Annnnnnd…we’re back

Ok, back to business…

We’ve had some rain here the last couple days and the pollen count is off the charts. For the first time in years, my hayfever has kicked up with a tremendous amount of sneezing, headaches, and sinus activity that almost qualifies me to be a hagfish.

Summer is coming soon and it is entirely possible it will be a “summer of ’68” sort of affair with all sorts of fun activities like protests, riots, and the occasional drive-by. I do not envy those living in densely populated urban areas. Again, my rather little homogenous corner of the planet seems relatively distant from these sorts of things.

On the other hand, the economy is rather fluid and that superflu thing is still out there. (Although who can really say how nasty it really is, what with reports of doctored numbers popping up.)

2020 is indeed an interesting year. And we haven’t even gotten to the crapfest that will be the presidential elections. If it weren’t for the fact that this is happening in my own country I would be highly entertained and amused to watch it unfold.

10 thoughts on “Annnnnnd…we’re back

    • I make a nasal spray from generic Afrin – $2 from Dollar General. 1 part Afrin to 8 parts saline (which I make from un-iodized salt and distilled water (that I distill myself)). I reuse the empty Afrin bottle.
      I try to stay away from steroids as much as possible.

      It’s very cheap and works very well. Win-win.

  1. Just when I think it can’t get any more stupid I am proved wrong..
    Keep your eyes open and your head down.

  2. The way life worked out we recently moved from a town of about 25k to a homogenous village of several hundred. It wasn’t totally planned, just kind of happened.

    Then things went all race riot ish. Very glad we moved.

  3. Generic Zirtec is a big part of my preps… No rioting yet but it’s pretty sad to see many of the town’s small businesses trying to reopen while begging employees to return to work and get off the super dole they’ve been enjoying. Lot’s of hiring ads but I’m afraid that too many will go bust because they won’t be able to pay the wages that are going to be demanded by newly “empowered” workers…


  4. Ever heard of “cliodynamics”? Me neither. Found it by accident(?). Supposedly this guy, Peter Turchin, articulated *years* ago that 2020 (based on his models), would be one of these rare, multi-generational years of radical, global change.

    Interesting stuff, not unlike all the “4th turning” chatter I was reading years ago. I’m not advocating or endorsing it. Just catches my eye.

  5. We are in a fairly populous east coast metro area (around 2 million). Had been renting in an area where you got a new neighbor every 6 months.

    Finally bought a house in a rural subdivision that is 10 miles from a town with an actual police force. Now I have enough space to actually store a some things, so food stores have gone up. Only have to go to two every 2 weeks or so.

    Our current version of interesting times feels much safer from this distance. Wish I was in Texas or Montana, but you have to make do.

  6. CZ, I’ve found that the “Ketotifen Fumarate” (which is an eye antihistamine) works wonders on drying my sinuses out!

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