The circular firing squad

I made the mistake of watching the Democrat debates the other day and was amazed at how virtually all the candidates not only are no longer trying to hide their extreme leftist views, they are actually stampeding over each other to see who can be furthest to the left. It was utterly amazing. Joe Biden actually came out of it looking like the most centrist of the bunch.

There isn’t a single person in that group of idiots I’d feel comfortable having in the White House. Especially that Elizabeth Ocasio-Warren broad. I mean, sure, she’d be our first Native American president, but….healthcare for illegal immigrants? What the hell?

Wasn’t it Napoleon who said to never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake?

I had purchased a few(!) AR’s earlier this year in anticipation of reselling them for a healthy profit as the election approached. But now…hmmm..I’m thinking I may just keep them. Just in case the Dems get their act together.

21 thoughts on “The circular firing squad

  1. The combined intelligence of this bunch of CPUSA losers is equal to a teaspoon full of beach sand.

  2. Every time I hear Fauxcahontas speak she reminds me of a spinster school marm.

  3. The debates made my head hurt…..I was at a gunshow yesterday and saw AR’s for as cheap as $449…… I have a few left after the 2016 campaign……My larder is not as deep as yours…But I have continued buying mags. Stay safe


  4. If you are against endless war Tulsa Gabbard is the only candidate worth considering. If we stopped spending trillions on wars overseas and killing g God knows how many people, we would be moving in the right direction.

  5. Agree there is no good reason not to acquire as many AR/AK type as one can afford. However methinks just because a DEM idiot MIGHT get elected that does not translate into a ban on these types of weapons. Why would I say this? We had Obama for 8 years, for of which his party controlled house and senate, and no evil ban came to pass. He didn’t even try to intro legislation to that effect, although he clearly would have liked to. But he is a shrewd guy and he newvthat such an act would have raised such an outcry that even he would have had to let it go. So yes we must always be vigilant to such politicos and their nefarious intentions. Now buying to make a profit when ( or if ) Trump loses the next election surely makes economic or practical sense.

    • I resepctfully disagree. To me, this is like saying “I haven’t died in the last twenty years, therefore I do not need life insurance.”
      It is my unlearned opinion, based only on previous history, that either party can pull a stunt like Assault Weapons Ban Mk II. Because something hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t. I absolutely believe another ban is coming. It may not be in this administration, it may not be in the next one, and it may not even be in the one after that. BUT, I believe it WILL happen. The fact it hasn’t happened yet simply means this is the optimal time to get ready for it.

      • Zero,
        I think you’re right! Every time we have another one of these democrat sanctioned/inspired mass shootings we inch one step closer to another AW ban. This is the party of abortion, where not even life is sacred, so do we really think they care about our constitutional rights? They’re in it for the long game, we need to remember that!

      • Zero

        Then we agree to disagree. Which is fine. I just feel that if a ban of these weapons comes down the pike then open civil war would follow. And though I would never discount that, or any other SHTF possibility, I somehow don’t think even the dim witted DEMS would risk that. But for sure I am on your side of getting as much as a possible while the getting is good, and at this time cheap. It’s just I feel a balance is in order because you can’t eat guns and ammo.

        • “…you can’t eat guns and ammo.”

          But ironically, you *can* eat fire extinguishers, silver, chainsaws, generators & jerrycans.

          I recommend all of them for dinner.

        • Bwhntr64,

          Where was the civil war in 1994 when they banned them the first time. The will Ban new production first and then 10 years later they start banning possession of certain firearms at spaced intervals. The slow boil of a frog or as the old saying goes “How to eat an Elephant, on bite at a time”. They will do it over 50 years if they have to, but they will not stop. They will use the same tactic that they used with gay marriage and trans-gender rights. Before you know it not owning a gun in America will become the new normal. Civil War won without even firing a shot!

  6. One of the reasons that no gun bans were enacted was Harry Reid.
    Yes, that Reid.
    He stated that no gun ban would see a vote as long as hes was in charge.
    He was a POS, but he was pro 2nd!!

  7. Lets not foret the drinking where you take a shot everytime one of them says “I support the second amendment but.”
    I’m going heavy on firearms and parts over the next year.

  8. Heard a really good nick name for Dizzy Lizzie Warren. The guy sitting in for Levin Thursday refers to her as America’s Mother In Law. Thought that was spot on and pretty funny.

  9. This field of ‘candidates’ is prof they know the election is already lost. Baring a massive coronary (always a possibility), Trump has this locked-up. These retards are just jockeying for name-recognition. They want to be able to say in 5 years, “I stood up for free college/healthcare/abortions/tranny-surgery, etc.”

    God help us if one of these ‘Murica-hating’ assholes ever wins.

  10. “These retards are just jockeying for name-recognition.”

    I agree that so far, none of them can win this election.
    However, that does not mean that Trump can’t lose the election. If he can’t follow through on his promises that got him elected, or even worse, gets really stupid and does something that turns off enough of his supporters, well, all bets are off at that point.

    I hope that his handlers don’t conclude that he can rest on his history of not being really stupid like the typical GOPe slugs, and just coast up to the election. Time is of the essence. Status quo is not acceptable at this point. The Nation is falling apart, and someone willing to chop heads regarding the coup attempt, and start cleaning house on the invaders would be very attractive for the prior Trump voters.

  11. One really novel idea has surfaced. The Irish idiot trying to pass for Hispanic is going to campaign in Mexico. Who would have think it. I mean nobody and I mean nobody has ever done THAT before. It’s sheer genius. To campaign in Mexico for President of the United States. Or in the real world of right thinking people it’s dumb as hell. Stupid to be sure.
    But this dummy doesn’t impress me when it comes to brain power. He is tipping the meter at about one Guinea pig.
    And as hard as he tries to be “just a common guy, it ain’t working. Mommy and daddy are worth nearly a billion dollars. His unattractive little wifies parents are worth three billion. The boy was born with a silver coke spoon sticking out of his anal pour.
    As far as my Irish comment. I am as Irish as they come. And this loser, like Red Ted Thank God He’s Dead Kennedy gives the Irish a bad name.

  12. Commander:
    The Dems getting their act together?
    There will be snowdrifts in H*ll LONG before then!

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