Tidying up the bunker

Originally published at Notes from the bunker…. You can comment here or there.

So, I had resolved yesterday to do *something* everyday to further The Cause Of Zero. SO, how’d that go? Not bad. I re-inventoried the clothing I have stashed away in the bunker and, in a fit of efficiency, vaccuum sealed it all..each item with its own little label. Why vaccuum sealed? Couple reasons..for one thing, there were a dozen pairs of wool glove/mitten liners and the last thing I need to do is be freezing to death, open the box, find twelve bands of elastic and a six-pound moth. It also compresses things nicely so they take up less space. And, of course, it protects them from damp and water…so if I have to haul that box to a waiting vehicle in the middle of a heavy rain or snow and I trip and the box goes flying, scattering its contents…no prob..its all still clean, dry and safe. Multiple redundancy is the name of the game.

So that was yesterday…today, I’m printing out a small list off of my Excel listing all the clothing that is contained in the box and affixing that list to the outside of the box for easy sorting.

While I was at it, I did some re-arranging of things in the bunker as well. I had alot of 6-gallon buckets sitting around getting underfoot so I moved them around, consolidated a few items into milk crates, that sort of thing.

I think todays Deed will be fairly simple…move to the bunker all the things that I’ve let stack up in my living room that Ive been meaning to take down there and put them away.