Link – Veteran shoots, kills robbery suspect at Kam’s Market in Bay Point

Store clerk gets thumped by bad guy, retrieves gun, gives bad guy new belly button.

A happy ending, but… rather graphic evidence that having a gun nearby or at hand is no substitute for having a pistol on you. The guy manages to pull the gun out of the drawer next to the register and the bad guy promptly wrestles with the clerk for it and pistol whips the clerk harshly.

I’m guilty of this from time to time myself. I’ll have a gun in my bag, or under the seat, that sorta thing…. and it’s not nearly as effective as having it on my person.

Many people, myself included, stash a pistol or five around the house. I know people that actually have dedicated ‘bathroom guns’. I know a lot of folks who keep a pistol in the drawer by the entryway to the house. The idea being that the 3am knock on the door can be responded to with a pistol discreetly tucked behind your back. But, again, not a substitute for actually having it on your person or in hand.

After my appendix exploded back in ’16, it was painful to wear a belt for any period of time. I got out of the habit of carrying a gun everyday, everywhere. And….nothing bad happened. So I got lax. Some days I had a pistol on me, some days I did not. Then some event happened,, I can’t recall what it was, that reminded me that I needed to get back into the practice (not habit, a practice…because habit implies no conscious thought and I think you should always be conscious of anything involving a gun) of being armed whenever outside the confines of my abode.

Anyway, interesting video and worth discussing, I thought.



15 thoughts on “Link – Veteran shoots, kills robbery suspect at Kam’s Market in Bay Point

  1. Sure enough, the proverbial progs talking point, “no one needs a gun”………… till you need one!………. And my response to that statement of “no one needs a gun”, is always …so what, you’re going to stop and armed robbery, assault, rape, with what, A scared look??????

    • Hi Michael!
      If you limit it to those who UNDERSTOOD their sixth grade, do-gooders still wouldn’t get it…

  2. Commander:
    How much do you want to bet that “Do-Gooders” try to get him prosecuted?
    Probably FAR harder than they would the robber!
    They are part of the problem –
    Not the solution!

  3. And just what is wrong with having a gun in the bathroom? The last place to find ones self is in that little room where you can rightly be said to be the most vulnerable. I have kept a revolver in my bathroom cabinet for years. A S&W model 15. Loaded with +P+ loads. And extra Speed Loaders. That particular piece has served me well for 44 years. Even gave the old girl an upgrade with a set of Hogue Monogrips.
    It never hurts to have a few around the house. I am six feet from a loaded piece anyplace in my home. All are loaded and have a round in battery.

    • The bathroom is the only room in my house with only one way in and out and no window big enough to climb out of. Hence, the lock box with the handgun and the bear spray.

  4. They used to call Baypoint gunpoint . It’s not as bad as it once was . City called Antioch five miles east is now the murder and gang capital of co co county.

  5. Every time I get a bad attitude at work, I start thinking about slinging smokes at a mini mart at 2 AM, and my attitude improves.

      • ETA: or maybe that was the second co-worker- the article doesn’t clarify that point. Moral: have enough guns for every employee.

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