D’oh Canada

Canada, a country almost entirely made of Nerf, has decided to ban ‘assault weapons’. Their list is pretty comprehensive, including some things that I had no idea were in common use…like mortars and grenade launchers. Anyway, here’s a link to the list of guns that are banned by name.

One thing that was quite interesting, and that you should expect to see our own domestically produced idiots put forward, is that the regulations also include a prohibition on AR upper receivers..

The Regulations also prescribe the upper receivers of M16, AR-10, AR-15 and M4 pattern firearms to be prohibited devices in order to ensure that these firearms can-not easily be used with illicitly manufactured or acquired lower receivers. The M16, AR-10, AR-15 and M4 firearms are modular firearms consisting of the lower receiver assembly, which is the component bearing the serial number and subject to registration and that is now prohibited; and the upper receiver assembly, which is the pressure- bearing component and has not previously been regulated.
Not sure how you enforce such a regulation on a previously unregulated part, but I’ve no doubt some sort of awkward and unworkable solution will be put forth. As Tam says, ignorance is no excuse for a law.
The dog-shooting thugs at ATFE have, in the past, managed to prohibit previously non-regulated parts (which is why parts kits no longer come with barrels) so I suppose they could possibly make it stick.
What I can totally see happening, in light of the rather awkward realization that an AR lower receiver is not actually a receiver, is ATFE requiring upper/lower receivers to be numbered and ‘mated’.
One day, guys, it’s gonna happen.

21 thoughts on “D’oh Canada

  1. G’day,Eh,hosehead. SCTV is one of the funniest tv programs ever made. Get the series(borrow from library),crack a cold one or six and sit back and laugh.
    CZ,you are absolutely right about BATFE and lowers, so stock up on 80% while still cheap.

  2. The ATFE can only make stick that which we will tolerate. And we have shown that we will tolerate almost every incursion into our rights and liberties.
    I only hope that I can live long enough to see RBG pass and another Constitutionally conservative justice put on the bench. Then perhaps the case that is needed will be brought before the SCOTUS for a positive decision.
    Absent that, count on additional taxes, restrictions, and limitations on all liberties and freedoms. This recent Wu Flu trail run worked out so well for the tyrant class I am sure that they are planning on rolling out 1.2 very soon.

    • Take heart, Charley. RBG is back in the hospital today with an infection of some sort.

  3. It appears that a Springfield Armory M1A in .308 is still legal in Canada. Ban the glorified .22’s but keep the bad ass gun in the hands of the gentry. Makes sense because if one were being attacked by a moose, grizzly or crazy canuck the M1A would be my go to gun.

    • Nope. Section 89 of the document says all M14-style rifles and specifies by name the Springfield Armory versions.

  4. Canada may have been headed there anyway, but it sure seems like the COVID chaos was used to slide this one in without any chance for a meaningful debate. The story I read indicated they haven’t even finalized the grandfather clauses yet, so it is unclear what people will be able to legally keep that they already own. I wonder if there has been a run on 6” pvc pipe in Canada.

    • No debate needed. The way Canadian law works, the “ban” was already in place via the legislation that created the category of “Prohibited” arms. All that was needed was Trudeau waving the magic wand and ordering that AR15s, et al, be reclassified as “Prohibited” rather than “Restricted.”

      And lacking any real Constitution with a Bill of Rights — what they have is nothing more than another law that can be changed with a simple majority vote in the Parliament — there’s nothing that can be done besides the vanishingly slim chance a future Prime Minister decides to reclassify these guns as “Restricted” once again.

      Fortunately for Canadians, the long arm registry was tossed. Unfortunately for them, who knows if the records were actually destroyed as they were supposed to have been?

  5. This is exactly the scenarios which has always made lever guns / SKSs / revolvers / pump guns / shotties / etc. look so attractive to me. Usually interest is ‘low’ in them & they’re not scary black rifles, so I’ll always had difficulty passing them up when a good deal is to be had.

    Post-DJT you can be damn sure the next socialist-douchebag in the White House is going to push an outright ban harder than any conspiracy they’ve ever dreamed up.

  6. I have a friend in Canada and he is having a fit. He was until recently a tribunal judge. Doesn’t seem to much they can do. The Senate is made up of political appointees and are nothing but a rubber stamp. The courts likewise. Without a 2nd amendment in their Constitution the PM also referred to as the “Drama Teacher” can do as he pleases. The only possibility is the newly formed Conservative party from the central provinces are taking the dummy to court.
    Steven Harper Conservative PM had done away with the firearm registration program put in place by Cretian when he was PM. Not sure at this time where this might go. The fact is their laws all favor the government. Free speech is normally crushed by judicial fiat if it conflicts with the liberal sensibilities of the extremely liberal left leaning courts. They can brag all they want about Canada being so “Progressive”. That is the problem. Say something the wrong way they will keep your ass in court till your broke.

  7. I read about this a few days back.

    How is this enforceable? Canada is big Country and there are a lot of remote communities that are largely inaccessible by conventional means. A lot of these communities are VERY indigenous, VERY pro-gun and VERY distrustful of the government.

    Is the RCMP going to travel hundreds and hundreds of miles and go door to door for confiscation of these tools? I truly hope that there is non-compliance.

    Also worth consideration is that Alaska is pretty damn close to Russia. With the possible failure of the US supply chains, and with Canada disarmed, would it really be too far of a stretch to expect a Sino-Rus “outreach program” in a few years? I kinda doubt it, but you never really know at this point.

    Nobody expected this asshole of a situation we’re in right now, but here we are. Could be worse, though.

    I really wish that the people in the urban centers had a better understanding of the importance of self-preservation and defense. “Roof Koreans” is a great example of how when shit goes bad, we need to step up – I use this example a lot.

    Regarding Trudeau – that was a very scummy thing to do. My hope is that the people will take back their liberties.

    • How is it enforceable? There’s a joke that goes like this: You know why you don’t need to put a lid on a Canadian lobster pot? Because if one lobster tries to get out the others will drag him back in. Its enforceable because Canadians are all about ‘the greater good’ and will narc on each other.

      • Eh, crab mentality – I’m familiar. Ask anyone in the corporate environment. Once it’s announced that you’re leaving the safety of the…whatever…you’re regarded with some suspicion by your fellow pot-mates, so I see your point.

        I still have hope for non-compliance.

        It’s a shame that this is even a topic of discussion, and I’m on the side of the border that put Men on the Moon.

        What happens elsewhere affects us, too. We’re not isolated anymore, as a populace.

        We are, however, “Alone Together” – whatever that means.

        Like Heroin, DoubleSpeak is so passe. It’s now commonplace.

    • Canada has slipped in status for the last many. They can’t even get their military to the middle east or Europe for NATO exercises without the USAF military airlift command. The most modern transport plane they have is the C130 Hercules. They fly F16 Fighting Falcons but haven’t enough to cover the entire country. Most intercepts of Russian Tupolev bombers near Canadian airspace is by USAF fighters. At this point in time we have F35 Lightening squadrons flying from Alaskan airfields.
      Canada is a Socialist country. Much like what you find in Europe. People totally conditioned to never question the government and go along to get along. Trudea is the worst PM they have had in a while. But he is an uber Socialist like his father who was not all that great. The media here spent more time covering Trudeas mother. As she was scandalizing both Ottawa and New York with her sexcapades and antics. Petite Justan is a typical new age Marxist but like his mentor the man from Kenya he is exceedingly stupid. No common sense but man is he into the New Green deal in Canada. Electricity rates are at $500 per month Canadian. That is for the new carbon cap and trade taxes. Even with the world oil glut and fuel prices falling here. They have seen fuel double in price since the start of the year. And their prices were running five Canadian dollars per litre.
      Canada under Trudea is a mess. He is an idiot and not likely to change. If the Canadians are lucky there will be new elections soon. The only reason Trudea won in 2015 is because Obama sent money and some of his campaign staff to take over Trudaes sputtering campaign. Larry Summers and other members of the Obama inner circle were dispatched to Canada to rescue poor little Justan. So they are where we were in 2012 when the Kenyan dummy was re-elected by stolen votes.

      • Won’t argue your many valid points which I agree with, but a couple of minor details. We do in fact have several C-5s for long-range transport and we have never flown the F-16. We’re still using the original “Canadianized” F/A-18s that Trudeau Sr. was involved in purchasing.

        • The C5 Galaxy has been put of our inventory for some time. Maybe Canada bought some of the surplus. We may have a few Guard units flying them. The biggest reason for our switch was the M1 and M1A Abrams tanks can be transported on the C17 without having to remove the turret. From what I have been told by friends in Canada you folks were flying F16s because they are cheaper to buy and operate. Which was the original idea of the platform to begin with. Originally developed for use by foreign countries sakes were very weak simply because the Fighting Falcon wasn’t being flown by our Air Force. That is why we fly the plane now. We had similar issues with the F5 Scoshi Tiger. Another small fighter in use during the Vietnam war. The South Vietnamese air force flew them. They were also used at the Top Gun school flown by pilots playing aggressor roles.

          • Sorry, I incorrectly stated we flew C-5s. That was incorrect. We bought several C-17 Globemasters back in 2007, which are used for heavy lift and long-range transport. However Canada has never flown the F-16, except when it was in competition to be Canada’s future fighter aircraft with the F-18 back in the early ’80s. The Hornet was chosen and we never bought any Fighting Falcons.


  8. Canadian here, and for the foreseeable future still a law-abiding gun owner. The whole thing is a mess, and based on how the OIC was written it’s a joke. Basically an OIC is an order-in-council, kind of like an executive order. So no there was no debate in Parliament, no oversight by legislators, which may actually be beneficial in the long run given how badly written the order is. It turns out that based on the way it was either carelessly or maliciously written that a ton of shotguns and legit hunting rifles have also been prohibited over and above the scary black guns the urban “progressive” masses were salivating to have banned. They also gave an exemption to First Nations that allows them alone to keep using these “no one needs an assault weapon” firearms for the next couple of years. So these “assault weapons” that are too dangerous for the rest of the population to own and aren’t well suited for hunting are going to be left in the hands of the FN to hunt with. Okey dokey. I suspect it’s a shallow attempt for Trudy to score points with the Indigenous voters, but I’d also suggest it’s because he knows it’ll be a bloodbath if he sends the cops onto the reserves to confiscate anything, much like at Oka. There’s going to be a number of court challenges filed when the courts open back up after the virus rolls through. Despicably convenient that Trudy politicized a tragedy during a pandemic while Parliament was shut down to ram through his ideological bullshit. Another good question is just how they ever thought it was going to be enforceable. When Trudy’s predecessors back in the ’90s rolled out a gun registry it was not-surprisingly also a disaster for them to manage. They’d estimated it was going to cost a few million bucks to administer and ended up being a multi-billion dollar boondoggle that the cops admitted only helped out in less than a handful of criminal cases, like maybe two or three cases. A large number of gun owners didn’t register anything and stuffed their guns into the attics or behind wallboards, and they all magically reappeared when Stephen Harper’s conservatives scrapped the registry when they came to power. The same will happen again this time. Several of the firearms they banned, like the Mini-14, were previously considered “non-restricted” which meant there was no record of you owning it, so long as you had a valid PAL you could buy one and the government wouldn’t know. Now that it’s prohibited and basically a safe-queen for the near future, I don’t think Trudy has any idea how to go about locating and confiscating them. He probably thinks people will just kneel down and turn them in when the time comes. And sadly, there will be some that do just that for fear of losing that “law-abiding” status. The whole thing is still developing and every day brings out new revelations about it and there’s a whole bunch of logistical details Trudy never thought about ahead of time. A real “ready…fire…aim” kind of situation. Not a great time to be a gun owner in the great, white North at the moment, everyone’s walking on eggshells, but it’s going to separate the wheat from the chaff.

  9. Believe it or not they initially put Black Rifle Coffee Co. On that list of banned items. They banned Coffee.

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