“Boogaloo” – news to me

I’ve become old enough that I am apparently now out of the loop in regard to ‘those crazy kids and their slang’.

Apparently, when I wasn’t looking, the term ‘boogaloo‘ has come to mean a fighting-in -the-streets type of national-level (or global-level) bullet party. Who knew?

Come to think of it, we have had some interesting euphemism for the day it all comes crashing down, haven’t we? Lets see: Collapse, EOTWAWKI, Ragnarok, the aopcalypse, Armageddon, World War 3, Judgement Day, TSHTF, etc.

I kinda like “Der Tag”, from Heinlein’s ‘The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress’. In most survivalist fiction the day the world comes to an end is often simply called “The Day”. No surprise there, hm?

But ‘boogaloo’? Mmmmm….thats gonna take some getting used to.

12 thoughts on ““Boogaloo” – news to me

  1. Commander:
    Yet more short-lived slang!
    No Meme should be seriously considered until it has been used for at LEAST ten years…
    Or is this yet another complaint from a boring old f*rt?

  2. Boogaloo – I like it, sounds kinda hip.

    ” You ready to Boogaloo ? ”

    “Hell yeah man.”

    Yeah, that works.

  3. “Boogaloo” sounds vaguely sexy, like a tranny vs beta-make death-match. I don’t think they’ll like their ‘war’, but whatevs, man. I’ll buy front row tickets.

  4. These morons are simply reusing and old term, which says something about their originality, not really all there. The term “boogaloo” was used back in the 40’s I believe, and referenced dancing. Could have been the 30’s or even the 20’s, can’t remember anymore. I have too much krapp in there stuff keeps falling out…..
    At any rate it amounted to doing the boogaloo…… had other meanings as well. Ain’t age wonderful! bwwwwwaaaaahhhhhaaaaaaa….

    • Was a term my Grandfather used,along with a few others that would make a snowflake melt. The destruction of our common language is going well(see any misspellings or improper word use by supposed educated individuals?). It is much easier to dehumanize someone that doesn’t speak the same as you.

  5. The full name of the meme is “Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo”. Obviously its been shortened to just Boogaloo at this point. The original idea being that there is going to be a squeal to the 1861 smash hit. I technically fall into the group known as Millennial’s and as much as I think are generation gets a bad rap I have hope that our generation the following one will actually change things for the net positive. Sure you have the bootlickers and the AOC crowd but there is quite a sizeable chunk who grew up in the recession and saw how poorly the .gov handles things and want to shrink .gov at all costs. Hopefully we can avoid having the Boogaloo, but if not Moons Out Goons Out!!

  6. It just goes to show that there are many young people who think this is going to be “a lark” or a night (day) of fun and games, then back to the same old/same old.

    Once the lead starts flying, the whole “game” is going to change.

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