
Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

Y’know, its tough to prepare for the upcoming apocalypse and not get political about it. Way back when (”Back in the day”) our friendly .fedgov used to give out brochures and blueprints for making your own bomb shelters. Now Tom Ridge, the grasshopper of “The Ant And The Grasshopper” says that if we all just store three days of food and water we’ll all be fine. I suppose the only upside to this is that if youre stupid enough to believe that then the world will be a better place when you die because you didnt know how to use a gas shutoff wrench, staunch the bleeding in your leg from the broken window, or asphyxiated because you lit your barbecue grill indoors.

You want Homeland Security? Put me in charge…I’ll show you Homeland Security. Government pamphlets on preparedness, tax credits, surplussed military rations and equipment given to states for their own emergency agencies, completely non-porous borders, disaster response teams that work…and funded quietly and cheaply.

Ah well…chaos brings change…control the chaos and you can control the change. Maybe some sort of horrible national tragedy is whats needed to effect a sea change among the sheeple. What sort of change is needed? Very simple – get people back the the way of thinking that made this country great … that each person was responsible for their self and their families. That government assistance was something to be eschewed and avoided at all costs. You get people away from the idea that government is their mommy and you start getting people who want smaller government..and smaller government is good.

Really, the well-being of others is not my concern. My concern is the well-being of me and my tight little circle of LMI’s.