytime soon. Had I the financial resources, I’d have a case of 50 stripped AR lowers and about 500 Pmags sitting in a Hardigg case somewhere. :::shrug::: But that’s just me.

Anyway, someone asked me what my take is on the ‘mandatory buyback’ threat and that’s it – I see it happening on a local level in some places, but I do not see it on a national level for quite some time. Note, thats not me saying it won’t happen…Im just saying I don’t believe it will be happening (on a federal level) anytime soon. But, I’ve been wrong before so it’s up to you to decide if it’s the jet ski this year or another couple AR’s. Choose wisely.

The circular firing squad

I made the mistake of watching the Democrat debates the other day and was amazed at how virtually all the candidates not only are no longer trying to hide their extreme leftist views, they are actually stampeding over each other to see who can be furthest to the left. It was utterly amazing. Joe Biden actually came out of it looking like the most centrist of the bunch.

There isn’t a single person in that group of idiots I’d feel comfortable having in the White House. Especially that Elizabeth Ocasio-Warren broad. I mean, sure, she’d be our first Native American president, but….healthcare for illegal immigrants? What the hell?

Wasn’t it Napoleon who said to never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake?

I had purchased a few(!) AR’s earlier this year in anticipation of reselling them for a healthy profit as the election approached. But now…hmmm..I’m thinking I may just keep them. Just in case the Dems get their act together.