Should old acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind?

Another year come and gone and…no apocalypse. Well, no apocalypse in the sense of some great run-for-your-lives-we’re-all-gonna-die sort of thing. As individuals, we all have plenty of horrific catastrophes that hit us. But, as a group, no….no big apocalypse this year. But you never know. No boom today, but tomorrow…boom.

2019 was, sadly, another gun-heavy year. Just off the top of my head I can think of at least three shotguns, two or three ARs, at least a half dozen pistols, etc, etc. It really seems to be getting out of hand. However, I still resolutely believe that at some point things will hit a stage where the ability to purchase an ‘evil features’ gun with a ‘high capacity feeding device’ will be curtailed…at which point I will sit back on my armored butt and smile to myself.

Broadly 2019 was a quiet year, which is how I like it. As I get older my goal is security, predictability, and routine. I want to wake up every  morning to a warm house, running water, food in the fridge, money in the bank, and all my organs functioning at acceptable level (and one organ in particular operating at its normal superhuman level). This is not to say I dislike new things or excitement, but I want those things because I wanted them..not because Fate decided to throw me a curve ball. I’ve been told, more than once, that I am a person who hates change. Not true. I hate unwanted change. Let me give you an example: someone gets cancer and they complain about it. Would you accuse them of hating change? After all, having cancer is a change for them, isn’t it? No, you would sympathize with them. Cancer is an unwanted change. However, short-sighted narcissists who lack self-awareness will only look at the broad strokes and say ‘you hate change’. Well, duh…find me someone who doesn’t hate change that hurts them. And before you get all Nietzsche on me, yes, that which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…but usually it just kills you.

2020, unfortunately, will be a year full of change…mostly because it’s an election year. Yes, I voted for him. And I’ll do it again. But I cannot say whether his re-election or loss is a sure thing. And because there is that level of uncertainty, I foresee 2020 being a bit of a chaotic year in terms of markets, legislation, and a few other things. Every year, it seems, I keep beating the drum of ‘buy guns and mags’. And, thus far, every year nothing substantial occurs that prevents our ownership of those things. But…just because something hasn’t happened doesn’t mean it won’t. Make of that what you will.

I hope 2020 is as peaceful and relatively quiet as 2019 was. I hope I’m sitting down at my desk a year from now writing a very similar post about how it was a somewhat uneventful year, and we all grew older and a bit wealthier. But despite the motto of failed Democrats, hope is not a plan. Hoping for a positive result is not how you get that positive result. So, while I hope 2020 is quiet and does me no harm, I will continue to take steps to mitigate the damage just in case.

It’s easy to slack off on being a good survivalist when the lights are on and your job is steady. But thats exactly the time you want to be in high gear getting stuff done and making plans. Learn to swim before the boat sinks.

So, enjoy the New Years holiday, relax and reflect on whats gone past and what is to come. And then cowboy up, grit your teeth, get out there, and make stuff happen for you.

7 thoughts on “Should old acquaintance be forgot And never brought to mind?

  1. HaHa……Booooom. Like you the only change i like is one that i make by choice. Until the unwanted change happens, i will keep on keeping on.

    Stay Safe

  2. “… at least three shotguns, two or three ARs, at least a half dozen pistols,….”

    Way ahead of me. Sold 2, bought 2.

  3. totally agree about hot water in the a.m. have to clean out the calcium deposits every 6 mos. but not today so it’s starting off good,power still on not this a.m. good thing the propane stove works without power,had a pot of coffee made JUST IN CASE.10 hrs.before power back on,phone dead too,land line, bad case of heavy slop snow, trees down,kinda of a pissy new years start,plow slop for 3 hrs. getting too old for this shit.

  4. I’m of the opinion the hot shower is the greatest invention of all times. Used to dream of them when I was on week 2 or 3 out in the field or on deployment. The Romans really knew what they were doing when they built all those public bathhouses to keep their folks happy. The shower invention is followed closely by the lowly poncho liner IMO as well. It was home, bed, and life support for me more times than I could possibly remember…

    Happy New Year to all and “Be Prepared”


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